《Ghost World Academia》0-Ryuga Aragi



A young boy, our protaganist, wakes up in his bed.

“Ryuga! Wake up, sweetie.”

The person calling our protagonist is none other than his mother, Kaori Aragi.

“I am awake mother. I will come downstairs once I am done changing.”

The boy who has a well-built body and black hair walks inside the bathroom. He stands in front of the mirror brushing his teeth.

After brushing the teeth, the boy takes a bath in his own bathroom and changes into his uniform. Soon he makes his way down to the living room where the dining table is.

"My name is Ryuga Aragi, age 16, I just graduated from Middle-School about 2 months ago and now I am in the first year of my high-school. My mother’s name is Kaori Aragi and my balding father is Hiro Aragi. He is sitting next to the dining table.

My mother, she is a normal housewife who takes care of our house while my father is a police officer. He is a normal police officer in this abnormal world."

An inner monologue from Ryuga.

Ryuga pays attention to the news broadcast. It said about some kind of conflict between Ghosts and Illuminati that will soon be taking place.

"Ghosts, they are basically what you would call superheroes. The UN decided that because the name Ghosts sounds cooler than the superheroes, they will name them Ghosts. Oh, did I mention that the leader of the UN is a 13-year-old kid with crazy superpowers."

An inner monologue from Ryuga.

“Ryuga you should eat your food sweetie, it might get cold.”

"Yeah mother, I will eat soon."

"The Ghosts were originally discovered 80 years ago. It was due to a portal that had appeared in the middle of the Tokyo area right after World War 2. Various types of different creatures came to us from another world. Altirizers, Angels, Demons, Vampires, Orcs. The list just keeps on going on and on.

Why did the creatures come to us? They were low on resources. Altirizers needed fuel to recharge them, demons didn’t have enough dead souls, vampires didn’t have enough blood to feed on and many more had many other reasons. Surprisingly enough, these creatures weren’t hostile towards us and had a very kind attitude to us.


We humans being the greedy being we are, we wanted to learn more about their powers and world. So far all we came to know in the last 80 years or so, we humans have limiters, a total of 5 limiters to be exact."

An inner monologue from Ryuga.

“Alright honey, see you later. You better take care of yourself.” Kaori happily escorts Hiro to the house’s exit.

"Through what I have learned, you have to break through two of the five limiters that exist to become a Ghost. Each limiter makes a human body exceedingly strong. I know about the first limiter, it’s supposed to give you super strength or so I have heard. So, basically, you can do all the heavy lifting work like lifting a building or a boulder. So yeah, a human body becomes way much stronger than a normal human body if that makes any sense and of course not all humans can break through their limiters. If they forcefully try to break through their limiters, their own body will shatter from the sheer force that the limiter puts on their body.

Anyways, my father thinks that the Ghost system makes things easier for the police but personally I know he hates it. Like even the basic things like stopping a robbery are meant to be done by lower-ranked Ghosts. So, what kind of part does police even play in this system?"

An inner monologue from Ryuga.

Kaori sits next to Ryuga,

“Now then, you want to say what’s wrong with you?”

Kaori’s question confuses Ryuga.

“What do you mean?”

Ryuga asks Kaori.

One can clearly see that Ryuga is avoiding eye contact with his mother.

“I mean, you have been down since you have got back home yesterday. Is there any reason for it?”

Kaori keeps on poking Ryuga not only by words but she also pokes her finger in Ryuga’s cheek which is quite puffy.

Ryuga sighs,

“You see, I broke up with Mayumi. That’s all that was on my mind since yesterday.”


Ryuga says.

“Ah, so the prediction came true, huh? But you know, you said something wrong.”

Kaori says.


Her poking on cheeks continues while Ryuga looks straight towards the television in front of him.

“You weren’t the one who broke up with Mayumi, she broke up with you.”

Kaori says with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s just like you said a long ago. She would break up with me and now that’s what happened. I should have listened to you.”

Ryuga says to Kaori with disappointment written all over his face.

Kaori keeps on poking Ryuga’s cheek,

“I am your mother after all.”

Kaori says with a smile.

Ryuga looks back at Kaori and smiles,

“Yeah a cute mother who has a balding husband.”

“Is that so?” Suddenly, a slipper appears out of nowhere and hits Ryuga in the face,

“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! THAT HURT!”

Ryuga falls to the ground.

“Hmph! That’s what you get for insulting the only man I love.”

Kaori pouts and looks away from Ryuga.

That’s when Ryuga realized, “I shouldn’t joke about my father in front of my father...I don’t want another flying slipper in my face.”

Kaori smiles at Ryuga,

“You are my only boy that I love too, little Ryuga.”

That brings a smile to Ryuga’s face,

“I love you too, mother.”

With that, the little heart-warming conversation between Kaori and Ryuga comes to an end.Ryuga leaves for the first day in a new high-school.

“See ya later, mother.”

“See you later, sweetie.”

"You know, no kid loves going to school. A lot of kids instead want to sit at home and play some games. The only kids who love going to school nowadays are ones prepping to become Ghosts in near future. They always seem so excited about things like it’s the last thing in the world.)

Ryuga stands in front of a dark tunnel.

People who think that becoming these new heroic figures is great, they don’t really know what kind of world they are getting themselves into. I for one know what I have seen on the news. I listen to the news, listen to how some Ghost was just killed by some kinda bad guy, or how a Ghost turned corrupt and turned on his own guys. I see that shit every day but yet..."

An inner monologue from Ryuga.

“State your name!”

A voice so deep that can make someone shit their own pants commands Ryuga to say his name. “Aragi Ryuga.”

Ryuga obeys and states his name.

“Aragi Ryuga, age 17, year first, the reason for joining our academy because no other high-schools accepted your application, voice recognized, now I shall pull you in the dimension between two worlds.”

The voice goes on and on.

A Black Hand appears out of the tunnel and pulls Ryuga right inside the tunnel. This gives Ryuga a whole new meaning of a roller-coaster ride but even when this Black Hand was pulling Ryuga inside, Ryuga was as calm as the sea. It was like he didn’t have any expressions to express his feelings on this event.

The Black Hand drops him in front of a huge gate,

“Your ride is completed! I shall now leave.”

The Black Hand goes inside the huge gate.

"I personally, don’t want to be a Ghost but I was forced to be a Ghost, and right now, I stand right now in front of the high-school where people prepping to be Ghosts go. I stand in front of Ghost World Academy."

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