《Spirit Of The Forest (Dropped)》Chapter 8: Quest Received


Den’s POV

Den looked around at the red haired girl, then subconsciously raised his hand to grab onto hers. Then was pulled onto his feet. The girl started walking up the stairs that she was blocking from view earlier. Den followed after her.

She’s surprisingly strong. Must be a high leveled npc? Let's see now I should be able to check my status. Ummm… Status.

A blue screen popped up in front of Den.

Name: Den Marcs






Summoned Hero

System Holder

Quests:0 Active








Den looked at the screen in confusion. Which showed when the girl asked.

“Anything wrong Hero?”

“Oh. Nothing is wrong”,Den hastily replied back. He then looked back at his stats and started thinking.

Are these suppose to be the stats of a normal player? I feel that these might be a little high. I guess I’ll check my titles maybe they have something that might explain these abnormal stats.

Den concentrated on each title one by one as three more blue screens popped up.


Since player is from another world he brings knowledge with him and has greater ingenuity in a medieval era.

Effect: +10 to Wisdom and Intelligence

Summoned Hero

A hero needs to be above average at least right? Magic does not exist is previous world so bonuses to intelligence and wisdom are not added.

Effect: +10 to Strength, Agility, Defence, and Stamina

System Holder

Integrated the system from previous world into current one.

Effect: Allows player to use status and identify(low leveled). Other features are currently locked.

Den read the text boxes in surprise since the game somehow integrated real life into the game itself. Den closed all the boxes, looking up he finally realized that the girl was slowing down and stopped in front of a door. It was a wooden door with ornate carvings across it, two guards were standing next to the door as if guarding it. The girl looked towards one of the guards and asked.


“Is my father in?”

The guard that was spoken to replied.

“Yes Princess, but he’s currently dealing with a problem from the nobles so he will take a bit of time.”

The guard then noticed Den behind Tana and asked.

“And who is this man? I don’t recognize him”

“This man is a candidate for being my personal guard so I’m taking him to see father for his review.”

The guard looked surprised as he looked over Den again, then he nodded before saluting and stood with his body parallel to the door. Den listened to the conversation attentively and picked up some facts.

So the girl is a princess. Then I will be meeting the king then, but why not say I’m the hero? Don’t these storylines usually work like this? Lets check the princess stats then.

Den concentrated on the princess while thinking status. Another blue screen came up.

Name:Tana Kirvo


Occupation: Princess

Job: Paladin

Title:Weapon Princess

Flame Goddess’ Chosen









Den thought the stats were a bit low compared to the princess’ level, but he just assumed it was because of his extra boosts from his titles.

Maybe my stats will only grow by a point or so every time I level up.

His thoughts were broken as the ornate door was slammed open as a fat man with way too much jewelry came storming out.

Looks like whatever complaint he had wasn’t taken seriously by the king? Well it's none of my business anyhow.

After the fat man turned the corner of the corridor the princess walked in so Den followed. The guards closed the door behind Den as he walked into a room as intricately decorated as the door.


It was rather small for what he assumes would have been a throne room, since it only had enough space for maybe thirty people. Sitting on the throne was a man who looked around fifty with a gilded crown on his head. He had a tired look on his face as if he just finished dealing with a long line of idiots.

“Father”, the girl named Tana said while slightly bowing her head,”I’ve brought the summoned hero.”

The man’s face broke into a smile as he looked over the form of Den.

“Welcome Hero.”,he said while smiling.

“Hello, your highness.”,Den replied back while bowing.

It pays to be courteous to the npcs especially if they are royalty.

The king nodded and then his expression turned serious.

“Now you may be wondering why I summoned you. Well the answer to that is two fold, one is that monsters are growing stronger and we need a hero to end their terror, the second reason is a rather personal request of mine.”,the king said while standing up before walking in front of Den and bowing,”please cleanse my nation of its problems.”

Den was surprised at the king bowing to him since he would have thought a king wouldn’t just bow to a person he just met. Then a small blue box appeared.

Quest Received:Save the Kingdom!

Den looked at the box as it expanded.

Quest: Save the Kingdom!

King Arthur Kirvo has requested that you save his kingdom from monsters and itself.

Rewards:Ability to return to previous world

Den’s face slowly changed as the words from the quest box sunk in. He instantly said.

“Log out”

Nothing happened. Den started panicking.

“Log out! Log out!”

Another box popped up.

System will not allow player to log out until quest is done. System urges the player to clear the quest.

“Ummm? Excuse me? Hero? What are you saying?”,the king looked at Den in confusion since Den looked panicked and was breathing heavily.

Den took several deep breaths before recomposing himself.

So this is the infamous hero summoning? As much as I would like hit whichever god decided to summon me I guess that won’t solve the problem. I just need to save a kingdom and I can go home.

Den looked at the king and replied with determination.

“I accept this request.”

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