《Spirit Of The Forest (Dropped)》Chapter 4: Princess' Task


Princess’ POV

“Princess. Your Father wishes to speak with you.”,a maid said while walking into a room that looked way too expensive to be practical. From the expensive uncomfortable carpets. To the best that could fit six to ten people. .

The maid walked over to the bed and pulled back the giant covers to reveal a teenaged girl about seventeen with fiery red hair, albeit disheveled. The princess looked up with bleary black eyes at the maid, clearly dissatisfied that she was being woken at this hour.

The maid stared back, waiting for the princess to finish with her little fit. The princess sighed and stood up indicating that the maid could proceed with dressing her in one of those impractical dresses.

While she stood there being stuck into a horrid dress she thought to herself.

I still have no idea why I have to wear this to meet father. This dress isn’t good for anything, but to obstruct my movements. What if a assassin broke in? I can’t defend myself with a frilly dress.

The maid had finally completed her job. Now the princess was in a elegant light blue dress with light waves along the bottom part, her red hair contrasted greatly with the dress.

“Now princess if you would follow me”, the maid said with a slight bow of her head.

“Yes, yes lead on Rose”,said the princess while grumbling to herself,”not like I don’t know a place I have lived in for over seventeen years.”

The princess followed the maid out of the room and into a ornate hallway with way too many expensive items just sitting on the walls.

Painting, painting, expensive vase, pointless picture, family crest created from pure gems. Why do even need this stuff? To keep all the maids busy? To catch the thieves that exist in our imaginations?


Princess and maid continued down the hall until they reached a large ornately carved door. The maid knocks on the door while saying.

“Your majesty, Princess Tana is here to see you.”

A aged voice could be heard through the door.

“Yes, tell her she can come in.”

The maid pushed open the door and then directed Princess Tana into the room before shutting it again. Tana walked towards the king and then bowed.

“You called father?”

The king was a man who looked about fifty and had a tired expression on his face as if he had just gone through several weeks worth of paperwork. But deep in his eyes you could see a small flame as if there still was a little adventure in him.

“Yes, Tana I heard you reached level 100 two days ago?”

Tana nodded.

“Level 100 at seventeen. Truly talented my daughter.”

Tana nodded again before saying.

“Father you didn’t just call me here to congratulate me on this point right?”

“Ha! Of course not. You remember how every king or queen that took over the mantle of the royal family had some sort of accomplishment before ascending?”

“Yes I know, but what does that have to do with me currently. If I may say father other than your slightly tired complexion, don’t look like you're gonna drop dead any time soon, so I believe that it isn’t urgent for me to do such a task yet.”

“Well”,the king said while spreading his arms wide as if to explain,”I thought we might as well get it out of the way.”

“So what’s the assignment then?”,Tana asked with a bit of excitement in her voice.

I can actually do something worthwhile with my training.


“Now, now Tana don’t get ahead of yourself let me see your stats.”

Tana pulled a necklace with a bright colored stone from under her dress and walked over to the throne handing it to her father. See, this stone was called a status stone something like a adventurer's card, but showed more details. What came up was.

Name:Tana Kirvo


Occupation: Princess

Job: Paladin

Title:Weapon Princess

Flame Goddess’ Chosen









“Quite the impressive numbers don’t you think?”,the king said.

“If you say so”

The king handed back the status stone before taking a couple minutes to ponder. A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head as he clapped his hands together.

“I know! We can have you clear the Mother’s Tree dungeon! That should be a sufficient achievement to prove your strength.”

Tana looked surprised at this idea and then asked.

“The Mother’s Tree dungeon? You mean the one that only the HERO could clear?”

“Of course it's that dungeon. It would be quite good for the future queen having the ability on par with the hero.”

“And I’m suppose to clear this dungeon alone?”,Tana asked nervously since although talented that dungeon was no joke.

“Heavens no. You think I would throw you in there without at least some help? No, no that won’t do. Lets see. Hmmmm. Let's have a squad of royal guards go along. That should be sufficient for you to get reach the end.”

Tana continued hesitating about this because of one specific reason. The king noticed this hesitation before asking.

“Something else worrying you?”

Tana nodded again then said.

“What about the monster hordes that is so frequent at the Mother’s Tree?”

The king laughed a hearty laugh and then said.

“I just got a report from the guild master at the Mother’s Tree that a monster horde just occurred, so the chance of another forming is low. Don’t worry too much about that. You’re blessed by the Flame Goddess. With this blessing alone you should be able to clear most of the dungeon with ease.”

Tana thought about these facts a little more before nodding her head. The king smiled then waved at her indicating she was dismissed. As she walked back towards the ornate door her father spoke again.

“You’ll do just fine. Believe in the Kirvo blood running in your veins.”

Tana opened the door to see the maid standing outside as if waiting for her. Then right before closing it she replied

“I will father. I will”

Tana then shut the door. Turning towards the maid she said.

“I need to prepare for a dive on the Mother’s Tree. Inform the others in the palace to get my equipment ready. His royal highness should be directing the royal guards soon. We will set out in a week.

The maid bowed and then quickly walked away to inform the others in the palace.

Tana then looked out the window, her hair catching in the morning sunlight causing it to look like a flame was dancing along the strands.

Mother’s Tree. I will conquer you!

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