《The Supreme Cultivator》New Skills


"Alright. Remember, after we split up, stay within audible range for when one of us has their ass handed to them, so come in and join the fun." Said the beanie-wearing man, prompting nods.

With an assault rifle in hand and a shovel hanging across their belt, their numbers slowly dwindled as the halls branched. Once the whole floor is cleared, they gathered back at the stairs with their hard earned hostages to meet up with the people who came from the ground.

After the hostages were taken to they gym, the group searches the floor below them, and repeat until all five floors have been wiped clean of students and teachers. Of course, there weren't that much except in the cafeteria since, well, it is lunch break after all.

As for Bòhé chá, he was calmly cultivating his tea techniques with his newly earned ability : [Real-Time Cultivation]. Basically, he doesn't need to be somewhere quiet or maintain a certain pose while cultivating, making it incredibly overpowered and broken, but what can you do to someone who has such techniques in their original training technique. Yes, he didn't get this ability out of nowhere: it turns out that after reaching a specific cultivation level, one is able to comprehend more of the 'Supreme Earth Shattering Sky Piercing Heavenly Destroying Tea Technique', hence its long and intimidating name.

"Hmm, my spider sen- I mean, my PlotOMeter feelings are tingling, I feel like I need to go to the gym for some reason." Mumbled Bòhé chá to himself after 30 mins of the helicopter's arrival.

Slowly, Bòhé chá dragged his legs down the stairs for a whole additional 30 minutes, finally reaching the gym.

In front of the door were two burly guys wearing pink sock masks, a yellow t-shirt with the phrase 'Why did the chicken cross the road?' on the left guard, while the other guard had a bright blue t-shirt answering with the phrase 'To lay eggs.', and both of them wore similar black jeans and crocs, heightening their intimidation.


But, in front of a guy like Bòhé chá who goes out without wearing neither underwear nor footwear, that seemed like nothing, so he walked by them and opened the gym door; however, he forgot that he still had his 'Transparent Tea Arts' still in use, hence the word "Ghost!" that came out of the guard's mouth.

Obviously, that word was shouted, which in turn lead to all of those in the gym to notice such a thing, this time making Bòhé chá realize that he had his Arts on.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Bòhé chá embarrassedly scratched his head before moving to a guard and dealing a blow to the stomach. Why? Well, what idiot won't notice a large amount of students all of them tied up, some with tears and snot covering their faces and then think 'Oh this is fine.', but that idiot isn't Bòhé chá.

While moving around, pummeling guard to guard, he accidentally dropped a tea bag that didn't go unnoticed by our one and only, 10 thousand year old ginseng, making her realize who is the one doing all of this; nevertheless, she is smart, so she didn't shout nor bring attention to this point.

On the other side, the guards were afraid, wanting to spray and pray that whomever is getting free knockouts right in front of their eyes would get hit, but if they did so, the students may be harmed, causing the government to take strong decisions and eradicate them, so what they could only do was swing around their weapons like a baseball bat in hopes of hitting the silent assassin.

Alas, their work was in vain, with Bòhé chá nimbly avoiding such erratic movements and knocking them out in one hit. After the last terrorist dropped on the ground, his concealed diamond ring shone, causing a screen in front of him to appear :


For having beat up 20 people, you have gained the chance to get a unique skill with the help of the Supreme Ring of Sages. Press continue to move onto the skill list. Continue?

Without pause, he pressed continue, causing the next menu to make his mouth gap..

Skill : Description : Stronger Plot Armor Can you see the other characters having stronger plot armor than you? Are you jealous? Be no more! With this skill, your friendly neighborhood plot armor will strengthen considerably, and rarely will you ever feel like bad luck is on your side. Author Chat Aren't you mad that the author keeps screwing around with your life? Want to give him a piece of you? Well, lucky you! Today is the one and only Author Chat with a discount of 80 knock outs, making it 20! Get it now rather than later! Extreme Tea Brewing Does your tea taste like crap? Have you ever wanted to make tea so good that ginsengs travel across the globe just to taste it? My friend, you are in luck, because with this skill no one will be able to match you in the ability to make tea. So stop thinking and take it!

Bòhé chá gulped audibly, seeing that amazing choices present before him, he started shaking, his mind working overdrive for 10 whole minutes, not knowing what was happening on the other side of the room.

Seeing that the terrorists are all down, the 10 thousand years old ginseng didn't hesitate to stand up and go around to one of the art club students, taking a scissor and cutting off the cable ties around her slim, snow coloured, jade-like wrists.

The students, who had their eyes dimmed out, started feeling better, taking off each other's cable ties and grouping up so that they could stampede over any of the guards that might come toward them.

"On my mark, 3... 2...1... GO!" With a cute yet effective war cry from the 10 thousand years old ginseng, the students marched outside the gym, leaving Bòhé chá whose finger is about to touch the screen..

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