《The Supreme Cultivator》Tea sandwich


"What is your importance to the plot?" - This was the first question asked to the boy called Sirén Dong.

He was amused, certainly so since none of his predicted questions came to reality, rather, one that no one in the class expected. And because of that, he was going to take a while to come up with the answer, however, just as he was about to open his mouth, the teacher unjustly cut him off, causing the question to be skipped.

Alas, those words never flew away from his mind. What is my importance to the plot? What is the plot? Am I in some sort of story? Those thoughts never stopped in his head as he monotonously answered questions ranging from his sexuality to his drink preference, and the answer to that was he liked orange juice.

While Bòhé chá didn't care, some others did, for some reason.

Anyhow, as he kept answering questions, he decided in his mind that first thing after break starts is talk to Bòhé chá, since this reeks of strangeness, not to mention the fact that a 'transfer student' in the middle of the semester isn't normal at all, in fact, it is mostly used to introduce mysterious beautiful ginseng to be won over by the protagonist, but he was neither mysterious nor a beautiful ginseng, yet, he is still a 'mid term transfer student'.

Finally, the introductions were finished, and he was told to sit in one of the chairs between the class' beauties, but he never knew the reason as to why so, nevertheless, why should he refuse?

While settling down, he noticed Bòhé chá staring at him, but then looking a few chairs away, a ginseng stared daggers at the uncaring Bòhé chá, causing Sirén Dong to grin slightly as he fixed himself in his chair and listened to the teacher.


Unsurprisingly, one of the ginsengs next to him slipped a paper to him, reading : "Call me later. XXXXXXXXX. xoxoxox"

An obvious attempt at hooking up with him, but he didn't wish for someone to pursue him, in fact, he wanted the opposite - In other words, he wanted to be the pursuer, since due to his professionally made backstory, he was the pampered young master with the 'I want this, I get this' tendencies, and he got sick of it, now becoming a masochist who wants to pursue ginsengs rather than let them come to him.

What a weirdo, thought the author.

He glanced at the ginseng in a noticable way for her to see, but she appeared listening to the teacher, so he just sighed inwardly and tucked the paper in his pocket then concentrated on the class.

Hours pass by, papers were written on, others' papers were not, such as Sirén Dong and Bòhé chá who have incredible memory and concentration, proving further that Sirén Dong has a reason for being here, alas, he didn't know about that and only thought it was the norm to have such an ability.

Finally, the bells hit everyone's ears to signify the class ending, and the start of the break.

Instantly, Sirén Dong sat up and rushed towards Bòhé chá before anyone had the chance to strike up a conversation with him. But, the author isn't so kind to let him away, hence the teleporting students who stood in his way to ask mundane and useless questions such as 'What is life?' and whatnot.

In the meantime, Bòhé chá had escaped to buy himself some lunch, completely ruining the plan.

What happened to Bòhé chá, who was the one that asked the most important question of them all? Well, since this is a third person prespective, we are able to delve into his mind just after he asked the question..


"Oh well, guess he isn't important." Yes, that is basically it.

What about when he stared at Sirén Dong? It was completely by coincidence, and he was only scanning Sirén Dong's impossibly handsome face out of jealousy at that point.

Oblivious to this fact, Sirén Dong noticed far too late that Bòhé chá left, and submit to the author's will of spending the rest of the day with the social butterflies and normies..

As for Bòhé chá, he was feeling quite happy since the bullies' quote on quote friendship had collapsed, with Qing kafei being the only pillar that supports them, thus ending the bullying.

Now using his hard earned money (allowance), he was buying himself some unknown sandwich made of pure tea, and how that works is only something that the world itself knows..

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