《The Supreme Cultivator》Sushi


With light steps, Bòhé chá jogged around the neighborhood while admiring the sunrise.

Coincidentally, he ran past the same alley that changed his life, so he decided to go in and see if anything has changed.

Deeper into the alley he went, but just in the corner, he could hear two people talking in whispers, so he got curious and tried to listen in on them.

"Hey, you got the sushi package I asked you for?" Said the man with a shady brown jacket to the other man who was wearing a black jacket of the same type.

"Yep, fresh sushi, just make sure you don't use them all up very quickly." Replied the black jacket man with a slight laugh.

Both of them were wearing sunglasses and a muffler, and their hair was covered by a hat each, so unless you can see through clothes, one cannot know who those two are.

"Heh, I coincidentally listened in on the most important parts, but doesn't that guy look too short?" Thought Bòhé chá as he glanced at the brown jacket man.

Alas, he had no method of knowing who that guy is, so he tried to move away as if he didn't hear anything, but life isn't so merciful, and he stepped on a stick in the alley, alerting the ones in the corner.

"Who's there?" Said the black jacket man after pulling out a baton.

Bòhé chá had two choices, run away or run away, he chose the first one since both of them were the same.. Or so he thought, but the first choice was a trap, and the proof to that is..

"Hey, someone heard us, surround the place." Said the brown jacket man in a walkie talkie.

Cold sweat ran down Bòhé chá's cheeks; he knew that there is no way out other than protecting himself, so he jumped out of his spot and ran towards the two people, but one of them muttered "Y-you!" As if knowing Bòhé chá.


"Don't come closer or I'll dip you in hot water!" Shouted the guy in the brown jacket as he pulled out a knife.

Bòhé chá sneered then dashed at the man in black, since he was the closest, and in the blink of an eye, he kicked the man in the nuts, making them explode.

"N-no! Stay back! I-i.. I need to business with this sushi, please stay away!" The man in brown got scared and muttered out something that made Bòhé chá's mind go blank.

Sushi.. Buisness.. Nuts..


Bòhé chá stood there, staring blankly with a mouth agap at the man in brown, but the man in brown took the opportunity to slash at Bòhé chá, causing Bòhé chá's clothing to get cut.

Underneath his clothes were 30 packs, causing the man in brown to retreat nervously away from the marverlous chest. He was shaking, but as he heard the sound of many people running, he started laughing.

"Haha! Unlucky guy, you shouldn't have come here!"

Hearing the steps and those words, Bòhé chá finally snapped out of his daze, then looked at his chest. It looked normal, no abs or anything, causing him to feel disheartened.

From the place he came from, came out 5 people with spikey hair and the usual hollow pipes, while wearing fashionably outdated clothing, such as the clunky leather sandals, checkered shorts and fedoras.

"Get down on your knees and pray you won't feel any pain." Said one of them.

"No." Replied Bòhé chá, causing that guy's face to turn red.

"You're courting death!"

They quickly ran at Bòhé chá and brandished their pipes, but Bòhé chá's body became harder than.. a normal body, so the pipes caused little to no damage.

Soon enough, the pipes started getting bent, and Bòhé chá realized that they can't damage him, so he started acting more aggressive.

A punch to the face, a chop on the neck, a kick in the nuts, all of those combined caused massive amounts of damage to the 5 people, and they fell on the ground after coughing two mouthfulls of blood each, twitching.

Bòhé chá switched his gaze from the laying people onto the now shivering man in brown, so he went quickly to strip him of his disguise clothes..

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