《The Supreme Cultivator》Connected Through Dreams


With an aggressively beating heart, Bòhé chá shot up from his bed with sweat covering his face.

Under no circumstances did he imagine that he would be able to meet the Vicious_Ginseng, and also her being younger than him, but he thought that just like other dreams, it is only in his mind.

Switching his gaze onto his mobile phone on the table next to him, he realized that it is too early for him to wake up. Alas, his enchanced body only needs a little bit of sleep and nothing more.

Sighing, he sat on his computer to continue researching programming, since he had achieved many things last night.

If there was a progress bar on how much he reached in programming as a whole, then it would be 80%, and as he did that, he opened his bank account to see himself having 70 thousand dollars.

He smiled momentarily but it quickly faded as he concentrated back onto the computer, but then out of nowhere..


The door got forcefully opened, and on the other side came the true antagonist of this story.. The debt colle- I mean, the mother.

"I SMELL PLOT MONEY, WHERE?" She said as she stared at Bòhé chá with red eyes.

"Umm, can I transfer it to your bank account because I'm underage and I can't buy it?" Asked Bòhé chá after he slowly moved his head while creaking.

His mother smiled like an angel, but that further increased Bòhé chá's anxiety, but at the end, she accepted and took the money.

"It is still 5 am, how did she know.." It was indeed a strange thing, but the answer to that was in her words.

'Plot money', meaning that she knew due to plot. Plot is quite a strange thing, making Bòhé chá not know whether it is on his side or not.


Sighing outloud after his mother left, he stared at the computer for a while before closing it and deciding to go out for a jog. Programming can wait, he thought.

After he wore a t-shirt and shorts, he went out to jog, by jumping out of the window on his neighbor's flowers..


"Huh?" Asked a young ginseng as she sat up in her bed with sweat covering her face.

The day was still early, but that wasn't what mattered to her now. What mattered was that she met someone who seems to be the real life Tea_Cultivator, in other words, Bòhé chá.

Unable to continue sleeping, she opened up her computer and found him coincidently become online on skype just a few seconds later, but she didn't dare ask yet.

Her heart was beating just like a machine working overdrive, and then she asked "What kind of sorcery is this..?" But there was no one to answer her.

Unlike Bòhé chá who immediately got over it with the thought 'it was just a dream', she didn't think so, since it was way more vivid and specific, not to mention Bòhé chá's reaction to her being in the house and her name, both causing him to react differently and realistically.

Alas, she has no proof that this is real, unless she herself asks the Tea_Cultivator in her skype. "Is your real name Bòhé chá?" All of it takes is just a few pushes on the keyboard keys, and that is it, however, what will she do after then? Tell him that she met him in her dreams? What if he was a she or an old man acting as if they were the Bòhé chá she saw in her dream?

Many questions popped up one after another, however, she pushed them aside and encouraged herself to ask him. But, life is ruthless, and just as she was going to type the first word, he went offline, causing her to feel both disappointed and relieved.


Unfortunately, her curiousity hasn't died down one bit, in fact, it started to eat her up even more, but there is nothing she could do unless Tea_Cultivator gets online.

To stop herself from worrying and to empty her mind, she opened Osu!, and entered into a state of concentration that only she could enter, forgetting her worries and the world around her..

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