《The Supreme Cultivator》In Their Dreams


Inside a field planted with tea plants, she stood, basking under the glowing sun with her hair fluttering due to the cool breeze.

Her eyes darted around, unable to understand when and how she came here, but just like dreams always do, the reason started being fabricated.

She is here, and that is it. Her mind thought like such, so the dream started finally moving forward, just like 10 thousand year old Ginseng did.

She kept moving until she found a small river that has a sturdy-looking bridge laying upon it, and on the other side is a big house with a storage building right next to it.

On the stone bridge she walked, enjoying the amazing feeling of both the sun and the wind enveloping her, and the green scenery behind her.

And so she went to the house and knocked strong enough for those living in it to hear, and just 5 seconds later, an old man opened the door and open his eyes wide at the visitor.

It was a cute little Ginseng wearing a white dress with no sleeves and a short skirt, and her short silver hair and deep black eyes with a well-defined face and pale pink lips that enchant anyone of the same age as her, and sometimes even those older than her. Not to mention her jade-like legs that are being emphasized by the short skirt, increasing her allure by many levels.

But, the old man's only expression was wide eyes, quickly returning to his normal face and welcomed her into the home.

Thanking him, she entered, to find an assortment of very mediocre furniture, and just as she was looking, a sound came from somewhere in the house saying "Honey, who is it that came?"

It was an old woman's voice, who just came from behind a wall to find the 10 thousand year old ginseng.


"Oh, hello guest, would you like some tea?" The old woman gave a caring smile, so the 10 thousand year old ginseng accepted.

Urging the young ginseng to sit down on the couch as she made the tea, she left and came back in a few short minutes

"By the way, have you met our son? He was supposed to be outside cultivating tea." Said the woman with a worry in her tone after she sat on the couch opposite of the young ginseng's.

"No, sorry."

"Hmm... He has been cultivating tea for such a while now that his skill surpassed us in an unexpected way, to the extent that the other villagers now call him the Tea Cultivator."

Hearing those words, it felt as if a bell has rung in the young ginseng's head.

"Tea Cultivator?" She asked nervously.

"Yes. Oh you will probably meet him in an hour or so if you stayed here, I'd be glad if you kept us company."

Not finding a reason to refuse, instead, she wanted to see who this Tea Cultivator is, so she accepted.

Minutes went by in a flash as they talked about various topics ranging from the importance of tea to why coffee is terrible for the health and why they hate the coffee tribe, but just as they were going to speak about it, the front door opened.

"I'm back." Said a young man as he entered the living room, then his pupils contracted at seeing the new person in the house.

She looked years younger than him, but her looks were very appealing, alas, he only found her cute and nothing more.

"Hello, I'm 10 thousand years old ginseng, are you the Tea_(underscore)Cultivator?" She stood up and said in a hurry.


His contracted eyes became wide instead, making him flustered and ask "How, how did you know?" His nickname and secret nickname were nearly the same, but one couldn't know of the underscore in between.

Albeit blurry due to her dream state, she was able to see a somewhat mediocre looking man, with his black, wavy hair and brown eyes and a chisled face, he also seemed a bit on the handsome side.

"I am also called Vicious_Ginseng, it was nice to meet you." She smiled, making him cough a mouthful of blood.

Since it is proper manners to introduce yourself after others did, he said after coughing "I'm Bòhé chá, otherwise known as Tea_Cultivator, nice to meet you too."

Just as he said that, she blacked out, thus ending the dream..

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