《The Supreme Cultivator》The Aftermath


"No way! Vicious_Ginseng lost to a newcomer? He must be cheating!"

"I saw his hand movements and the gameplay, and I can safely say that either he is a master at the act of synchronizing with the auto mode, or he did it all legit."

"Yeah! We the ones picked by the author to support Tea_Cultivator against those burned due to the loss of Vicious_Ginseng will overwhelm y'all, so show us those wounds because we are about to pour in some salt."

"No! Not the 'ones picked by the author to support Tea_Cultivator against those burned due to the loss of Vicious_Ginseng', please have mercy!"

Bòhé chá smiled as he said the words "Good game." outloud to Vicious_Ginseng who sadly won't hear him since they aren't connected through a call, but the spectators did, and either they cheered loudly or denied his win with any type of logic, some denied it 'because Vicious_Ginseng cannot lose'.

With a skyrocketing popularity, an insane amount of donations and increasing the profiency of the 'Gaming' skill near the limits, Bòhé chá started laughing quietly before bursting.

Obviously he muted the microphone before laughing, otherwise they will see him as crazy, and he cares about his internet persona.

In the midst of the flame wars between the Tea's and the Vicious' fans, Vicious_Ginseng sneakily sent Bòhé chá a message on skype saying : "Congratulations, I guess the award of the best player goes to you now, huh." while feeling bitter.

Bòhé chá was only dense to one feeling, love, but just like any other human he could feel the bitterness in this message so he replied with "It was a nice match, and I gained a lot from it. I owe you one, so if you need anything, message me and I'll try to help as much as I could, although I don't know any information about you. )" He made sure to put a smiley face at the end.


As Vicious_Ginseng read this, she started feeling pathetic, since losing is part of life, so she replied "Thank you, but I'll make sure to beat you one day!"

"I'll look forward to it." With a grin on Bòhé chá's face, he ended the conversation, and seeing how his goal of 100 thousand is now more than 40% ready, his smile grew even bigger.

He deicded to end today's stream after a bit of contemplating, for a reason that is very normal for any human being.

To learn.

After saying that he owed her one, one of few things that he could help her with is if she needed a hacker, so he thought "Will plot bring me to a hacker vs hacker showdown?"

No one knows, but it doesn't hurt to be ready, and with those words, he felt excited, then started researching programming as a basis..


Meanwhile, a cute little Ginseng stared at her computer screen in a daze. Her heart beating due to the adrenaline from the intense battle, but her face looked very refreshed and also satisfied.

"Tea_Cultivator, huh.. I wish to meet them one day." She said, but she doesn't know whether it is a he or a she, as she never heard Tea_Cultivator's voice before, and the only time he said something, the voice was very inaudible, causing people to start speculating even more.

Gazing at the opened skype window in front of her, she smiled as she re-read the short conversation between them. Although it was short, her impression of him wasn't so bad, and she also felt affinity with him, but it she only thought that it was a mere feeling of rivalery, nothing more.

Seeing as he closed his stream, she opted to closing hers as well, then turning off the computer altogether.

She laid on her bed, feeling slightly tired, but what she didn't know.. is that she will dream about Tea_Cultivator..

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