《The Supreme Cultivator》The New School Life


After class ended, Bòhé chá was still in his meditation, but one of the boys next to him took the liberty to wake him up to get ready for next class.

Bòhé chá thanked the guy, then pulled out his.. notebooks and revised a little since this coming class is his most hateful class of all.


Like all, or most, asian characters, he hates English and finds it hard from the bottom of his heart, even though the author himself isn't English. Alas, he still knew that if he wasn't going to be ready for this class, his cultivated ass is going to get whalloped by the evil teacher's rubber dildo.

After memorizing the notes and barely understanding them with his low intelligence, the time has finally come, and the beautiful foriegn teacher with jade-like legs that are even jader (is that even a word?) than the 20 year old ginseng's jade legs.

"Now then, boys and girls, it is time for the English class, so take out your boring, old fashioned stories that the school gives you so we can start the lesson already. Also, Bòhé chá, after all of you guys open the book at page 45, you read." Said the 100 year old ginseng, as if hearing what the author wanted to do.

"Time to flaunt my new 'Language : English' skill, hehehe.." Snickered Bòhé chá inwardly, before standing up and starting to read the story.

"And so flew the birds, flapping their colourful wings while singing as if owning the world. Uncaring, and freedom that exceeds other creatures make them one that we always wish to become, relating freedom to birds at all time, but one knows that they as well do not have as much freedom as us." Paused Bòhé chá.

"We, as humans, are very intelligent, and also have four limbs, unlike birds, allowing us to create things that birds could not have imagined existed, so we made cars, planes, and rockets! Across the ocean we went. Hovering in the sky we did. On the Moon we stepped. But birds cannot do that, and never will." Stopped Bòhé chá, since the teacher had motioned him to shut up at this moment.


"Bòhé chá, did you have a brain surgery or something?" Said the 100 years old ginseng with jade-like legs.

"No, Sensei-" But before he continued, he was slapped with the rubber dildo.

"We are not Japanese! Don't use that word here!" Yelled the teacher as she abused Bòhé chá with the terrible object.

"Please, have mercy!" Begged Bòhé chá, making the teacher finally stop after 3 minutes of constant hitting.

Shaking in fear, he slowly got back in his seat, wary of being hit another time.

"Alright then, you, 0 year old ginseng, start reading." Pointed the teacher at a ginseng.


As she ginseng continued from where Bòhé chá left off, Bòhé chá himself entered into deep meditation once again, and the teacher didn't look at him again since he had already done well.

And still not noticing the gaze that is increasingly getting sharper by the second, as if going to molecular levels soon, but his undestructible, and dense castle held on, just as if a guy holding a wine bottle was trying to destroy a castle wall using it, but Bòhé chá didn't know that if the man had drank the wine before trying to breach the walls, he would have long been in ruins.

Anyhow, since the chapter has gone long enough, it will end with yet another cliff hanger in this not so boring new school life.

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