《The Supreme Cultivator》In the bus


Feeling courageous, he greeted her. "Hello, what do you think about the economy?"

Albeit confused, then realizing that he is trying to start a conversation with her, she said : "It's all went downhills from the first time economy existed."

"Hmm.." Thought Bòhé chá for a few seconds before finally introducing himself.

"I'm Bòhé chá, what is your name, dear Ginseng?"

"My name is 10 year old ginseng, Bòhé chá seems like a very nice name."

"Thanks." Said Bòhé chá while scratching his cheeks from embarrassment. "Yours too."

In the rest of the ride, they continued chatting, until they finally reached school, making Bòhé chá feel somewhat sad since he felt as if he had great synergy with her.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to ask for her number, so he had to go to his class in disappointment.

..Even though he found her to be quite a beautiful ginseng and have nice jade legs and even more jade legs, he resolved himself to meet her later, thus increasing her ranking from 10 year old ginseng into 20 year old ginseng.

In the meantime, he entered his class but no one cared, since people were coming every minute or so.

Sitting on his desk and putting down his bag, he was interrupted by his arch-nemisis.

Qīng kāfēi.

"Hmph, so the small guy came today too, looks like you still want me to dip you in hot water." Sneered Qīng kāfēi.

"Oh shut up, if you have any balls then jump off the building, would you?" Replied Bòhé chá sarcastically, causing Qīng kāfēi's face to already turn red.

"You'll pay for your arrogance, just wait until the day is over." Threatened Qīng kāfēi as he went back to his seat with his gang of bad guys.

"MAX luck, huh? What a joke.." Said Bòhé chá internally.


After 10 minutes, class is finally starting, and just as the teacher said the first word, Bòhé chá gained a new skill called 'Learning'.

How do you gain a skill called 'Learning'? No one knows, it is all due to plot.

Listening to the teacher, he became increasingly knowledgable (like most of his classmates), but then he found out that..

If me meditated in class while listening to the teacher, he'd be knocking off two birds with one stone dumbell!

With that thought in mind, he started meditating, finding the effects nearly instant since 'Learning' actually increases his 'Learning' capabilities, making it completely broken in various ways.

The teacher saw him closing his eyes, so with the normal teacher-ish thought of humiliating lazy students in his class, he called Bòhé chá to the board to solve the mathematical equation that he was just explaining.

Bòhé chá, with his upgraded sensitivity, heard the teacher call for them so he cancelled the meditation and stood up, then solved the equation on the whiteboard without even needing time to ponder.

"Very good, Bòhé chá. Looks like you were listening." Said the teacher.

"Yes, teacher." Smiled Bòhé chá.

"Now then, Wang Wank, come here and explain what Bòhé chá just did." Called the teacher for another boy then sent Bòhé chá back to his chair.

Satisfied, he didn't bother stare at the boy then went back to his meditation, not knowing that because of plot reasons, a gir- ginseng is now staring at him intensely, but with his acquisition of the RPG menu, he became as dense as a nuclear shelter made of whatever fantasy chinese metal there is...

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