《The Supreme Cultivator》Morning


Underneath the heavy cover, laid our very great Bòhé chá, meditating while sleeping.

With the birds chirping, the cold, winter breeze slowly cooling the air in contrast to the warm sun's work, and at the end the time finally reached 7 AM.


The roaring sound of the alarm clock scared away all the birds and overshadowed the sound of air hitting the windows, thus waking up Bòhé chá, softly.

"Mmm.. This was a great sleep." Said the deaf- I mean, Bòhé chá.

Now that he is awake, he turned off the still ringing alarm, finally ending the torture by sound for his neighbors.

In fact, most of his neighbors' kids who wake up at the same time decided to not purchase any alarm clocks since Bòhé chá's is loud enough to wake up the entire neighborhood, hence the parents wearing soundproof headphones at night.

Anyhow, he got up and dressed in an incredibly quick manner and prepared his school equipment, then prepared himself some breakfast for when he goes to school.

Just as he went down to the first floor and opened the fridge, he gained the 'Cooking' skill, so he thought..

"Time to create some 6 stars cuisine! (they don't exist)"

He held the plastic knife in hand, and a fork spoon in the other, then took out some cheese and made a sandwich, and with that, preparation is done.

"I wonder how many ginsengs I'll capture today, hehehehe.." Laughed Bòhé chá inwardly.

Finally, he heard his chinese nokia phone ring, and with that, he got outside the bus with all his clothes and the prepared school bag with the lunchbox (for breakfast), and when he entered, as luck would have it, he sat next to a beautiful ginseng.

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