《The Supreme Cultivator》Time to gamble


After 3 hours of playing and becoming the king of kings (emperor) at Osu!, he got his ass off the chair then thought :

"Oh crap, I forgot to do my homework!" Said Bòhé chá.

After more story filler, he finally finished, and became absolutely free.

"Alright, so.. What am I supposed to do?" Bòhé chá asked himself outloud.

"Just go and do some gambling, will ya'!?" Yelled Bòhé chá's mother, knowing that gambling is one of the top things a cultivator does after gaining power.

"But we don't need money!" Shouted Bòhé chá back.

"Just go and buy me the latest car on the market or no tea."

Cold sweat ran down his cheeks as he opened the browser on his computer and looked for methods to increase his odds of winning in gambling, and what do play and what to not.

"All right! I just need to play with dices, that's all I need!"

Since he gained the 'Gambling' skill while researching, he can confidently say that..

He will cultivate until he can raise his skills up while cultivating at the same time, and with that, he entered into deep meditation for more hours until it became night..


After some time travelling in between lines, Bòhé chá had became level 5, gaining the ability to cultivate both skills and stats while meditating, thus gaining the new stat called 'Luck'.

Yes, THAT 'Luck', the one that is also called Plot Armor and other names, but then after checking the number, he realized that just because he 'gained' the stat, he became the luckiest person alive, but then he also remembered that the old man gave him some pretty nice life-changing objects, proving his point further.

"Hmm, my luck stat is MAX, huh?" Thought Bòhé chá.

With his newfound higher INT stat, he was able to deduce that even if he didn't get the 'Gambling' skill, he would have still won every game in a dominating way, but this skill is part of the plot, so it is essential, but will be forgotten after how many chapters.


And thus, he took out his white shirt with a weed drawn on it, and black jeans that have nothing special on them, then went outside the house without his shoes and underwear since they weren't mentioned.

"Time to make myself some money!" Said Bòhé chá inwardly, as he ran towards the nearest casino, excited for his first adventure with his new powers..

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