《The Supreme Cultivator》The Reading


“Finally, the days where they dip me and my family in warm water will end, and soon will come my era, Bòhé chá’s era! Hahahaha!” Laughed Bòhé chá, inwardly.

Being in a quiet place, he had the best opportunity to read his amazing cultivating stuff, that he even got for free!

Firstly, he obviously opened the scroll first.. Or so he thought he will, but it was too hard to open, making him resort to reading the book first.

With a leather black cover and a pink bookmark slip, the ‘book’ which only consisted of 30 pages, and for some reason, the leathery cover is actually taking more than half of the book’s volume, making it look big for no reason whatsoever.

But Bòhé chá didn’t care, as such, he opened the book and started reading, but the first words struck him just like zeus throwing lightning rods like harpoons. (He didn’t get pulled.)

“Read the scroll first or you will die, thanks.” Said the introduction of the book, as if the reader knew what scroll it is.

But Bòhé chá knew, because what else was given to him other than the book and the ring? A hard to open scroll!

Sighing, he resolved himself to a pain in his hands, and then…

Opened the door to his room and went towards his father saying “Please open this scroll for me.”

Without any care, the father took the scroll and opened it with ease, then handed it back to Bòhé chá.

He didn’t forget to go back to his room in case something happened, then started reading what is in the scroll..

In it, the words said : “This is the Supreme Earth Shattering Sky Piercing Heavenly Destroying Tea Technique, use it wisely. Plus, if you have the book, you can go easy mode and become able to cultivate this along with some RPG like menus and the like. Enjoy.”


After those words were the actual cultivation, and as he read, his body glowed in a dazzling light, which then transformed into glittering tea packs that floated around him before entering his body as if it had no clip.

“Oh wow, I feel stronger, but because the sudden changes I need to sleep, so good night.” Said Bòhé chá, as he fell unconscious..

--- -

The chapter doesn’t end here, sadly, so Bòhé chá woke up and looked around him, finding that his vision became incredibly detailed, and he could hear his parents strolling around the house doing whatever they were doing.

But he knew that he wasn’t finished, and quickly straightened his body and opened the book, then started reading it.

Another light glowed around him, except this time, tea packs didn’t float around him, instead it was.. Just air.

After he finished reading, out of nowhere, a ‘screen’ appeared floating in the air.


-Welcome to the RPG system, where everything is either grindy or easy mode.-

-Would you like to use Easy Mode? If so, say Xìngbié as loud as you could. If not, then the system will automatically enter Grind Mode.-

When the message finished, he instantly shouted “Xìngbié!”

-Command registered, Easy Mode activated. Welcome, Bòhé chá.-

And finally, the menu has arrived, but then he realized that unless he actually memorizes both the book and the scroll, he won’t be able to use them correctly, thus, after spending a whole day on his bed (and going out to burn some coffee beans from time to time), he finally memorized the few meters long scroll and the 30 pages book.

“I got it! So that I could open the menu, I just have to say ‘Open Jade Feet’.” Thought Bòhé chá, before saying softly “Open Jade Feet!”

And in front of him, appeared a flat, dark-green screen which had many options..

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