《The Supreme Cultivator》The beginning.


“Stop being silent or I will dip you in hot water.” Said Qīng kāfēi while beating Bòhé chá.

“No!” Replied Bòhé chá firmly.

It all started back… Way back.. Before Bòhé chá was even born.. It was when Bòhé chá’s grandfather accidentally burned a coffee bean which was given by Qīng kāfēi’s grandfather, thus causing a terrible tribal war between the two of them.

Obviously Qīng kāfēi was filled with hatred, but Bòhé chá didn’t care nor want to have any kind of dispute between the tribes. Alas, this is merely just his opinion.

Unable to do anything, all he did was surrender to the truth and let the coffee tribe let off steam, but they never stopped, instead they just increased their bashing without end... That is until now.

Bòhé chá was done, done with this foolish dispute. He wanted power to fight against all the injustice, so he can unsheathe his kata-

This is not a japanese man, so no katanas will be present in this story, thus he will use his fists.. And so began his training, which was totally useless and didn’t affect the plot at all.

One night while he was running around the neighborhood, he stumbled across a dark alley.

“Oh, this is obviously going to lead me to a hidden secret dimensional shop that will change my life forever.” Said Bòhé chá.

With that thought in mind, he entered the dark alley and walked straight to the end, finally spotting a shabby looking shop which has a sign that says “Free Cultivation Techniques”.

Not suspicious at all, thought Bòhé chá before entering the shop.

Inside he was met with a very meticulously arranged set of books and scrolls, whereas the books are on a bookshelf, and the scrolls are inside display cases.


“Hello young man, I will now introduce you to my shop and you will ask yourself ‘How is this shop here?’ but I will never answer except with incredibly vague remarks where you will not try to think about the shop’s mystery anymore.” Said the white haired old man with a bent back.

“Ok, I want a cultivation technique because I’m chinese.” Said Bòhé chá with anticipation filling his voice.

“Good job on not asking whether this is real or not. Actually, since I’m a very bored old man and for plot reasons, I’ll give you this book and this scroll that if you combine them together you will become overpowered to no bounds. Also smarter.”

“Thanks old man, here is this bright coloured marble that I found falling from the sky the other night.”

“No no, you need it because plot and it will advance your powers, so keep it. Hmm.. Generosity is a trait given to me by the author so you need to wear this diamond ring to increase the rate at which you become stronger, and it also has a convenient hiding option.”

“How convenient.” Commented Bòhé chá.

“Now then, since I practically made you unstoppable, you can go out now and rule all ginsengs with your supreme power.”

“Thanks old man, how can I meet you again?”

“You can’t, so don’t try.”

“Ok bye.”

After saying their byes, Bòhé chá left the store with the old man waving behind him, then the store suddenly turned into a dead end.

“Oh, ok.” Said Bòhé chá before turning his back to it and running back to his house.

Upon entering it, he yelled “Mom, dad, I just got a few cultivation books or something, so don’t bother me tonight.”

“Okay, just go.” Said the father.

“Thanks fam.” Replied Bòhé chá, cheerfully.

Thus, with his book and scroll in hand (and a hidden diamond ring in his finger), he hastily climbed his room to start this story…

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