《World of Warcraft: The Beholder》Chapter 14


“We only destroyed ten meat wagons! Those who are heavily wounded Retreat!”

A figure wearing a gilded shouted as he rode his horse while slashing the attacking undead, tens of soldiers began retreating to their rear line which composed of healers and archers led my Maria, the vice commander and left hand of Lord Elijah of the Golden hand army. The name he gave as a symbol to his golden hand when he emits light into it.

The undead army was flanked from all sides except the northern side which is the entrance to the western plague lands, they were on the losing side but yet their number still recovers every time a human soldier dies and gets resurrected as an undead.

“Shit! Knights burn thirty meat wagons then we will retreat back to the second line!”

Elijah shouted as he was slashed by a ghoul on his left hand but it wasn’t so severe because of his armor was a bit too tough that is only made his wounds like a normal cut. “Shit! Fucking ghoul!” he said after slashing the ghoul in half and pierced its mouth using his sword making its head into ashes.

“Yes My ‘Lord!” Replied hurriedly by the knights who were clashing against the abominations, Seeing Magroth being wounded at his stomach by an abomination, Elijah shouted hurriedly towards five knights “Hurry! Take Magroth to the second line!” then those five knights began supporting Magroth towards the second line so that the healers can heal his wounds.

Currently Elijah and his army were on the losing side against the undead rear, the undead numbers around three thousand who is currently clashing against Elijah’s men, the truth is the scout’s report was wrong because the true number of the Undead army is eighteen thousand and their rear numbers around five thousand and thirteen thousand for their main army which is almost on par against the number of the Alliance main army.


“Shit! This undead archers really are intelligent” Elijah praised the archers because they aimed at Elijah’s steed which made him now on foot, A ghoul then charged towards Elijah from the front, “I guess I might try to experiment new spells” He channeled light at his right hand and held the ghoul’s head “Explode” *Splatter” the ghoul’s head exploded as its blood splattered all over the ground and Elijah’s right hand.

“Sire, our men can’t take much any longer!” A lieutenant said as he was ambushed from behind and his heart was pierced by an undead soldier’s sword “ah!” He screamed from the pain and his mouth coughed out blood.

“Fuck! We will hold the undead for five more minutes then we will retreat in the second lie!” Elijah shouted as he kills the ghouls who charged at him one by one.

“Yes My ‘Lord” The soldiers can only say yes in agreement at his orders.

“Good! Shit this is freaking awesome!” Elijah said as if he was a kid who is imagining he is in a battlefield, he saw a big abomination and ran towards it, he then jump slicing the abomination’s front, splattering blood all in front of it.

“The knights are taking too long!” He shouted in anger as his body was covered by the abomination’s blood, Elijah was an impatient man even in earth, if wants to watch the most coolest movie in the cinema but it has a long line, then Elijah will just play in the arcade due to him being impatient knowing that it will take him hours just to buy a ticket.

He then vomited after the abomination’s blood entered his nose and mouth which makes any living being vomit just by smelling it but what if he tasted it, such bad luck Elijah has, Elijah kept vomiting as he kill the attacking ghouls.


“Sire! The knights are now on their way here!” A footman reported as he saw the forty plus figures riding horses from the undead lines “Good!” Elijah happily replied back.

Then the knights stopped but the one in front kept running towards a direction, he was running towards Elijah, when it had reached Elijah the knight’s body was wounded arrows were pierced all over his body but he is still human and his left hand were severed “My ‘Lord! Reporting from the hundred knights! We have successfully destroyed forty meat wagons but all of them were turned into an undead, only I, survived!”

“I see, I congratulate you young man, what is your name?” Elijah said with a hint of remorse in his face showing that he just sent a hundred people to their deaths with no one besides themselves to help them.

“My name is Ken Hearthammer” He added as he fall on the cold blooded ground “It was an honor serving you, My ‘Lord”

“Ken Hearthammer, your name shall be listed in my future hall of legends!” He said as he stared at the breathless half-dwarf knight.

Elijah then rode the knight’s steed and Ken’s body at his back, “We shall retreat at the second line!” He ordered the remaining footmen, and rallied them to fall back towards the second line.

Inside the forest was their second line, but none of the undead followed them, then a horn blew echoing around the land *THUUUUU* it was the sign of victory for every human battle, “Victory!” The soldier shouted after hearing the loud sound of a horn.

“Pitiful Garithos” He muttered to himself as he pour water all over his body.


“Push the undead lines!” A man with dark gilded armor and silver axe said as he kills every undead at his sight, this man is known in lordaeron as Grand marshal Garithos, a racist bastard.

“My ‘Lord, their numbers are far more than what the scouts reported!” A commander shouted knowing that they were betrayed by the scouts then he added “Those fucking traitors!”

“Hold your ground men! We will destroy the undead army and will be triumphant in the battlefield!” Garithos confidently said as he caressed his moustache using his left hand.

Then a carrion of insects appeared out of nowhere killing ten footmen mercilessly, “aaaah!” the others who was hit shouted in agony as they feel pain all over their body.

No one knows that inside of the undead lines were a figure with horns and wings, he was none other than Deteroc, one of the dreadlords that controls over the scourge in Lordaeron city now.

“What the!?” Garithos asked as he felt something was inside his body, he paused in a minute then his eyes change its color from black to blue, as if he was being controlled.

Then the undead army began retreating towards the north, the alliance army did not followed them instead they blew the horn of victory, they did not follow the undead because Garithos ordered which angered a few Commanders who is reluctant on not attacking the undead army from behind while they are retreating.

“Our army will enter the capital city and capture some area as our base of operation and we will make our stand against the undead there” hearing what Garithos just said, the Commanders were all shocked as if they just won a lotto except Elijah who was just smirking as he stare at Garithos.


Hey hey I’m the Paper :D

Hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading! 6000 overall views! :D

Anyways, please read my new fiction here is the link : Bed of Glory

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