《World of Warcraft: The Beholder》Chapter 13


Check chapter 10-12 if you are confused to what is currently happening. :3 I already rewrote it so the three chapters will connect XD

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Chapter 13

Inside a tent, sounds can be heard as the two tongues collide;

a young man with normal looks and a Beautiful dark haired woman, were burning with passion as they drown in pleasure.

The women kept moaning as they became one, the pleasure kept consuming her, breaking her, enslaving her.

The average looking young man was moving like a tiger as he pushed his Penis inside her.

The man caressed her hair as he pushed his lower body on her Vagina.

Their body was soaking in sweats as he slowly moves his hips.

“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Her voice shows a hint of pleasure as he caressed her vagina unexpectedly.

White fluids came out of her vagina as he slapped her butt “Ah!”

His lips were slowly moving towards her lips and they kissed.

He used his tongue to enter her mouth, arousing her more.

“Shit I’m Cumming!”

He then stopped pushing his penis inside her and moved it out, she then stood up and sat with her knees on the ground in front of him. She then used her mouth to suck his penis. He held her hair and cummed inside her, white fluids came out of his penis while she sucked it, her mouth were full of his cum but he still kept stroking his penis inside her mouth reaching her throat.

He moved his hips while she used her tongue to lick his penis inside her mouth.

His penis penetrated the deepest part of her mouth as he cum which made her almost puked but despite of it she still consumed all of his cum because of her love for him, the man who took control over her and the one who saved her from the Blasted undead in Silverpine forest.


Inside a tent, a naked young man can be seen lying down on the bed as he slowly caressed the beautiful girl’s hair besides him, “My lord, it’s already morning, we should get ready for the upcoming battle” She said as her beautiful eyes opened.


“Ah yeah, Garithos has called me and the other commanders for a meeting” The naked young man said as if he had remembered something. “Well, I should go now” He said after he hurriedly finished wearing his last piece of equipment. “When will you love me and only me?” She slowly wore her clothes and let out a long sigh of resentment.

“Good morning My ‘Lord” The soldiers greeted him while saluting as Elijah walked passed them, after minutes of walking, Elijah entered a huge tent guarded by twenty elite looking soldiers

“You’re late Lord Elijah” A figure said as soon as he saw Elijah entered, there were currently 7 human figures around the table and one of them is Garithos, The leader of the army and Grand Marshal.

“I’m sorry Lord Garithos, Last night battle was really tiresome” Elijah said as an excuse for what he did with Maria last night, Elijah was really tired last night but he has a high Libido which made him more exhausted after sex.

Elijah did not sit on an empty chair, he only stood there waiting for the orders of Garithos, and it was because he was appointed as a commander of the army after the battle of Lordaemere Lake which made him famous throughout Dalaran.

“Sit” Garithos spoke as he stood there and begun explaining his plans for the upcoming all-out battle, Elijah carefully watched the plans and his troops were placed in the western side of the battlefield and flank the undead army in the western side. “our Main army that numbers fifteen thousand will clash against the undead army in the front that will be led by me and five commanders, While Commander Elijah and Commander Liroy will flank the Vile undead from both sides”

“Am I clear?” Moustache bastard asked after he explained every detail of the plans for the battle, his face, eyes and moustache were showing a hint of excitement.

“Yes My ‘Lord!” The Seven commanders all said as they stood up from their chairs, “Leave and prepare yourselves” Garithos said as he began drinking wine in a fine luxurious glass. The commanders including Elijah left the tent and begun walking towards their own army.


A bearded man who was holding a heavy hammer in his hands walked towards Elijah “My ‘Lord, The men are ready to depart, what are your plans?” Magroth asked after he rallied the men into a formation.

“We will attack the undead army in the west, let us depart, the battle will start as soon as everyone is positioned”

Elijah said as he slowly rode his horse, his sheathed swords were hung on both of his sides and he was wearing a gilded plate mail, “Men! Let us depart!”

The soldiers followed Elijah in his back and besides him are his two commanders, his troops composed of two hundred dwarves, fifty female soldiers, and eight hundred fifty human soldiers.


A soldier hurriedly ran towards the figure who was leading thousands of soldiers.


A figure riding a black horse shouted and his words echoed throughout the place, “Sire, about ten thousand, one hundred of their heavy artilleries called Meat wagons has been sighted behind their ranks” The scout hurriedly said as he knee in front of Garithos.

“Send message to the two commanders in both west and east to destroy the meat wagons as fast as they can! Now leave!” Garithos said and he continued marching with the thousands of soldiers behind him, some of the soldiers were squires of the silver hand and some were paladins in training before the third war.

The scouts hurriedly ran to both directions to report to the two commanders that are currently positioned in both sides.


“Magroth, you will lead the knights and fend off the abominations, while you Maria, will lead the two hundred archers and support us, For me, I will lead the remaining troops to clash against the Undead soldiers”

Elijah and his two commanders are currently discussing his plans for the battle while their men was currently resting, “Yes, My ‘Lord” The two nodded in agreement with a hint of delight in their faces.

“My ‘Lord!” A scout hurriedly ran towards Elijah with a bit of tiredness in his face, “I have news from the main army!” The scout said as he pants from running.


“The Grand Marshal ordered Commander Elijah, to destroy the meat wagons behind the undead lines which will be a large obstacle for our victory!” The scout shouted and begun to leave, “hmm, change of plans, Magroth you shall lead the knights to destroy the meat wagons as fast as you can!” Elijah said as soon as he heard the scout’s report.

“Yes My ‘Lord” Magroth said in agreement, while he rode his horse and begun to rally the knights.

“Men, get ready! We will charge as soon as the horn blew!” Elijah shouted after he rode his white and armored horse, the soldiers began to form formations, Maria and her archers were behind the ranks, while Elijah and his men will wreak havoc in the battlefield.



the large sound of a horn being blew resonance around the whole battlefield.

“Charge!!” Human commanders shouted and charged towards the army of undead.


an arrow pierced through a soldier’s head and his lifeless body fell in the cold hard ground.


Hey, I’m the paper :D

Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading! :D :D

if you are still confused why this is happening, try re-reading chapter 10-12, I rewrote it and please reply to me if there is still any error in any of those 3 chapters.

This is the map lol, I really am great at making maps in paint(Not really, i suck at it) :(

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