《World of Warcraft: The Beholder》Chapter 7 "Loss"


 Year 26 (Year 618 by the King's Calendar)

The Blood Elves, having aided the Night Elves to bring Illidan to justice whilst the Demon Hunter sheltered within the ruins, were already stationed in Dalaran when Garithos summoned their leader, Prince Kael'thas. Garithos informed Kael of a large Scourge army approaching the city.

Me and Prince Kael hurriedly ran to the gates to meet up with that damn Garithos.

Behind us is the remaining Men numbering eight hundred,

Consisting of my three hundred human footmen and two hundred elves while Kael’thas has only three hundred left.

"You are late, Prince Kael'thas. I thought you elves prided yourselves on punctuality."

Garithos greeted us with abit of racism in his words.

Actually I too am a racist, But you know what they say. You hate what you are or something.

“It could not be helped, Lord Garithos. We ran into a group of night elves from across the sea, and --" Kael ‘thas said but was interrupted by garithos "I am not interested in your fanciful excuses! You elves are here to serve the Alliance: thus, you will obey my commands to the letter! Is that clear?"

this arrogant bastard, Meh!

"Yes, Lord Garithos." Kael’thas couldn’t help but nod.

Garithos then said

"Now, the undead have begun a new offensive to retake Dalaran. Their primary strike force marched south through Silverpine, but we managed to halt its advance at the base of the mountains."

Hearing this Kael’thas got a bit of excited "My men are ready to fight, milord! When shall we leave for the front?"

"We will be leaving immediately. But, your people will be staying here. Our scouts report that a second strike force may be heading this way from the east. I need you to repair the outlying observatories so that we can monitor that region." Garithos said with abit of arrogance in his face.

The arrogance of this Fucker is outstanding holy shit!

So I asked “What about me, Lord Garithos My men is ready to move.”

“You have your Freedom, Young lord” Garithos said. It seems he does not want to be on my bad side.

"But, milord, we are warriors, not--" Kael’thas tried to convince Garithos but was stopped again

"You have your orders, Prince Kael'thas. I trust your elven ears heard

them clearly enough. Move out!" after finishing his words, He hurriedly ran through the gate with his knights.

"Insolent son of a… Let's get this over with!" Enraged, Kael’thas muttered to himself as he cursed Garithos from behind.

With this Kael’thas and with his troops cleared the path for us.

while I and my two commanders repaired the first observatory “We are near reclaiming dalaran!”

3 hours later…

atlast we have finished repairing the observatory and left thirty men within it.

“Let us meet Kael’thas and his men in the entrance”

 as we go further, dead bodies of both elves and demons can be seen.

“I see the remaining demons are still scattered across dalaran.” I muttered to myself.

as we reached Kael’thas and his men, an army was marching towards our direction.

“Sire we are the two hundred man army sent by Lord Garithos to aid you”

“Why?” Confused, Kael’thas asked.

“A large army of undead was sighted just west of the second observatory”

“Then you will follow kael’thas’s orders” I said while Rallied my men behind me.


“Yes My’lord”

We then traveled to a near Shipyard which was being ravaged by the undeads.

“Destroy those Undead!” I shouted pointing my sword on the front while riding a horse.

The soldiers then charged to towards hundreds of undeads then after a few seconds the

two forces clashed against each other.

the battle is nearing to its end and we managed to minimize our casualties.

while obliterating the undead army.

“Men we need to preserve our energy! The main undead army is still here!” Kael’thas said while panting "Damn. We'll have to find a way across the lake to reach the outlying goldmine."

Nagas then appeared out of nowhere.

“Ready the men and prepare to clash” I whispered to Magroth and Maria “Yes My’Lord”

"Naga! You fought for the demon Illidan!" He shouted.

"We are on our own now, good prince. I am called Lady Vashj. My brethren and I come in peace, to offer you our aid." Hearing this Kael’thas became suspicious "You have nothing I need, witch."

"Is that so? I thought you might require boats to reach the observatories you seek."

Then ten boats that can hold a hundred or so troops appeared behind them.

"And you would give these freely? Why should I trust you, my lady?" Still suspicious, Yet he asked.

"Our two races share a common ancestry, Kael. Now, against the undead, we share a common peril. These boats are merely a gesture of goodwill." Kael’thas then he was convinced "Then I accept your offer. Thank you."

After the conversation, we entered the boat and departed to the site of an goldmine

“Sire did you see that? Prince kael consorted with the nagas” A footman from the reinforcement whispered. “ send a messenger to the frontline and report the things that happened”

“Lord Elijah, What are your plans?” Kael asked me.

“My men will repair the nearest observatory while attracting the attention of the undead’s main army” I said “While you and your brethren will repair the third and I would take command of the reinforcement” he stood beside me and looked at the corrupted sky.

as we landed on the shore. The goldmine was guarded by mutated crabs.

“To hell with this monsters!” a charging footman shouted but was impaled in the chest by the mutated Crabs. “Ugwaa!” Blood spilled out of his mouth and his life sucked in front of us.

“Obliterate the crabs” with just three words of mine, the whole army charged towards those fifty to sixty crabs. After finishing up with them, our builders constructed a camp for the whole night.

“Sire…” Magroth asked “What should we do next?”

“We will rest for tonight and we’ll do as planned” I said while yawning.


Night has passed and The men are ready for battle.

“Magroth,Maria we will clash against the undead army.” I said “While fifty troops will repair the observatory.”

“Yes My’lord!” they shouted with their right hands on their chest.

“Prince Kael, Goodluck” I said as our armies departed in different paths.

As they will need a ship to reach the third observatory, while I departed with my troops in the nearest observatory and formed a formation there.

“My men we will fend off the undeads until the observatory is repaired!” I howled while riding on a white horse “For lordaeron!”


Soon as we started repairing the Observatory, countless undead started charging on our destination. Outnumbering us five to one.

“For lordaeron!”

“For the nephew of uther!”

“For Lord Elijah!”

“For Quel’Thalas!”

Waves of roar came from the men, with everyone there shouting words like redeeming and the land. The soldiers consisted of humans and bloodelves with an undying passion in their eyes.

They stood there waiting to clashed against the undeads and as soon as they reached the breaking point I aimed my sword towards the charging undead and howled “ Blasted fiends

 ! from this day onward I Elijah will Destroy you leaving none left standing! Charge!”

The soldiers charged with burning fury against the undead.

One by one they fell, and the sounds of someone being pierced into the head can be heard.

Blood was splattered all over the floor and heads were sent flying.

But most of all the Man with a hammer called magroth, Smashing the dead with might and valor on the battlefield.

Maria Stood beside me and been killing the undeads who ran towards me.

“My lord it seems the undeads have split their forces!” A scout rushed towards me but as soon as he finished his words, a spear entered through his body.

“Damn! Finish them quickly!” I howled while dueling the undead that killed the scout.

“My.. My’lord!!” A footmen terrified at the sight reported panicky “Skeletal Dragons have arrived!!!”

“Ho-Hold your ground men!!! Archers Formation!”

The skeletal Dragons known as frost wyrms Ruled the sky, tanking the arrows and it did not even slightly damaged them.


“Sa-save m—“

“Help m--!”

The men screamed as they slowly die at the frozen breath of those damned Dragons. Their body turned into a block of ice. But as the ice melt, necromancers then turned them into one of the undead.

“well… Fuck….” I muttered to myself losing hope, seeing that my men were slowly being turned by one them. “We will continue Fighting, Do not lose hope!”

“Sire! A large number of dwarves is sighted just east of us!” A footman rushed towards me and reported “If we could convince them, then the battle will turn around!”

“Hurry and ask for their support!” I shouted “Men keep fending off the undeads until help arrives!” My body were covered by the blood of those undeads, and a ghoul managed to injure me on my left arm “Fuck!”

An hour have passed and we were still clashing with the undeads, my vision grew blurry and my body is in a shabby condition after exchanging strikes with the undeads.

“For khaz modan!”

"Shoot the ghoul!"

"Eat mortar!"

"Eat lead!"

"Hey, you! Catch!"

"This bomb's for you!"

"For victory!"

Then three hundred dwarves no.. five hundred dwarves arrived flanking the undead army while gryphons flew towards the undead lines throwing thundery hammers that destroyed the flying dragons.

Then the men became frenzy as they roar, killing countless undeads with their remaining strength.

“We stand Victorious My’lord” Magroth said “We have destroyed their main army! And it’s because of you my’lord!” I stood in the battlefield smiling, holding my sword up in the air.

Blood came out of my mouth but I forced myself to stand up because of this magnificent moment. Tears flew out of my eyes as I recall the things that happened in my arrival.

I cried as I saw those remaining soldiers with joy in their face. I never knew that winning a battle like this can make a person cry. I touched the tears that came flowing from my eyes and with a smile on my face I muttered “Is this what they call tears of joy..”

After that the dwarves joined my army and came back to the base with victory in our hands.

But one thing is messing with my mind, that is my family.

The only family I have, I wonder what’s currently happening to them.

but mother, father I your son became a true man this day!

as we enter the base, Kael’thas and his men were currently resting after defending and repairing the third observatory.

“Greetings prince kael” I said with a smile on my face “It seems that the third observatory is repaired” as soon as Kael heard what I said, he replied back “Ah greetings Lord Elijah and yes we have successfully repaired the observatory” but he did not asked me about what happened to my men seeing that only a hundred remained and my army consists of dwarves.

“We shall not celebrate tonight” I said to the soldiers behind me with a tired voice “thou we shall mourn for those who died for just three mere observatory!”

“Sire a zeppelin is coming this way!” A loud shout can be heard Inside a scout tower “Its lord garithos!” I cursed as I heard that fucker’s name “Motherfucker!”

as soon as Garithos landed with his men, Kael’thas then greeted him with delight "Hail, Lord Garithos. The observatories have been repaired as you requested. We were just about to--"

I only glared furiously at Garithos readying to strike him any moment, Seeing this Magroth whispered to me “Don’t do it my’lord, You will dispose of that vile general one day but not the day we lost our faithful men.” He said “We will just mourn for those who died and curse that bastard until the day he will fall”

Maria then hugged me from behind “ Do not worry my lord, I will never die and leave you!” she said “I will forever be with you!” I then replied “Thank you….”

"I received ill news from the front line. Is it true that you've consorted with the vile naga?" Garithos said as he caress his magnificent moustache.

Kael’thas then said "Well, yes, milord. They helped us cross the lake. I assure you they pose no threat to us or to--" But was stopped by Garithos’s words "They are inhuman and must be crushed like any other enemy! Be careful where you place your loyalties, blood elf. I will not tolerate treason in my ranks. Now I must return to the front. You will remain here and wait for further orders."

 He then entered the zeppelin with his men leaving us shortly.

After losing almost all of his men he successfully ordered and fought with, Elijah’s heart blazed with the fires of rage. Raising his head, he threw a ferocious glare at Garithos’s that contrasted with his youthful face.

“Magroth tell the dwarves that they will not be serving Garithos..” I said “They will serve me directly”

“Yes my’lord” Magroth said bowing “I will do anything for the savior!”

Kael then walked towards me and asked “what are your plans, young lord?”

I said with an angered look “We will wait for that bastard’s orders..”

We rested that night regaining our strength for tomorrows order.

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