《I am the Deathly Hallow.》Chapter 14. Most things die on the ground anyway...


Walking out into the courtyard for our first flying lessons with Madam Hooch, my companions talked excitedly about the subject. Flying has always been one of mankind's greatest desires to achieve.

I, myself, was interested too but the idea of riding a broom sounds terribly uncomfortable. Where are your... Unmentionables supposed to go? I suspect this may be more unpleasant for males than their female counterparts and yet most quidditch players are male...

The professor brought out a bunch of old brooms. I was fascinated by their complex spell matrices. Each was slightly different and unique, as one would expect from enchantments.

The spells on the brooms provided not only levitation, and forwards momentum, but also gyroscopic assistance/control. It was a semi-smart spell that allows the user's subconscious to add to the broom's control and balance. A brilliant enchantment, but a bit counterintuitive.

I found myself struggling even more than Neville. The brooms just didn't interact well with my magical energy. It caused them all to go...crazy. The gyroscope enchantments would fail and I'd lose control over the broom. I managed to steer one of the broom's successfully enough while flying slowly to get a passing grade but the broom in question was now "broken" for anyone else. It seems I'll have to find other methods of flight in the future...

One might think Death can fly, but that's not actually the case. In my spiritual form, I can simply float and roam through space unaffected by gravity. Just like ghosts do because I have no physical body. Flight was never one of my powers because I never needed it. Most things die on the ground and those that don't fall to the earth anyway. Except maybe an astronaut who dies in space, but that's a recent problem. Millions of years have gone by where Death occurred on planet earth in this way.


"Well, it looks like you're not good at everything after all," Hermione giggled mockingly. She stroked her hair somehow adding to the teasing effect.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not good at using an archaic device that should have been made obsolete long ago. So what? "

"It's a part of the curriculum," Hermione pointed out smugly.

Ron just shook his head at Hermione's comment. He obviously didn't want to get involved in this conversation and neither did Neville.

I pinched the bridge of my nose by the eyes in agitation, "It's not that I don't understand how to use a broom, Hermione. It's that my magic is..."

"Is what?" Hermione asked curiously.

" It's nothing," I coughed realizing I almost said too much. What is it about this girl that puts me so on edge? Maybe it's that she's so astute. Perhaps...I am bothered by the fact that there is something I'm not inherently good at, but that should not be the case. I know life magic will always be out of my grasp because of what I am.

"What about your magic?" Hermione interrogated locking in on my slip up like a bloodhound.

" It interferes with the brooms gyroscopic enchantment," I answered.


"I am not sure but I'll figure it out. Just wait and see," I replied diverting the direction the conversation was about to go.

Hermione is obviously still interested in my secrets even if she's willing to wait to know the truth it doesn't mean she won't look for clues and try to solve the mystery herself.

At that moment Draco waved to me, "Hey Ben, I saw you struggling with the flying lessons. These brooms are pretty poor quality."

"Why are you here Draco?" Hermione demanded in agitation.


I, however, welcomed the distraction, "I'll figure something out."

"Yeah Slytherin, he doesn't need your help", Ron added.

Draco's face turned red and I could tell he was about to say some slurs about Ron's family. So, I changed the narrative:" Hold on Ron, let's not judge a book by its cover".

"But he's..."

"Let's give him a chance to prove he's capable of making his own decisions. A chance to prove he's not controlled by his house or his father." I said knowing it would put Draco in a difficult position. I just stuck up for him but also put forward an idea he didn't make his own decisions.

"I'm my own man! Nobody tells me what to do," Draco declared pridefully.

"Then the decision is yours, we have a study group made up of students from several houses. We are those who, no matter where we come, from shall someday become the best witches and wizards of our time. If you wish to join, and be our first Slytherin member, then you are welcome - but you must accept that not all members are purebloods. We are based on knowledge, power, and potential."

"Sounds like a win for me either way, it's not like I can't hang out with my housemates during lunch or my free time. Plus, it wouldn't have all the greatest wizards in it if I didn't join. So, I'll be doing you a favor," Draco agreed arrogantly."

"Then it's a deal. See you tomorrow after classes are over," I said shaking Draco's hand.

"See you then," Draco waved leaving with a few members of his house that dragged behind the rest waiting for him."

Why the heck did you do that," the trio demanded in almost unison."

Draco is one of the Slytherins with the most potential. He may seem an arrogant stickup jerk but that's his father's influence and now the Slytherin house. That being said, I believe that he can be turned to our cause. I guarantee I know much that can sway him," I lectured"

I hope you know what you are doing," Hermione sighed."

"Trust me, girl, I know so much you wouldn't believe."

"Now back to the flight issue. Does anyone know of other enchantments that allow for flight?" I asked curiously.

"My dad has a flying car that can drive itself," Ron added.

"MMn... Amazing, but not very useful for me right now. It is hard to cast spells at an enemy inside a metal box," I frowned.

"I'm just glad I'm not the only one bad at flying," Neville smiled in relief and reassurance.

I lamented, "The only professor I've heard of having a non-broom flying spell is Professor Snape, and I'd rather not ask him."

"What about Dumbledore?" Hermione asked.

I scratched my chin, "He is the head of the school and isn't very easy to approach. That being said...our meeting is inevitable... So, I'll give it some thought."

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