《I am the Deathly Hallow.》Chapter 5. Meeting at the Crossroads.


My parents gifted me with a magic trunk that would hold all my books and personal items. I think they feared I may be bullied due to my young age. I doubted that theft would be allowed in Hogwarts. I mean all it would take to verify who the item belonged to was to cast a simple spell. Perhaps the teachers either don't care or want the students to figure it out themselves. Such would be a great folly in my opinion as it would lead to hatred among the ancient families that could span generations. Still, it is not my concern... I am not here to save every bullied child from being tormented. I, however, will not tolerate such impudence against myself.

Taking my luggage to King's Cross station, Cedric pointed out the illusionary wall that was the opening to platform 9 3/4. It was an impressive spell that deserved praise. My eyes could see through the illusion and show me the complex spell matrix that laid beneath. The fact that the illusion could even be made solid was amazing but sadly I did not have the time to study and reverse engineer the spell.

Carrying our luggage onto the train Cedric parted ways with me, "Ben I'm going to go sit in a car with friends from my year. Try to get to know some of the kids in your year. Maybe you'll make some new friends... Don't fret it too much though brother because I will always be your buddy."

"Ah, thanks" I almost groaned back going to sit in a train car by myself. There was a warmth in the relation I had with Cedric that I had never experienced before. How could a hug or pat on the head make a person feel better? I cannot fathom it but still, Cedric is much better than my original sibling. My twin sister known as life is a real piece of work... Ever heard the saying, "Life's a bitch and then you die?". Let's just say I take no pleasure in making others suffer.

We were born as two sides of the same coin and as a result, we know all the spells related to each other. Of course, I'd be aware of a healing spell that saved someone from death's door just as she would know a spell that killed someone before their time. I do know of all the spells related to healing and life and yet I will never be able to cast them. The same is true for her with death-related spells. This limitation will likely also lead people to assume I am going to be a dark wizard. Maybe I will be categorized in such a way but dark does not always mean evil.


I started to read the "Invisible book of Invisibility" when I heard, "Excuse me. Do ya mind? Everywhere else is full," begged a redheaded boy.

Unknown to the redheaded boy I used an ability of mine that allows me to see the true name of who I am looking at. This ability allows me to make sure the right person goes to the correct after life. In my current form there is a risk though that a powerful enough wizard will sense this effect. This would unnerve or alert said wizard of my tampering.

I recognized immediately Ron Weasley as one of the four great heroes of the war against Voldemort in the future. I did not know everything that would happen as causality blocked me from most sensitive information. I was informed that I would need the aid of, Ron Weasley, Hermine Granger, and surprisingly Neville Longbottom. I did not expect to run into any of them this early though and I was caught unprepared.

"Ah, sure, please have a seat." I offered.

"Thanks, I'm Ron by the way," the shaggy-haired redhead offered.

"Benjamin Diggory," I returned.

"Diggory? you mean like Cedric Diggory's brother?" Ron asked.

"Yes, why?"

" It's just your brothers very popular at Hogwarts," Ron rambled.

"Yes, I am aware he is a favorite of sorts among the girls in his class," I replied assuming that's what he meant by popular.

"Ew, why would you want that?" Ron complained. I had forgotten that any boy between 8-11 might still think that girls are gross.


"I was saying everyone thinks he is one of the best Quidditch players," Ron explained.

"Ah, right..." I nodded hoping the subject would change soon.

"Why are your hands positioned like your holding a book?" Ron noticed.

"Oh, I'm just reading the Invisible book of invisibility," I answered.

Ron reached out and gently poked the book to my amusement. His face lit up when his finger rebounded off the invisible object.

"That's amazing!" Ron exclaimed ecstatically.

"It is definitely not your average book," I agreed.

"How do you read it? I mean if it's invisible and all?" Ron questioned.


"Well, my eyes have a sort of magical ability I was born with that allows me to see hidden things. I am not sure how other people read this book." I replied while shrugging my shoulders. There was truth in my statement because I really didn't know. I may have encompassed the world but I am not all-knowing. I don't know every spell or the combination to every footlocker. Right now I'm just a normal young wizard with a bit of extra knowledge and although I have several great advantages others don't, like resistance to death-related spells, but they are balanced by my weakness to and inability to use life spells.

"That's cool," Ron smiled slightly disappointed he would be able to use such a book himself yet.

I turned to pet Nyx which resulted in the feline briefly moving her paw to glare with one eye at any possible disturbance that may have awoken her.

"Oh, you got a cat. I thought that was a black pillow, Ron said matter of factly.

"Not just a cat," I informed him pointing at Fidell who was also sleeping but above us on the overhead compartment. His face was tucked beneath his wings and his lack of movement made him almost look like a lamp or decoration.

"A black owl?" Ron asked curiously cocking his head.

"No, a Raven", I corrected.

"Dude, your taste in pets... Do you want to be in Slytherin?"

"No, I want to get into Ravenclaw", I answered truthfully.

"Then why black colored pets?"

"Why not? They are not evil because they were born with dark fur or feathers. People assume too much based on appearances," I lectured with a bit of an angry tone.

"Sorry Mate I didn't mean to offend you," Ron apologized.

"I didn't mean to snap at you either," I conceded.

"Anything off the trolley dears," Interrupted a grey-haired woman.

"No, I'm all set," Ron replied holding up a mashed mass of something wrapped in cling wrap.

"I'm set as well," I replied letting the woman leave.

Once she was gone I pulled out some shortbread and snickerdoodle cookies my mother had baked and handed them to Ron.

"What's this?"

"I don't really care for sweets and my mom baked those," I said motioning for him to just take them.

"Thanks," the redhead replied helping himself to the baked treats, "These are really good he added with a mouth overflowing with cookie crumbs".

A rat crawled out of Ron's pocket and started gorging on the crumbs. My eyes revealed this is, however, not really a rat. It is a man named Peter Pettigrew disguised as a rat with transfiguration. The most loyal servant of the dark lord! I made a mental note to tell Nyx and Fidell to hunt this fiend at the first opportunity when no one was around to stop them. I Wouldnt want Ron to get upset that my pets were hunting his now would I? Best that he just thinks his pet ran away.

Ron said, "This is Scabbers pathetic isn't he?"

"Yes", I answered knowing it is a man choosing to live as a rat.

"Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow wanna see?" Ron offered.

"Sure!" I said enthused at the idea Peter would be stuck yellow even if he turned back.

Ron pulled out an old wand that was clearly bonded to someone else. If he could use this wand at all it would mean he was actually quite gifted.

Then we were interrupted again by a girl saying, "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one."

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