《I am the Deathly Hallow.》Chapter 3. Death in Diagon Alley.


I walked down Diagon Alley escorted by my brother Cedric. Our parents thought I needed a chaperone and it would be a good bonding experience. I rolled my eyes out of view when they said that. If only they knew how many millennia-old I am.

"Where should we stop first Ben?" Cedric asked locking Grey eyes with mine. I was fortunate that Cedric's eyes were naturally grey. Had I joined any other family my own grey eyes would look too abnormal. My parents thought the silver tint they had looked almost otherworldly. The reason is that they are because I am otherworldly. That is the spiritual world I am referring to. Eyes are the window to the soul and my soul is a polished neutral. I am neither good nor evil and I've been that way for a long time.

"The wand store first please," I asked.

"Excited to get your first wand?" Cedric teased with a bright smile.

"More than you know Ced," I smiled.

"Then let's go to Ollivander's. He's the best wandmaker in the world," Cedric explained.

"Really? Let's go then," I replied faking enthusiasm. Yes, he is the best human wandmaker but I knew too well that his wands were useless to me.

As we walked down the alley Cedric pointed out what all the shops were excitedly like I couldn't read. Must be nice being an older sibling...

"There it is Ben! Look!" Cedric exclaimed loudly.

"Ooh, Ahh," I said almost mockingly but went unnoticed.

Cedric practically dragged me inside out of excitement.

"Ding! Rattle!" Were the sounds made by the shop's door from the bells that hung from it? We entered so fast that its sound was way too loud for the empty shop. It was slightly embarrassing.


"Hello Young Cedric Diggory and this must be your younger brother Ben. Why he was just an infant in your mother's arms when you came to get your wand," Ollivander reminisced.

"Yes, it is and I know he's young but he's going to Hogwarts and he needs a wand!" Cedric exclaimed proudly.

"Oh, I see... Well, then I shall see what I have to accommodate him. Why it feels like just yesterday that you were here for your wand Cedric," Ollivander said pulling a box from a shelf.

Cedric just grinned back at the old man.

" Willow 14 inches with Unicorn hair core," Ollivander stated as he handed me the wand.

It didn't matter which it was because none of them would work for me so I cast magic wordlessly from my finger to fake acceptance from the wand.

"Ah, looks like a fit," Ollivander smiled.

"Do you have any scrap pieces of magical wood I could purchase? They don't have to be very big." I asked.

"Why sure young lad I have many small pieces for a young lad interested in crafting like yourself. What kind of wood are you looking for?" Ollivander questioned.

"Yew would be perfect," I said.

Ollivander's face was blank for a moment but snapped back to a smile quickly, " Sure I have a lot of that particular wood. It's not a very desired material but I often use it here and there, May I ask why you want it?"

"It's a secret!" I said in mock childhood innocence. I must have had the innocent look down because he gave in and got me the pieces I needed. Cedric paid Ollivander for the wand and tipped him for the scraps even though Ollivander said they were a gift.


That done we went to the bookstore called "Flourish and Blotts". Our trip there was mostly uneventful except when I wanted one book that wasn't on my required booklist. Over in a corner stack neatly were two hundred books of "Invisible book of invisibility". Nothing can hide from my eyes with basic invisibility. That being said I had never bothered learning regular invisibility spells because I was inherently invisible before and it was way better than this. Becoming human was a major downgrade for me. So I needed this book to bypass many of Hogwarts first year limitations.

The shop keeper was super happy about my "discovery" because they had misplaced the books and had failed to find them. It looked to me like someone stacked them in the corner when cleaning shelves and forgot their whereabouts. He was so happy he knocked off several Galleons on the book prices. Next, we would be off to the pet store to get me a new cat. This one I was genuinely excited for!

At Ollivander's shop, The old Wizard paced back and forth.

"What does it mean?" Ollivander questioned finding himself naw at his fingernails in frustration. A bad habit he thought he had long since broken.

"How can an 8-year-old cast wordless magic and without the wands help for that matter. His magic did not pass through the wand but formed off his fore-finger."

"And then he... He asked for Yew... The wood that symbolizes Death".

"It's rarely not a horrible thing when a wizard needs Yew," Ollivander muttered.

"I'll have to notify Dumbledore about this... I can send an owl tonight!" The old wizard said aloud.

Ollivander held a quill with ink in his hand realizing he did not have that much to tell the headmaster of Hogwarts. A young child asked for bits of wood and is a prodigy at magic. His letter would make himself look like the bad guy having let a small child buy a wand that would not work properly for him.

Part of him even doubted if this young boy wasn't Voldemort returned somehow into a new body. Yet... Voldemort could use any kind of wand forcefully. If he used too much power the wand would be damaged but he could have faked it without what the boy did. The boy used magic from his body and without verbalizing a spell. Voldemort had never shown such a skill and if he had been able to do so he would have done it during the previous war.

Ollivander knew that still, Dumbledore would take his warning seriously but all that he could do was keep an eye on the boy. Should young Benjamin turn evil then all they could do is be prepared for it.

Pulling at his grey hair in frustration he shouted, "THIS IS LIKE HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED ALL OVER AGAIN!"

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