《Breakthrough》Chapter 11: Having companion is very good


When I arrive at the City, I could hear loud scream from the Town Center.


So, Immediately I go to source of that voice.

Surrounded by the undead, a female magician curled herself … it seems she’s a player.

‘Isn’t city is safe zone for player? Why those people surrounded her?’

I thought those people want to attack her or eat her but they just watching her like a monkey show.

As soon I land, I ask them what happen here …

“What’s going on here? She’s a player isn’t she? Why you people surrounded her?”

“It’s been a while since we saw living human”

“Oh!? So you people watch her as a show? Please everyone leave, there is nothing to watch”

As soon I said that, those people leave while groaning … or maybe they mumbling!? Oh well, I don’t care.

See that girl curling like a hamster, I try to greet her.

“Uhm … ehem, are you alright? You are fine now, they already gone”

“Uuuuu … r-really? …”

As soon she look at my direction … she scream again.


“ShhhhH! You are being noisy! I’m a player don’t worry”

“Get way from me you monster! Get awayyyy … kyaaaa”

“Eeerrghh … Hei! Be quite! Your voice is hurt my non-existent ears”

I almost forgot that other girl is still fainted on my back, I hope she’s alright because lost consciousness at game it seems dangerous.

Ignoring that magician girl, I put other girl at nearby bench, thankfully that bench still sturdy despite being rotten.

“ah … Woodenstock-san!”

‘It seems that magician girl know her, and she finally she stop screaming!’

“Do you know her?”

“H-her? … ah, yes, he is at our party but it seems a-a-all of my party is dead and she’s the only one still alive … a-and, actually he is a guy you know”

‘Dafuq! Srsly?’

“uhm, about your party, my … uhmmm … my subordinate killed them all, and actually she want to kill … him? But I stop her. Well that because of you friends attack me first, so we just doing self-defense”

“Wa-Wa-What? The-then what should I do?”

“I guess you should wait them to revive but I think they will revive at last time they visit the safe zone area”

“really? T-then I probably should suicide and then revive at the Capital City just like them”

‘hmmm? Did she know that this place also Capital City?’

“Uhm, I think it wouldn’t be work since you are already at the safe zone”

“WHAT! Wa-what do you mean this place is safe zone?”

“well, this place is undead player starter point, so this place is safe zone, didn’t system notification told you?”

She immediately check her status window, and I could see her face turn pale … I guess it’s really a shocking huh!?

“No way, this can’t be … oh oh –oh yea, there is teleportation right? At every Capital City they always have Teleportation Monolith”

“I think it’s broke and can’t be used, … I guess you stuck here or you can travel by yourself at the nearest living city or village, I can ask for direction at Adventurer Guild”

“Ah! Is anyone at Adventurer guild?”

“No, the only one at adventurer guild is the receptionist and she’s an undead too”


‘Dangit, she’s so damn noisy’

Meanwhile the other girl … I mean guy, began to regain his consciousness.

“Uuuumm, wa-what happen here?”

“AH! Woodenstock-san! You wake up!”

“ah, UnyuMamori … where are we!?”


As he slowly regain his consciousness, he look at me.

“Waaaa! Y-you are that headless knight right?”

“hmmm, yea, I’m sorry about your friends being annihilated by my subordinate”

As I said that he clenched his fist and ...


He take his dagger and aimed at me … or my leg, because his height just within my legs


“Stop it, you cannot attack other person at safe zone”

Ignoring my word, he keep attacking my legs and of course it doesn’t deal damage at all

“Stop it Wood!”

The girl try to stop him, but Wood actually already exhausted from attacking me and kneeled in front of me

He began to cry on my feet … ‘geez, they will resurrect anyway!’

“Are you done? Stop crying! And now would care to explain to me what happen to you or your party? How could you people ended up here?”

“Ughh … sniff … sniff”

“Hei! They will revive! Stop your crying!”

As he try to stop crying, Mamori explain to me what happen to their party when they enter the new found dungeon and accidentally triggered a trap, that trap made all of her party teleported.

So I explain to them what happen in here and also I apologize about their party because even though it’s a self-defense act but we are more powerful than them and we should be able to restrain our self.

I ask Luna for nearest living city or village but unfortunately those place are so far away, for them low leveled player won’t survive long or even reach those place, I guess they stuck here.

Is not that I cannot leave this place, but I haven’t finish my Main quest, to lift curse from this place, also because I feel indebted to all these people.

after that, they suffer from a shock that they stuck at here and the only way out is going with me or try to level up as much as possible but as normal class for them, it will take a long time.

So, I offer my help but they have to help me first, to find the way to free this Kingdom from the curse.

As we have a talk, Pandora is returning with huge bag of mineral … it’s not just huge, it’s freaking huge backpack.

“Master, I’m done mining all material you needs but unfortunately I can’t mine all of it, or Master want me to return and mine-”

“Nooooo, no need to, this is more than enough”

‘How could this bag able to hold all of these material’

“How could this backpack able to stretch like this?”

“I enchanted it with [Change Texture] but that enchantment only available for period time”

“oh? Could you teach me that skill? It seems very useful in near future”

“anything you desire my master, I will teach you”

As we have talk, WoodenStock seems still have a grudge against Pandora judging from his stare

I Told to both of them to remain calm because we are allies now.

For a whole days I try to make a new equipment, especially for Pandora, because I don’t want her wearing an old tattered cloth.

Meanwhile Wood and Mamori trying to adapt with all of these situation and place, I told them that this place is not dangerous.

After I logout game, I’m reporting about ‘lost consciousness in game’ is problem at costumer service.

They said they are considered that matter and gonna add new patch when first maintenance comes.


They take fully responsible if player had problem from device, thankfully it’s rare case when people lost consciousness at game, usually the game will automatically disconnected.

The first maintenance will happen in 2 weeks.

Since Wood and Mamori here, this place is bit more lively … I mean it’s good to see someone not ‘dead’.

It’s been a week since they are here, since Mamori is Healer, she learn from Pandora about Light magic, meanwhile Wood learn with me about crafting.

And I just discovered when I talk to Pandora, we use different language, because Wood and Mamori cannot understand what we talking about.

Pandora said we talk in ancient language, meanwhile when I talk with other person is Human language … I thought all of us is talk in the same language, apparently my Witch body has [World Language] which is a skill that able to make me understand every language and word in this world.

Meanwhile Pandora also has [World Language] skill so she doesn’t have any problem communicating with others.

On the other side, I ask Restia about Arch Angel, she said she is unknown about Arch Angel and this is for the first time seen an Arch Angel.

Ah! Also the real name of Wood is Nico and Mamori is Mamori … she just add “Unyu” at her name, well since they also introducing them self with their real name I have obligation to told them my real name, even though they introduce me with their real name, I keep call them with their in game name.

And the last, I told them to not tell anyone about the current situation, because … no particular reason … I just don’t like it, so I told them to said that they have special training at somewhere and will return as soon as possible, thankfully they agreed to not told anyone.

Since there is living person here, the other difficulties is to obtain a food and water.

In this game, there is also hunger and thirst, if they didn’t eat or drink, they will suffer from negative effect and died … even when you are dead, your hunger and thirst will not replenish, so the only thing will happen is that you are tortured in starve and thirst.

So, Me and Pandora hunt a monster far away, of course we gone by [Flight] skill.

Since I’m an undead, I no longer feel hunger and thirst … I’m not even breathing actually, but my witch body is living person so, I able to eat food and drink from witch body.

Most of monster that we hunt is Wyvern, but sometime a young dragon since whenever we fly, those monster trying to attack us, as for water, Pandora use her Water affinity to separate poison and curse, she is really useful person, well … that’s how we survive.

“Selamet, may I have your time?” (Nico)

“Uhm, sure”

I stop hammering a steel, because right now we are still at blacksmith workshop.

“So, what do want?”

“Uhmmm, c-could you make me strong like you?”


“I-I want to be strong like you, I feel so pathetic that I couldn’t do anything when Mia gets attacked”

‘ah, I recall she’s the mage that killed by her heart crushed by Pandora’

“Hmmm, well … I’m strong because my real physical body also strong but in this game anything is possible, so the only way to make you strong is … … … you have to find out it by yourself”

‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what to said or good wise word’

“I-is that so? Well … you can hammering and do other things without ran out of stamina, and your physical attack and defend is also strong … I-I jealous of you”

“It’s okay to be jealous but you have to make your ‘jealousy’ become a passion that someday you will become strong as them”

“Yeah, I guess you are right but … what can I do? My class is crafter and my stats is low compared the weakest person in this game”

“Then, make your own class”

“Eh? Is it possible?”

“Yes, in [The New Welt] there is unlimited possibilities, one of it is to make your own class, usually you can make your own class by combining 2 different class or more”

In this game is possible to have more than 1 class, example, if you are [Healer] class the you learn [Warrior] class you able to become a [Combat Healer] class, it’s also available with rank up class … but there is limitation combining class, so better combining class when your class is rank up.

In rare occurrence, it’s possible to make your own class but it’s so difficulty, I read at forum just few people had their own created class, unfortunately none of them want to share information how to obtain it.

Looking at Wood which is has small physical body, I have an idea how to make him strong or at least a tool that make him stronger.

I open browser and search a Robot or Mecha, we able to open interweb at inside of game.

At this age a Robot actually already made but most of them won’t survive long because they don’t have a sufficient energy but in this game we has enough energy from Gemstone or Magic Stone.

Actually have planned this long before Wood came here, to Create a Battle Suit.

I told him about this plan, and of course the most difficult part is to create the mechanism of the Robot.

On the other side, Pandora ask my permission to rank up Mamori class, of course I permit her she’s already mastered her 1st Tier magic and rank up blessed by Pandora, it seems Pandora like her, no lesbian thi- no! lesbian it’s okay, hehehe.

Just within a week we already done with this robot, we call it M.A.U or Mobile Armored Unit.

The size is slightest bigger than me because this robot adjusted with Wood small body, it’s controlled from inside, and how to control it is like control your own body.

The control system actually just like VR game, so this is like inception … you play VR game inside VR game.

Well, since there is so much material and finally I able to create from loot at catacomb.

I create another Semi-Heavy armor for me, and for Witch body is Semi-Medium armor.

As for Pandora, I create her a Medium armor and Mamori is Light armor.

Meanwhile Wood is Semi-Light armor which is like Light armor but more cloth and less physical protection, but I enchanted it with various enchantment.

I use Nazi Germany as reference because I think they are ‘cool’ despite the holocaust history, their equipment during WWII is truly magnificent, it just this version of mine is like modernization of it.

Wood and Mamori level now is considered high than the first time we met, Wood is at level 30 and Mamori at level 40, as for me I’m level 50 now.

Pandora herself is at level 203, no wonder she is so damn powerful, well she have been lives for more than 200 years so that’s is normal for semi-immortal being like her.

“As I we agreed before, we will leave this place when we remove the curse from this place, … there is one place that I want to investigate back then but I’m not powerful enough to do alone, so, lend me your power”

“I’m your humble servant, my power is also yours”

‘ah, I’m so busy lately and I forgot to fix her attitude’

“You create me this MAU, of course I will lend my power, I’m indebted to you”

“So do I, Pandora-sama has teach me various magic and trained me, I’m indebted to her and you, … I-I will go wherever Pandora-sama go”

‘hm? Is she really like Pandora?’

Well, Pandora can be considered ‘Tomboy’, her physical body is bit muscular, slender and tall like model, truly girl that is so hard to find meanwhile Mamori, her physical body considered not bad at all, just her bust a bit small compared Pandora.

Now I’m imagining they have les- … ‘nonono, this is not the right time to think about it’

“Alright then, let-“


Restia shouting from far.

“Ah, Restia …”

While holding something …

“Wait, I want you have this”

She give me a necklace with Light Blue crystal at the center.

“This is my mother necklace that she gave me long ago, since I already dead and I unable to wear it again, it’s my good luck charm … I trust this for you now”

“Uhm … thank you Restia, I will treasure this!”

‘it’s from her mother? It seems this necklace is heritage from her family … wait, why I feel some bloodlust here!?’

I turn around and I could see Pandora staring at me … eh why? Don’t you like Mamori!?

afterward, we arrived at the castle.

“Are you guys ready?”

“Yes” (in unity)

Thanks for reading my FF, and if you rate it please also give a reasonable feed back ok!?

and as always if you spot any mistake or has better word or sentence please say it right away, I will fix it!

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