《Breakthrough》Chapter 10: Being merciless is bad


I began to examine it … it seems she’s imprisoned inside this crystal.

‘So, what about the collapsing sound?’

When I look around I see some scattered crystal gem around.

‘Well, I guess I will leave her be’

Why? Because if someone imprisoned like that, I guess she really do something dangerous.

I don’t want to unleash dangerous creature, but looking at it again, she’s seems not that dangerous.

Pretty face, slender body with perfect curve, perfect rack but with horns? And wings?

‘I guess I have to made pickaxe first’

I feel a bit disappoint about this but at least I have found a mining spot, let’s put aside that girl inside the crystal.

When I about to leave, I heard something echoing.


When I look around I see nothing but that girl, then …


I guess it’s a whisper from her, so I answer it …

“Freed you? Why should I?”


“what? Tool? Who are you and explain me how could you get imprisoned here”










“I cannot trust you, what if you attack me when you are being freed?”


“hmmmm … Alright! I will free you, tell me how to do it!?”


As she said, I slowly approach her and touch the crystal.

Slowly a pentagram appear within my hand and then …



The crystal is breaking and I can see her … a beauty girl with a pair of wings, truly like an angel even somewhat her horn doesn’t make her look like an angel … rather than an angle, she’s look like a beautiful demon.

And then a window appeared

You have successfully performed a contract with an arch angle

“gramercy mine master, I will obey any hest thou desire … …”

She paused, maybe because of my appearance.

“Erghem … nay matter what kind thy form is ye are still mine master”

“No, my other part of my body is on the other side … now the only problem is to get out of you from this mining cave”

“then how master can get in hither?”

“I squish from that small hole”

“I see. . . but don't worry mine master I hast five element ability, I can open the path for us”

“is that so? It’s amazing then … wait, you said five? What element that you can’t control?”

“it’s a darkness, mine affinity is light”

‘srsly? You have black wing and horn but your element affinity is Light?’

I want to retort it like that but I’ll just keep it in my mind.

“ah, I almost forgot introducing myself … my name is Selamet”

“I'm honor'd and … I don't hast name anymore. . . prithee, thou may call me aught thou desire”

“then how about Pandora? And could you speak like me?”


“Such a beautiful name, and yes, I’m capable to speak like master but it feels like disrespect to mine master … I’m just a humble servant”

“No, please speak normally like me”

“as you wish min- My master”

‘well, is not like I hate the way she talk but talking like shakespearean but sometime it's confusing’

“well then, please Pandora, open the way and please be careful, this Mining cave is very fragile”

“no need as master to say ‘please’ to their servant, anything you ordered I will obey it”

‘somehow, this is annoyed me’

‘even she’s my servant, I can’t speak somebody like they are a ‘thing’, well … I guess I have to fix her attitude even though actually it’s not bad at all’

Pandora open our way slowly by using earth element affinity but then I detect living creature at other side of the cave.

I can detect their position and movement but …

“master, I can sense living creature slowly approaching your body on the other side, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, I can sense and detect them but I’m afraid when they are attacking me … I can defend my body but it would be better if I could counter-attack them”

“then hold my hand, I will share my earth element ability [Earth Sonar] skill, with this skill you able to see a sonar image as long as that creature make a contact with earth element”

“what? You able to share skill to other person?”

“yes but it’s only available for master of mine, also you can share your skill to me”

“and all we need just holding hand to share a skill?”

“no, physical contact is necessarily just for transferring skills afterward skill can be use even though we separated but of course it will consume your energy when sharing a skills”

“oh wait, which one is energy? My life? My soul? Or my Health?”

“No, It’s your Mana but if your mana ran out I will sucks from your stamina but … also if you are ran out of stamina, I’ll sucks from your Health … I’m sorry didn’t tell you earlier”

“no it’s okay … you can tell everything in detail later, for now we must get out of here”

“Ah! Soon they will reach you master! Quick take my hand”

I grab her hand and dim light appear.

“sharing completed, now you able to use [Earth Sonar]”

“thank you Pandora”

“it’s nothing my master”

I activate [Earth Sonar] immediately and then … as she said, I have an image of it … it feels like 3D Vector graphical vision.

Pandora continue make our path as quick as possible

After few moment I realize that they are also a player, five of them and other one is a bit far behind from the main group, I cannot detect their level … but looking (sensing) from their equipment 2 of them is warrior based job, 2 magic based job and the last one is … I don’t know.

‘His equipment is cloth maybe he is a magician, but he didn’t use a staff, or maybe leather equipment like a range class? But he didn’t use a bow or musket and … he is or she is?’

Instead of specific job equipment, he just like a normal person but I’m also confused about his or her gender too!

‘Is he or is she an AI? or all of them an AI too?’

This is so confusing and frustrating.


I thought our quest gonna be fine … until that arrogant guy appear!


Me and my friend made a party to explore new low level dungeon outside the Capital City but instead of we exploring a dungeon we got teleported to somewhere.

This shouldn’t be happen if that guy didn’t arrogantly lead the party and activated the trap.


“oy, don’t fall behind, soon we will arrived at that village”

“yea kiddo, keep moving fast”

‘sheesh! Such a bully’

Just because I’m small and look fragile it doesn’t mean I’m that weak.

The reason I walk behind because of I don’t like him … who’s his name again? Ah! His name is Mike and other guy is Carlos, seems they are IRL friends (In Real Life).

Same as me and Mia, she’s my neighbor, I move at her neighborhood 3 years ago, and she’s my first friend when I move … well, actually I had a crush on her.

But now what? She’s happily talking with those guys … my chest is hurt.

I suggested them to look after other one girl, a Healer … but that guy suggested to go to the village and wait her there.

What a selfish guy, also the other girl beside Mia also a bit arrogant too … I hate them.

Poor our Healer, she I hope she survive … well, her combat ability actually better than mine, my job is Craftman … a job that considered very weak and only useful just for backing up support.

oh well, I aware about my physical body … Short, silk hair and skin … and pretty face.

I don’t know why, but I took after my mother, when I was a kid … people thought that I was a girl … even up until now.

After few minute walking we almost arrived at the village … it seems that village is abandoned, and also this forest is so creepy, most of the three is dead.

‘I wonder why there is no monster around?, is this place low monster habitat?’

as soon we arrived … we saw so many dead creature … totally massacre!

“ew, what happen here?” (girl 1)

“I don’t know but we’ve to be careful (Mike)

“this is so disgusting, oh … the smell also terrible” (Carlos)

yes, this is totally a Horror …

“we should stay out of this village and find our healer …”

Ignoring my advice Mike said …

“Maybe there is a Pit Boss around here … if we could kill it, we might be get some rare equipment” (Mike)

“yea … but what if the Boss level is high?” (Carlos)

“well, if the Boss high leveled we could just ignore it and runaway” (Mike)

“look! following the massacre corpse … it goes inside that mine cave” (girl 1)

“ … I think we should find our healer first …” (Mia)

‘oh, she listen to me’

“don’t worry, I will protect you”

While grab her hand … ‘what a … ARGH! I hate him! I wish he got killed in instant!’

I couldn’t do anything but watch it.

“hei, you come on! You may stay at the behind anyway” (Mike)

‘geez! Such an ass’

He lead the party to go inside the mining cave.

Inside the mining cave is so dark, so our mage cast [Mana Flare] but since I also manage learning low tiered magic, I cast my own [Mana Flare].

Illuminated with [Mana Flare] we follow the corpse … usually the corpse will disappear within few minute so this ‘pit boss’ kill them all not long ago.

after few moment the corpse is disappear, so we lost the track and ended for nothing.

“Shit! The corpse already disappear!” (Carlos)

but then we heard something deeper inside the mining cave.

“there is sound deeper inside, we should check it out!” (Mike)

once again ignoring his surrounding he decided by himself to go deeper, this cave actually won’t survive long … I can see it that this cave about to collapse anytime.

after few moment we saw blue light … somehow their face is happy seen that light meanwhile Mia worried about it, it seems she’s also dislike to go inside the mining cave but it couldn’t be helped, they forced to go here.

then what we saw is … …

a huge black knight … without head and right arm.

at first I thought that was a Dullahan (headless knight, irish mytology) but no he is not.

I saw dullahan ID card in forum, he is high leveled undead and categorized as a Elite monster along with the pit boss The Death Knight.

‘It’s so unusual a Dullahan appear here, it might be we close to undead continent? But dullahan won’t be alone, if there is dullahan here, there should be more than him alone’

I can’t see his level, just a question symbol appeared … because of my level is still low, I’m just level 10 meanwhile other is 11-14

“be ready, we are going to attack him” (mike)

out the nowhere he said something ridiculous.

“are you insane, his level is beyond all of us we can’t defeat him a- an- and also this cave is about to collapse … please, we better leave this place meanwhile he didn’t notice us yet”

‘is he able to see level that knight? Even he could, that’s still impossible to defeat him’

“SSHHH!, you talking too much I have blue colored sword it should be okay and my equipment is gray colored, I won’t go back empty handed”

‘This guy is really overproud!, we are going to die if like this … just because of he have Rare sword and uncommon equipment’

“Mia, we should get out of here immediately!”

it’s too late, … … he charge at him and slash his sword downward.

a damage output can be seen

5 damage

of course it is … but Mike Nick name or his ID turn to Red, he become a Chaotic Player

“WHAAT!” (mike)

following the mike, they also attack the knight but as result … they cannot deal damage at him not even 1 Hp loss, the only thing they got is Red name.


I shouted … but then … a crumble sound from wall behind the knight and then …

a winged girl burst out from there.

She start slaughtering Mike and Carlos, since they are the closest.

She just pierce their armor like a nothing with bare hand, such a terrifying show happening … it’s instant kill.

I couldn’t move, I’m too scare, and also I feel a strong pressure surrounding.

‘What the hell is this game? This is so terrifying …’

I should be set this game with low gore, since this game available for 12+ so there is setting for it.

after she done with Mike and Carlos … she dash at other girl, meanwhile Mia still stand still, unmoved same like me, stuck in fear.

Just with one hand she choke her and lift her in the air … and then loud crack sound can be hear, her neck is snapped.


Mia scream out loud, as soon she scream … that winged girl stab in her chest with her hand … then she pull out her heart and crush it.

I cannot endure this horror anymore, this game is so fucked up … I never have a thought that this VR game would be this ‘realisticly’ scary.

as she died, she began to look at my position

‘Ah … she look at me now’

with her eyes full of killing intent and strong pressure, I … I lost my consciousness.


As soon they spotted me … they stopped for a while but then one of the knight attack me.


a clashing metal can be hear from the other side.

-5 hp

suddenly I shouted because of how small the damage is.


“What happen master?”

“No, it’s nothing”

“they attack you isn’t it? Don’t worry master I will slaughter them all … how dare they attack my master”

she immediately fasten her dig and as soon the path is open, she jump at those guys and kill them.

just within few second they are all died, she cruelly kill them all.

but there is one person left at behind … she’s scared as hell ... then she fainted.

Pandora about to kill her too but I stop her.

“Pandora, stop it … she didn’t do anything, look at his name”

aaand yea, these player had a red name because of they are attacking player, a chaotic mark.

you may kill other player but if it witnessed by player, your name gonna turn red … other way is to challenge a duel with other player, it may individual duel or group duel.

when you kill red name player, you will not became a red name in fact is the otherwise, you will get an honor and fame

“why master? This lowly creature didn’t deserve to live”

‘uh? It seems she has bad relationship with human’

“please, let her live, beside she already fainted”

“then what are you going to do with it?”

‘it? How cruel treat human like an animal’

“uhm … we will bring her back to city ... ah! I almost forgot, you able to use earth element right? So could you mine some ore and gemstone before we return to city?”

“yes master, I’m capable do it … please you may return to city first, I will mine everything for my master”

“hm? do you know where the city places is?”

“don’t worry master, I able to detect your presence anywhere as long as we are contracted”

“that’s good then … okay, I will leave first, and I know you are so powerful by yourself right?”

“yes master, please have a safe trip”

‘of course she is capable protect herself … look at those corpse! She killed them all just with bare hand!’

I can see the player corpse drop some stuff … it would be waste to just leave it there so I pick it all.

I gave her my other equipment inventory, since I well prepared before came to this place, so I know I will need another inventory, especially bigger one and capable store in large quantity.

I pick her body and put her on my back …

‘I wonder why these low leveled player and such a fragile little girl can be ended at this place!? and also ... what happen to the person which is lost consciousness inside the game? Is she gonna ended like me?’

Since her body is small, I don’t have any problem with my flying skill despite it’s still low leveled, and thus I came back to the city by my flying skill.


Hola, everyone ... uhm, just like always, if you spot any mistake please say it in comment, I will fix it immediately and also would you kindly to give me feed back? "what kind feed back?" anything but please don't be to harsh

So, please enjoy and thank you for reading my ff

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