《Breakthrough》Chapter 8: Witch body is not bad at all


In the next morning I start to exercise by jogging at neighborhood.

Thinking about what happen in game, I guess it’s not bad at all … I mean, I obtained some legendary gear and even more my female body.

When I’m thinking about my female body … how beauty she is and has perfect curve plus huge rack … oohhh, somehow I would fall in love wit- … wait! Isn’t that selfcest? Oh well whocare!?.

As a normal guy, whose not gonna fall in love with beauty girl like that?

Welp!, maybe the minus about her is her height … her height is same as my skeleton body which is 2 meter tall or more … that’s quite fearsome for some reason.

Afterward, I do some chores and take a bath … then log in back to the game at 10 o’clock.

But before I log in, I check my device first, maybe there’s really some malfunction on it.

I check the game setting too.

Well, everything seems pretty normal … and oh yea, I wonder why the description of skill or some item seems pretty simple back then but now I get it. That’s because of the game setting of ‘game display’ is on ‘simple’, I could change it into complex but when I see ‘the example’ of it … it’s has awesome description, but too much to read so TL;DR, lol. Then I’ll just keep the simple setting.

I’m inside the game now, … still with my tattered armor.

‘forget about my appearances I should go to Restia immediately’

Few moment later I found her at town center, she is talking with someone.

“Hi, Restia … I’m sorry for interrupting, but do you mind?”

“No, it’s okay”

“I will take my leave then”

“About yesterday that something I need to report and ask you about … errr a witch”

“a witch? Sure, what is it?”

I tell her about what happen and everything and also, I show her my Witch body.

At first was she’s shocked about what she heard, and I think she know something about it based from her reaction.

After few moment she began to talk.

They guy inside my lucid dream was her father, The Emperor of Clestrial City and this South West borderland continent. He became an experiment of undead when the city fall under the demon army … she watch his father tortured for experiment before her turn to get experimented. After the demon race fall back to their continent, his father disappeared and cannot be found.

About the witch, she was known as High Priest from North continent, there is only three person titled High Priest in human continent and she is one of them. The cause why she become like that because of when the war happen, her fiancé was killed … not because of demon army but because of betrayal … that’s the rumor said. Since that she despised human her hatred led her to join the demon army, to obtain new power and kill people who killed her fiancé.


It seems, there is war even between human, that cause her fiancé got killed.

well, that long short story about it, to be more simple … the witch is powerful person with revenge plot but got killed because of ran out of luck.

But then Restia said, when she died her body was hidden because of her power is still remain at her body.

We had chat over an hour but there is still no clue about how to lift the curse.

‘Too bad, there is no further clue about how to lift the curse, but there must be something related to this … maybe his father hold the key of this event? Or this witch body has something to do with the curse too?’

So many question popped out of my head.

Because it’s getting nowhere, I began to get-to-know my witch body and her skill, maybe there hidden clue inside my witch body.

There is a lot of magic skill, active and passive … I can’t read them all so I just read the magic tittle and after two hours I found skill named ‘Mana Barrier’, ‘Curse Barrier’ and ‘Barrier Dispelling’. all of them already fully mastered.

‘this might be really useful in the future’

That’s what I thought.

Mana Barrier and Curse Barrier is different in usage, Mana Barrier is temporary or it will consume your mana per second, and Curse Barrier is permanently but it require sacrifice 5 INT permanently and it has negative effect.

And there is one more skill that catch my eyes.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Magic EyesightMaster10100%10 mana per/sec

you able to manipulate your mana to enhanced your eyesight and your skill that related to eyesight

‘hmmm, what could I do with this skill?’

So, I activate the skill and I can see my body is glowing in dark aura … a purplelish color, but not just that, I can see something flowing in the air … I don’t know what is it but I see everything has its own color.

Well, it might be so colorful but … most of color, no, all of it is so darken, I guess because of this place is dead.

When I use this skil,l I notice that the City Castle is emitting different color which is like my aura, so I go to check of it … there might be something.

Few minutes later I arrived at the Castle Gate.

The gate is emitting aura just like mine.

I began to examine it … now I realize that this gate has been enchanted with curse barrier, that’s why it can’t be opened since the beginning by any means.

Since my witch body is fully mastered in Curse Barrier and of course … if you able to make it you must be able to destroy it.



The Barrier now is gone, the gate began to collapse … and … how fucked I’am.

When the gate collapsed, there is so many Cursed Knight stand by inside the castle.


All of them began to charge at me.

I quickly cant Mana Barrier, as the result all of them stuck before able to touch me but my mana is depleted quite fast because of all of them attacking at the barrier at the same time.

While panic, I look and searching suitable skill to attack at my skill window.

With a large number of mob I need AOE (Area Of Effect) skill which is able to damage them all at once.

Now I’m ready to attack them, first I enchant ‘Blizzard’

Hexagram began to appear and glowing blue light, thus cold cyclone is appear.

The next skill is ‘Thunder Struck’ … an electric static flow through my body to my finger.

‘I’m ready now’

I point my hand like a gun and then I remove mana barrier … they got slowed from my blizzard, because of that I have time to aim.


That sound was like a Railgun in movie or game.


I never thought that skill would be so powerful … just with one cast I already eliminate ¾ of them.

but some of them still survive and began to charge at me again.

I remember about my transformation skill … ‘Marge Transformation’ so, I transform my hands into skeleton, instead of skeleton, there is still equipped with my armor and my sword.

I Swing my sword and able to deal enough damage even though I haven’t repair my sword.

I continue activate my blizzard while keep attacking the rest of them with my sword.

In 15 minute I able to eliminate them all.

I raise up 1 level and there is quite drops that I could use to strengthen my armor and weapon.

When I’m inside the castle there is another curse barrier at the staircase, so? … I will leave it be, why? Why should I rush!? I haven’t repair my equipment yet, and I need to train myself to use my witch body because of my witch body might be more useful.

So I return to city first and go to blacksmith to repair my equipment and also asking him if he has something more to teach.

I made new equipment from the materials and loots I’ve picked from the past battle.

Now he teach me about ‘gemstone’ that could be enchanted plus extra effect from the gemstone itself.

an equipment without attached a gemstone can be enchanted up to 5 enchantment but with gemstone for an example Fire gemstone, you able to enchanted it up to 7 enchantment plus Fire effect from the gemstone.

But since blacksmith is lack of gemstone, he told me that I could mine it at west hill … there is an old mine that still have a lot of resources.

My new set equipment now is Semi-Heavy armor, because I need more movement right now … from the last battle when I used my witch body while marge transform, I could maneuver easily even and it feels good in that way so I decided to make Semi-Heavy Equipment set.

Malice Semi-Heavy armor Set Type:Semi-HeavyDurability:500 / 500Quality:HighSemi-heavy armor is customization armor that reduce the defense to add more speed.

Enchanted with Speed boost

15% movement speed

DEF +620

ATK +70

VIT +150

AGI +100 (+50)

STR +100

INT +15

Malice GreatswordType:GreatswordDurability:200 / 200Quality:HighGreatsword that have been made from various material.

Enchanted with Speed boost

20% atk speed

Attack 360-650

ATK +80

AGI +20

I just name it randomly, and I haven’t use Greatsword from the Hero as material yet since my ability is too low to convert that sword into materials.

This is more than enough to defend myself.

I won’t go to castle again for now, so instead of go to castle, I want to go to Mine to find gemstone … I would like to ended this quest quickly but being too rush is dangerous.

But before I go to mine, I have to refill my food stock and others, so I logout after that.

Thinking about what happen, I almost forgot that I have no money Income … I might be have a lot of money in bank from mr.rudi, but without income or do something in real life, I feels like a piece of shit or NEET … welp, I’m NEET now!

‘I guess I have to make good use for this money, but what should I do? Should I make an investment to some company or something?’

at the first time I was thinking to make money income from the game by sold some equipment or something in there but in fact I’m still stuck at that city with no one other than an AI.

‘I guess I have to save money before I able to earn income’

But also I was thinking about to go to college, the next open recruitment is in 3 month and half.

I guess I will take college degree for now.


welp, just to the point ... I NEED PROOFREADER BADLY if you have interest please, PM my fb here: Spoiler : https://www.facebook.com/sridadi.sulistya and don't be mistaken, I'm a dude.

and as always, if you spot a mistake or better word for this story, just say it ... I will fix it

I'm sorry, my grammar is horrifying ... but I try my best for it.

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