《Breakthrough》Chapter 7: Curiosity Killed the Cat afterall


With all of sudden … I have been turned into female

‘what the hell happen to me?, ah better check my status first, maybe there is some change’

“status window”

Status WindowName:SelametAlignment:UndeadLevel:31Class:Corrupted High PriestRace:HybridGender:FemaleTitlesNoneFame:0Infamy:0-Health:15954 / 15954Health Regen:355.5 / SecMana:40487 / 40487Mana Regen:687.8 / SecStamina:∞ / ∞Stamina Regen:∞ / Sec-Strenght:325Agility:301Vitality:355Intelligence:607Wisdom:476Leadership:0Luck:120-Attack:50-150Defense:0Physical ResistancesSlashing:0%Piercing:0%Crushing:0%Elemental ResistancesFire:15%Water:15%Wind:15%Earth:15%Light:5%Darkness:40%

‘what the heck? My status point increasing, what happen? what? My gender is Female and my race is Hybrid? … what the hell is going on?’

so many question popped out of my head, and I know something happen with my body. Since my Status is different, I was thinking that my Status Skill also different so I check it.

When I check my Status Skill there is so many skill that I don’t or even obtained before.

Pasive Skill

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Mana ManipulationMaster533%You able to manipulate your mana and control it easily and you able to do complex technique.

higher technique and controllability is depend on skill level

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Voiceless IncantationMaster10100%You able to enchant magic skill without spelling it with voice

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Elemental ResistanceIntermediate1045%Higher resistance is depend on skill level

Ectectera …

Active Skill

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Thunder StromMaster245%2000 mana/use and 100 mana/sec

You able to create thunder storm by manipulating your mana through the air to create mana calamity

Possibility to hit allies nearby enemy

Higher damage and storm density is depend on skill level

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:Rain ArrowMaster469%1500 mana/use

You able to create Mana arrow and multiple it

Higher damage and number of arrow can be multiple is depend on skill level

And ectectera.

I mean it just few of Teir Ten magic skill and there is a lot of other magic skill at another teir.

Magic has different levels, from the lowest teir … a Teir One with simple magic like Mana Flare or Fire ball and to the highest teir is Teir Ten, you could even summon a meteor strike.

I read those at forum, however there is not so many player already reach that level and the most of high teir magician is NPC.

My brain full of question, like ‘what happen to me?’ ‘why I already has the higher job?’ and many other.

When I’m in deep thought I realize that I’m still naked and I can feel chill on my body.

It seems my sense is back.

So? I search some clothes maybe … but there is none, and the only wearable clothes is remaining clothes at the dead body.

It’s seems too small for me but I check it anyway.

Black Rose Underwear Set Type:UnderwearDurability:1000 / 1000Quality:HighUndearwear made by various rare material which is can transform into size of the owner and because of made by unknown material some of effect is unidentifiable

INT +225

AGI +180

ATK +100





‘Aw man, this is awesome but … the design is so much mature, oh well … better than nothing.’

‘WAIT! Why would I wear women underwear and even more, it must be never washed since she died’


I feel the cold straight through my bones.

When I was a skeleton, I don’t feel cold at all when entering the catacomb.


Thinking about it, without further complain I strip the clothes and wear it.

“I’m sorry I stole your clothes but since you are already dead I think you won’t need it”

then I check up on this robe

Yggdrasil Robe Set Type:RobeDurability:∞ / ∞Quality:Master PieceRobe sewed by legendary tailor and made by material mixed from the tree of life and some various rare material

Because of the material from the legendary tree of life, robe is likely can repair itself as long as it’s not destroyed completely

Because of the new owner, some ability is hidden, new owner need to figure it out by herself/himself

INT +345

VIT +300

AGI +180

HP Reg. +50%

MP Reg. +45%





Seriously, I was like a teenage girl when found some beautiful clothes at mall.

When I’m wear it, I don’t feel the cold at all.

Instead of cold, I feel warm and comfortable … it’s like the robe is adjusting temperature.

You have discovered hidden ability from the robe

When I check it back, one of hidden ability from the robe is Auto Temperature Adjustment

Looking at this body and these stuff makes me wonder how could this person can die easily, welp maybe is not her luck.

Powerful or almost invincible person could die just because ran out of luck, well … anything can be happen.

After some brainstorming and search some clue what happen to my body, I found two skill related to this.

The first one is “Marge Transformation” and “Transformation” … pretty obvious isn’t it?

Transformation skill is allow me to transform up to 3 form, there is 1 slot available and other 2 slot is named “Corrupted High Perist” and “Skeleton Race”. It consume 2000 mana each transformation but there is no delay of skill.

Marge Transformation skill is allow me to marge my body from the list of transformation and also marge the status point up to 80% of other body. It is like when I use this female body, I can marge it with my skeleton race up to 80% of my skeleton body and I can transform some part of my body to it. Mana usage is 250 mana/sec.

‘This female body or this which is really powerful person, just her bad luck died by simply sword’

‘Or … that sword is not simply a normal sword’

When I try to identify that sword which turn me like this … too bad, that sword is already broken.

It only display [Broken Sword of Sterblich]

‘Wait!, isn’t sterblich is german language which mean Mortal!? Oh well, whatever because now it’s broke’

I look at the marterial of this sword seems unusual, so I was thinking to recycle it along with the sword from hero.

Afterward, I attempt to transform back to my skeleton body and it’s works!

Along with scattered armor from the last battle.

Then, I check my status again just in case, and it’s still same as before but the skills

Some of skill is still available from female body, most of it is low teir magic and transformation skill.

I wonder how long I have been fainted, I hope it just few hours in game time.

I return back to the town by flying with my witch body … let’s call it witch instead of female body.

I land at the front gate as usually and transform back to my skeleton body.

Nothing much different, it’s still same when I look around … well, I can’t tell the difference anyway, everything is the same “dead”


I need to report the result to Restia and ask her few question regarding this witch.

I’m asking around where is Restia, they said she’s at the adventurer guild right now, so I straight through go to there first.

Ignoring my bad appearance, I greet her.

“Hi Restia”

“Oh Hi Selamet, it’s been a while”

“uhhh … ‘been a while’? … uhm, how long I have been gone?”

“hmm, It’s has been five days the last time I met you, what happen?”

‘holy sheeeeett, that long I have been fainted? Seriously?’

“Selamet, are you okay?”

“No I’m fine, actually I want to report something and ask you few question but could we postpone it for a while … I need to do something at my own world for a while”

“oh, okay then … are you sure you are okay? What happen past few days ago?”

“I will tell you later, but not now”

“yea … sorry”

“no need to feel sorry, so see you later”

After I heard it, that I have been gone for five days in game time which mean is one day more few hours in real life … I rushed to log out because there might be something happen at my apartment.

I mean, I have been gone for that long, so I need to eat and rest even though I have been fainted all along.

When I return at real world, I can feel all of my body feel numb … maybe because I have been not moving for a day or more.

But then I hear someone said my name.

“Sulis, are you alright?”

he is Josh, the one who call me back then when Mr. Rudi arrested and former coworker.

“Josh, what are you doing here?”

I tried to stand while he supporting me and hold me to try not to fall.

I try to reach my bed, meanwhile josh explain what happen.

“oh well, I have been here about twelve hours maybe … I came here to drunk some beer together and also I brought some pizza ya know … but when I arrive you are not responding”

“then how you get inside? Isn’t that I lock the door?”

“yes you did … “

He put me on bed and continue explaining.

“I tried to knock harder and said your name louder in case you are sleeping … well, you know, I can’t freely drink a beer at my home because of my parent … ah, continue when I knocking your door, your neighbor get annoyed because of it but then he said that few hours ago you are screaming for a while but then there is no sound at all inside your apartment”

“really? I screaming back then?”

“I don’t know but your neighbor said so, … I was worried about it so I call Marcus because I know you gave Marcus your alternative key to your apartment, so I call him to open the door and explain what happen too … when we open your apartment, your place was completely black … I mean, when Marcus come here, it’s already night and you haven’t turn on light at your apartment, at first I thought you were murdered but then we heard some sound like machine inside your room and so there you are … we found you still breathing and we wait you to wake up … because we don’t know anything about this game machine”

That was long explanation.

But of course I feel thankful that someone is watching my apartment.

“I’m sorry, I troubled you Josh”

“It’s okay, relax, you should rest now … but is it your device is malfunction? And what happen?”

“No, I don’t think so that because of device malfunction … it just I don’t know”

“uh, it’s okay then … I meant if something error or malfunction because of the device you should report it to customer service, because that might be endanger you”

“oh, okay … did you play this game too?”

“No I’m not, but I was thinking to play this game too, because I already save my money for this all along”

Yeah, Josh is just average teenager boy … he work part-timer just for to buy personal goods, I think it’s okay because he didn’t use his parent money or even beg to their parent.

“Anyway … where is Marcus?”

“He was going home after few hours here, he can’t sleep here or he will get lectured by his wife again … and about me don’t worry, I already told my parent that I sleep at your apartment”

“is that so? Good then … you can go home now Josh”

“uuuh, are you okay if I leave you alone? I still can help you when you need something …”

“no need to, I’m okay … and thank you Josh”

“don’t mention it … oh, there is some slice of pizza at your refrigerator”

“thank you once again”

“sure, I will go back to my home then, please don’t play game too much”

“haha, sure”

‘tomorrow I will ask Restia about this but for now, I will take some rest for a bit long’

I feel so tired, so I ended that day by resting.


I been a while huh? so, here ... I'm not dead yet but yea, I feel like half dead right now ... anyway, thank you for reading and if you found a mistake or better sentence to make the story is interesting, please just say it right way! and I will fix it right away too!

I'm sorry, I can't upload the illustration yet, because of my scanner is still at somewhere else and I can't use it yet so, I will update the illustration another day.

and here, some rant "why update is so long" and this is might bit long, so, you may TL;DR it anyway, it's okay ... and don't worry, I will keep updating again regularly from now on (I hope so)

Spoiler :

So it's about a month ago, I was sick because of I keep working over night everyday, that cause my lung damaged and I was cough some blood back then (no dramatical) ... I consult it to doctor already and he gave me some meds and told me to not overwork or I could killed myself. well ... that first cause then ...

A week afterward when I was at mall, when I walk to the elevator there is teenage girl fall at the elevator because of her high heel and she landed at me ... (she thought I was trying to catch her when she fall but actually I was not) because of that my right arm is broke ... could be any worse? YES!

four days after that event, my Laptop ... the only device that keep me online and keeping my work flow is also broken, I was fucked and I feel like I want to suicide (not really, I just feel absolutely stressed).... I meant, I can't work too long, My right arm is broke and so my laptop, I can't do my job at all ... thankfully I had a friend who help me .... and so .... now my laptop is fixed and my right arm already feel better and also my healthiness.

I will continue this story while I can, so please look forward this.

Thank you for reading this too, if were not, it's okay

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