《Breakthrough》Chapter 2: Scattered away is not that bad


I stood at front of the adventurer building. Same like other, another desolated building. I make my way to enter the building. Every times I step on the floor, it make cracking sound. There is no one inside but then I see something moving at the receptionist table. I walk to the receptionist table to check it but then one head of girl pop out from the receptionist table



This is awkward, in fact both of us were undead so why the hell did we get scared when we saw each other. Oh well, maybe because she popped out and doing some jump scare. This girl is also an undead, to be precisely an Undead Spirit. Undead Spirit cannot be chosen as Playable Character since their existence is bounded with some curse or contract, like the cursed place or summoning.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to scare you”

“Nonono, I’m the one who should apologize”

“Ah well, okay, so, what can I do for you mr …”


“My name is Luna, What can I do for you Selamet?”

“I need some information regarding this place, where am I and what should I do as beginner?”

“you are at the Clestrial City, we are at the South West region which is borderland between Human continent and Demon continent and as beginner adventurer you can register first at guild and you can receive low level quest, do you want to know detail about the quest system?”

“no, I already know it”

afterward, I fill the registration form. The papper itself is tattered away.

' Why does a undead need to fill this anyways?'

“thank you, okay then, how about I recommended this quest”


Pick some Corrupted Herb Weed

Difficulty F


For every Herb Weed you pick you will get 5 Copper

Small amount of Exp

Accept Quest?


You have accepted the quest

“I almost forgot, I don’t have any Inventory, would you mind lend me some inventory? If you have it of course”

“Yes I have, please wait a second”

She’s trying to pick something inside the table receptionist

“ Here have this, some adventurers left it behind and nobody else claimed or pick it up, I think you should have this.”

“thank you so much”

Inventory Bag 10x SlotNormal adventurer bag

‘now I have something’

“may I have some sample of the weed?”

“yes, This is Corrupted Health Weed, Corrupted Mana Weed, and Corrupted Stamina weed, you can find it nearby City plain and hill, but also be careful, unlike other continent, this place is the most dangerous pace, there is often high level monster even at nearby city”

“hmmm, thank for showing me this weed, I shall take my leave”

The weed itself is like normal weed, it just a bit more dark. Obviously, Herb Weed is material to make some potion but Corrupted Weed is to make some potion for an darkness affinity race. We can’t use normal herb, it will have the opposite effect so the otherwise, if normal creature use Corrupted Potion.


When I’m on my way to the West City gate, I see few undead wandering around, a zombie, spirit and skeleton but no other than that, maybe this is why they said City of the Dead.

Outside the City, at nearby plain I began to search the weed. It was difficult since there was only dead weed. Maybe i should go to a hill, there might be a few living trees. I make my way to nearby hill. If I encounter a few monster I can kill it with my bare hand maybe, since at starter place or City, usually only low level creature such as Horned Rabbit, Fox, maybe a bit high level like a Wild Dog but until now I have not seen one of them.

I found the weed, I took 20 for every weed, since 1 slot inventory can Stack 10 Weed.

‘This is more than enough, I should go back right now’

When I’m on my way to town I hear something behind a big bush. I have a bad feeling and i don't want to check it out, after all 'Curiosity killed the Cat'. I slowly move away but I step at dead branch and it make loud Crack sound.

“Grrrrrr –“


An Undead Zombie Bear is eating some undead zombie fox

‘ew, cannibalism. Well better start to run like hell now, wait, I’m a skeleton, I don’t have any flesh, is it gonna chase me? Unless a dog, maybe they will chase me since I’m full bones’


“Oh shit!”

The roar snap me out. I began to run to down the Hill, when I look back, the Bear still chasing me with mouth full of rotten blood. This is why I have not seen any creature at the hill, because they already hunted and eaten.

Few moments later a message window appear

You have obtained Skill Sprint RunYou can run with high speed, the more level skill, more faster you can run

Consuming 3 Stamina per second

‘whew, lucky I have infinite stamina, I can run forever’

Without realizing, I ran at full speed straight to a tree.


You have lose 50 Health

My bones scattered away, just like a broken glasses. My head began rolling down to down the hill

‘I feel sick’

When my head stop rolling, I see a bear looking at my head

‘lets pretend to be dead like in the survival book, BUT I ALREADY DEAD!’

after a few minutes later, the undead bear began leaving me, or at least the remaining of my body. I still can feel my whole body. I remember my skill Joint Bones.

‘How use that skill? Maybe I should concentrate about my whole body and try to move it with Darkness Control skill’

It said the Darkness itself can be controlled in various way. I close my eyes and began concentrate about my whole body where about, and then try to Focusing at the darkness power. I can feel the darkness power at my body, slowly create some image like floating object.


‘I feel something different’

I open my eyes and I can see that my Head is floating

‘wow, I do something like this. This is easy to control’

I feel like a bird, I can fly or at least my head is flying. I can feel my left arm is not too far, I move there and do the same thing like before. My left hand is floating at following me, I can move it as well like normal arm and I can make it fly to different way and make it come back. After an hour maybe, I already made my whole body came back, it just I lose one of gloves. Thankfully my inventory is still at my body when I found it, I thought I will lost it too.

A couple minutes later I almost arrive at the west city gate but then I spot someone at nearby gate. I see an undead spirit standing at the flowers plain or at least a dead flowers, she look at the sky with full of sadness. I know this is just a game but seeing something like that make me feel sad too, so I began to approaching her. The closer I walk to there the more I can see a beauty in sadness, she’s so beautiful, long hair with light blond color, eyes with full of hope for something, face like a doll, perfect body curve and the whole body emitting a light blue color.

“excuse me, my name is Selamet, I know this is impolite asking personal question but, why you are here? and it seems you are in deep sadness, if you don’t want to answer it it’s okay”

She began to smile, and say

“my name Restia Clestria, I’m princess of this City when I’m still alive but you can call me Restia since we are a fellow undead, and yes I’m in sadness because this City is bound with curse, people at City can’t find peace of death”

“would you like to tell me what happen at this City? And how could this City is cursed?”

“yes of course, it’s been a long time since I had talk with other people, but first why don’t we have a sit?”

we are sit down and looking at dead scenery, it’s not that bad and she began to talk again.

“This City is borderland between Center continent and South West continent, it happen 120 years ago, when the War between race is at the peak.”

I began to listen the story about The Great War that happen 523 years ago until now, it just the peak at war is about 120 years ago. This City is the Vanguard at the war, the City lose at war between Human and Demon, so many people died here and then the Necromancer from Demon Race use this City as their weapon, rising the dead and use it for the war but after Human win the war at other place. Demon race start to fall back at their continent, but when they leave this City, they are not lifted the Curse and people at this City is bound with Curse of undead.

“I thought no body at Other World want to become an undead”


When I read the detail about this game, an AI at this game believe that Player is came from Other World. I think this game is fully made with a consciousness, with setting they live this world, believe there is a god and believe in death just like real people, even though the are Artificial.

“Would you like to help us find a peace of death? Since you are the only one who can go outside the City”

“what? So anyone at the City is cannot leave City? How about you? You can go outside the gate right? You can also leave the City”

“yes, but I don’t have any power, even I’m a spirit I don’t have any power, I just a wandering spirit, so are you gonna help us?”

a window quest appear


Help Clestrial City find the peace of death

Quest Difficulty: D – C

Find the way to lift curse at this City, further investigation is needed

Quest difficulty can change with further investigation



Quest upon failure:

Princess will never talk with you again.

Accept quest?

‘quest upon failure is not too risky, but I think this is worth to investigate more further, maybe some hidden class or good equipment is on the way of quest, since I’m the first undead maybe I will find a lot of loot’

“Okay, I will help this City”

You have accepted the quest

“thank you so much”

“but do you have any information about how to lift it?”

“sorry I don’t know, but back then the Necromancer use the Catacomb behind the castle to perform ceremony, the entrance”

Afterward I left the princess and go back at adventurer guild to deliver the Herb, this is make me questioning about the receptionist girl ‘why she offer me this quest when she could tell me about lifting a curse quest’. Maybe because she don’t know about that Curse can be lifted. So, I make my way to the adventurer guild once again.


Thank you for your time reading this, as always if you found any mistake, please tell me, I will fix it right away!

and also please rate it please

suggestion is gladly to take, if you want to critique this story is okay, it just have a lill mercy on me, don't too harsh

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