《My Otherworld Gate》Chapter 36 - Power assessment


Both the bird and the tree are sleeping, as always, so I traveled into the forest on my own.

[Flaming Boar]

Level: 300

Using [Assimilation] and [Assassination] I swiftly take care of this monster and pick up the drops.

During my stroll through the forest, I realized something. Leveling up is easy, isn't it? There is a reason I thought it would be harder. Because the last time I properly tried to level up was during my summer vacation. After that, all I did was try out new stuff I thought of. Obviously, that wasn't a bad thing, thanks to that I got valuable experience and understanding of my skills and magic, but to level up that was extremely inefficient.

If I think about my 'fight' against the king, I could have easily killed him, but I wanted to test out and practice my spatial distortion. That made me mentally tired, I didn't struggle at all physically. I also wasn't in any real danger at any moment. The same goes for the whole day at that time.

[Sleeping Sheep]

Level: 410

Again, an easy and swift kill.

[You leveled up]

The Bloody Venom Panther was an exception, he was over 2 times my level and his Agility stat was 4 times as high as mine. If I avoid monsters of its level, I should be totally fine when power leveling. In the first place, nothing like that should be around here anyway, that was a totally unlucky moment for me. And Luck is even my highest stat...

But it's not just my stats, thanks to my skills I can use my stats much better than before. 100 Agility and 100 Agility can be very different depending on what skills you have and how high their proficiency is. If two people with 100 Agility fought, the one with a better skill selection would definitely win. Even someone with 150 or 200 Agility could be possible. Naturally, practical combat experience is also extremely important in a fight. I'm desperately missing that, too. But right now, I have no way to gain practical combat experience right now.


[Rotting Dire Wolf]

Level: 490

Disgusting, but at least still an easy kill.

[You leveled up]

I feel like monsters are either killed easily or are impossible to fight. Why is there no in-between?

Fighting weaker monsters doesn't improve my fighting, and fighting stronger monsters could get me killed. It's not like I don't learn anything from the fights, but it's not enough. I also got some experience from the school clubs, like the Kendo club, but that isn't too applicable to monster-fighting in a fantasy world.


Hm? That gives me an idea. I could limit my strength here too. I only did that in the normal world to not be seen as a weird monster human, but if I limit my strength while fighting goblins, I could fight a 'serious battle for my life' while not being in danger at all. It would still not be the same as a real fight while risking my life, but it's my best bet. It would be even better if I had a teacher in this world. Maybe I should build an identity as an adventurer after all? I didn't want to become an adventurer because of time limitations, but if I can manage my life like this, it could still work.


Eh? Looking behind me, there are a bunch of Rotting Dire Wolves trying to follow me. One of them is slightly larger in size. There are a total of 27 wolves in this pack.

Name Rotting Dire Wolf Leader

Level 630

Magic 1,000

Strength 18,000

Defense 9,000

Agility 26,000

Intelligence 1,000

Luck 0

Huh? What's with his weird stat distribution? I know I also have an unusual stat distribution, but he is the polar opposite of me. A quick appraisal on the others and... They also have 1,000 Magic and Intelligence and no Luck at all. Maybe because they are undead? Does that mean there are no wraiths or Liches or any magic-focused based undead monsters? I should---



The leader attacked me while I was lost in thoughts, let's take this fight a bit more seriously.

They are in a pack, and they fight in a pretty organized way. They keep rushing at me from all sides without giving me any breaks. But honestly, other than their leader, they are not a match for me.

Block. Block. Evade. Block. Counter and parry, one down.

[You leveled up]

[You lev...

Like that, I continue trimming their numbers. This fight feels a bit like dancing. Hmm... dancing?

Oh, there are only 12 wolves left, excluding the leader.


They spread in all directions, I don't mind the small ones, but I blink in front of the leader.

It steps back, but that won't work.

I quickly thrust my sword through his body.


Somehow it survived and like a fountain, it spews blood at me out of his mouth where my sword is inserted.

[You leveled up]

I give him the finishing blow, but that was really disgusting. God bless the Heavenly Set for always being clean. Taking out a towel from the Daily Necessities Set, I clean my face and hands. I swear, if I didn't have these items--!!


The other wolves are pretty far now, I could still chase them, but it's not worth it. The leader did his job well, at least when dying.

I should collect my drops and continue my power leveling grind. If I go just a little bit deeper into the forest, I should be at a good spot to hunt.

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