《Working Behind the Scenes》Into the Sect


Following the escort, he walked through the woods. After a while he began to recognize that they were walking down a lane. Perhaps a system to funnel enemies.

The forest began to drop away, and buildings appeared. Usually huts and cabins, dwellings of those who lived in the sect. They slowly became more organized, and shifted into organized areas. After the dwellings, were various buildings, for storage or workshops.

And finally, the main sect came into view. The buildings had an interesting style, they look like they had been grown from the ground. Everywhere was a beautiful curving style. In the center, were bigger buildings, that seemed the most important.

While walking, the escort explained to Dahe that he would be entering as a trial member. He would be given lower level information, but no access to techniques, and would be required to carry out chores at regular intervals, for sect points. As long as he received a certain number of points within a certain period the rest of the time was his own. He could even meditate and attempt to access the world’s energy.

If he managed to access the world’s energy he would become a Third Circle member automatically. A Third Circle was just above a trial member except he could now be given access to lower level techniques. But he wouldn’t be given the manual about accessing the world’s energy until he had been here for about two years.

Dahe was brought near the center of the complex. There the important buildings were located. The barracks were a series of longhouses, each fitting about twenty beds, ten against each wall. The barracks formed a square and within that square was the communal kitchen and dining area. The escort assigned Dahe an empty bed, and at the kitchen helped Dahe turn in the rest of the Odoco for Sect points.


Near the barracks was the library. Many people who came in weren’t well educated, and so the library was made available in order to help those improve their knowledge. It was expected that those who managed to make it to a sect in the middle of a forest, had enough determination to educate themselves. However, sometimes study groups were formed to help each other. And of course, some offered their services as tutors in exchange for sect points.

On the other side of the barracks were the sparring grounds and bathing facilities. A great deal of water was located underground, so wells were built to bring it to the surface. Once there, it was heated and used for showers and baths.

The sparring grounds were actually a set of athletic fields. Mostly varying sizes of rings for sparring. But there were large fields for instruction. There was even a sectioned off area for exercise. Various weights and strange devices. Dahe asked the escort about them, but the escort simply told him that he would find out soon.

Finally the escort brought him to a small building with a window staffed by a man in ordinary robes. “This is the Task station. Here you will find out what each Task will pay in terms of sect points, and decide which ones to do. It is preferred that you come here before setting out on a task because it is possible there are more than enough people doing so, and they don’t need more.”

The man at the window nodded. “That is true. Generally most start off in semi-apprentice positions. Either farming, or taking care of materials for those who do the work. For instance there is usually need for a bellows operator. It is tiring, but you are able to learn things if you keep alert.”


“How about hunting?” Dahe asked. “Are you a hunter?” The man at the window asked. “Well, usually that’s taken up by those higher ranked. But extra food is always good. However, not just food, if you find special herbs and bring them back, you get a good amount of points, and bring them back in good enough condition to be planted, you’ll be rewarded.”

Dahe turned to the escort, “what did you usually do?”

“I handled things like this, and the library. I would help tutor others. Can you read?”

Dahe knew he was being asked if he was proficient in reading, so he nodded.

“Good. you may find a position in the library. And if you study well, you can help others learn.” Dahe nodded, that certainly sounded good.

The escort helped Dahe register his sect points he’d earned from turning in his Odoco. The man at the window told him there was a section on valuable herbs in the library. Dahe thanked them both.

Then the escort led him to the library. It was located further away from the barracks, and nearer the center of the sect. It seemed to be a circular building. The escort explained that the common knowledge was on the outside, the low level techniques were in the center, and the more advanced techniques were actually in underground rooms.

The walls must have been thick because once inside the library, the noise from outside cut out almost entirely. The escort showed him around. Introducing the sections. There were animals, plants, minerals, mathematics, philosophy and even basics on trades such as blacksmithing and carpentry.

The escort asked if Dahe needed anything else. He said no, and the escort left. He went around, looking at the books and scrolls on the shelves. He selected a few about different trades and looked through them. Later in the evening, the sky was darkening and he was getting hungry, so he left.

He still had some supplies so he ate those before returning to the barracks. He rested his rucksack next to his bed, against the wall. He then got into bed, and closed his eyes until he fell asleep.

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