《Living Selfishly While Working Towards A Peaceful Life》Chapter 32


Bai Li thought about his mother. He thought about her motivation and her life. He thought about everything that could have happened to her. Then he let all those thoughts go. He didn’t care.

Her parents should care. Her husband should care. Her fifteen-year-old son was too young for that. Her forty-year-old son had suffered too much abuse. His only goal was to separate himself from her toxicity.

Bai Li decided to clarify. “If you plan on trying to get me to understand or sympathize with her, don’t waste your time.” Bai Li sat up straight. Pulling himself together. “If she needs help, I hope she can get it.” Bai Li didn’t. He just said that to comfort the man in front of him.

If Ping An was locked away and the key destroyed right now, it was already too late in his book.

Ping Zen looked sad but didn’t comment further.

Pulling out the file that Knox gave him, he passed it to his Grandfather.

Ping Zen took the file and looked through it. There was a flash of disappointment. “How did you find this?”

What was happening in this life didn’t necessarily reflect what happened in his last. A thought flashed in his mind. Without his determination to go to C-school, would his mother’s hand have been forced?

Even if Ping Zen didn’t believe that it was Bai Li, would he accept where the information pointed? The alternative pointed out that his daughter was trying to kill him, which would be hard for any parent to admit. Going into denial and ignoring the facts was possible.

The future and the past would drive you crazy if you thought about it too much.

“I went looking. While this information was hard to find, it is one of the secrets she meant to have exposed eventually. Maybe not for this purpose, but she is flexible.” Bai Li pretended not to know the real question his grandfather was asking. Even if he could, why would he give away his sources?

Plus, what would he say? He accidentally saved an important person’s life and ended up being owed a favor?

“Since you didn’t think I did it, this information is redundant. However, Ping An sets more than one plate at the dining table. This is a good place to start.” Bai Li didn’t get any more specific than that.

If he said too much, his grandfather would get suspicious of his motives. If he said too little, his grandfather might not investigate.


Ping Zen loved his daughter. The fact that she crossed his bottom line so many times with little to no repercussions was proof of that.

Bai Li had a moment of inspiration. Another reason she didn’t want Bai Li and his sister to get to know Ping Zen was that she didn’t want to share her father’s affection.

This was probably twofold. She did not want him to love anyone but her. If he did care about his grandchildren, he would be less likely to overlook her actions.

Compared to your daughter that you raised for many years and the grandchildren you rarely interacted with. It was clear which would have a higher priority.

“I know. It is amazing you found this.” Ping Zen looked at the picture for a minute more before dropping it on the table. “My information leads to a different direction.”He pulled out a draw on the end table and passed the folder to Bai Li.

Bai Li looked through it and nearly vomited at what he saw. It was pictures of him hanging out with his degenerate friend.

The next was a photo of the person he could consider his best friend out of the group talking to various members of the Goldstein family.

It took everything in him not to react. He hasn't met these people since he came back to the past. All of this happened before. He checked the time stamp and nearly vomited.

No wonder he looked guilty. This trail went back to when he was thirteen. What had Ping An been planning with the Goldstein family?

This was bigger than him. She had to discard one of her plans when Bai Li and Bai Tao picked that school. He would have signed his death warrant if he set foot in there.

“Can I keep this?” He would hand this over to the team he was putting together. He didn’t expect great results, but it would be a good test for them.

He hesitated for a moment but also decided to hand a copy over to Knox as well. The chances of Knox finding something was higher. He wondered what information he could use to barter. He wouldn’t want to owe a favor.

“Of course, but it might not be useful to you. It turned into a dead-end that all pointed at you.”

Bai Li smiled without commenting.

They sat assessing each other. Neither spoke. They could only guess at each other’s thoughts.


“It is a pity that you do not have any interest in Wen Shi,” Ping Zen said. He didn’t sound regretful. If anything, he sounded amused.

“A real pity.” Bai Li mentally crossed out all the plans he made. They were useless if Ping Zen didn’t care about the fate of Wen Shi and its heirs. “What now?” This was a question for himself as much as his grandfather.

“What do you want to do next?” Ping Zen countered.

“I am a student. Of course, I will be studying,” Bai Li said with an innocent smile.

“Ha ha ha.” Ping Zen doubled over with laughter. “Should I give you the money as a school expense?”

Bai Li shook his head. “Naturally, you are giving me an allowance.”

“That is quite a large allowance.” PIng Zen wasn’t opposed to it.

“I am at that age where I have a lot of needs.” He was curious about how much he would get. He would not give his grandfather a dollar amount. It didn’t matter to him. He could add whatever he got to what he already had.

“Why do you sound like you don’t need it at all?” Ping Zen asked.

In a lot of ways, Ping Zen was easier to talk to than his father. However, every word he said made the situation more dangerous. He would rather have a million conversations with Bai Tao.

“Dad already gave me an allowance.” He threw the hot potato in Bai Tao’s direction with no shame.

What could Ping Zen do if he didn’t believe what Bai Li said? Nothing.

“Really?” Ping Zen smiled but didn’t ask more questions. “Do you need people as well?”

“Of course. People are the backbone of any venture.” He wouldn’t dare put those people by his side. While he sort of believed Knox when he said he wasn’t using the team to monitor him, he did not believe that about his grandfather.

The people Ping Zen sent would be used as his second string. Of course, he would use them like they were his go-to men. The two teams would never have contact.

“One can never have too many useful people around.” Give me people that I can use. I don’t need any loafers or crowd-pleasers. Bai Li demanded without saying it.

“Of course. I can send some young talent, but it will be up to you to keep them.” What kind of project are you going to do? Can you inspire loyalty in them? How are you going to make them stay?

“No Problem. No problem. I have several plans in the works. Those who want to aim higher will be satisfied.” Want to leave? Then go. I only plan to keep the one with vision and determination. You don’t need to worry about anything other than sending people to me.

“Young people are so bold. This era will be for all of you. I look forward to seeing how well you do.” Don’t get cocky. There are a million people like you. I am only interested in the results. Words are cheap.

Bai Li had a long conversation while exchanging only a few words. This was why it was hard to talk to people like Ping Zen. He had to think long and hard about what was not being said.

He missed Bai Fang’s straightforward style.

They lulled into a period of silence that was broken by a knock on the door.

Cane Granger came in.

Bai Li sent the man an assessing glance. He found it hard to believe that His grandfather and this man were in a relationship. They always maintained a distance in public. Bai Li wasn’t around enough to know how things might be in private.

It wasn’t his place to judge. It was funny. If these two were allowed to continue their relationship, none of this would be happening. Bai Li wouldn’t be here if that happened, though. So he was happy it happened the way it did.

The comfortable silence started to get awkward. What were they expecting him to say?

“Congratulations?” He kept his face deadpan. Why was their relationship his concern. They were adults, and they had been together for this long.

Cane chuckled. His grandfather looked like he wanted to throttle him.

“Thank you.” Cane sat beside Ping Zen.

Did others not know about their relationship?

“Your mother sent a letter to you.” Cane passed over a piece of paper. “I read it, but it didn’t make a lot of sense.

“My darling Li.”

” Who are you? Where have you gone?”

“I will see you in a year.”

“I love you.”


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