《Living Selfishly While Working Towards A Peaceful Life》Chapter 19


They rode the elevator in silence.

His things would either be brought over from the main house, or he would have to repurchase everything.

It wasn’t a big loss. He had outgrown or didn’t remember most of the items he owned. There was a pang of disappointment and loss at the thought that he would never step foot in that house again.

Regardless of how his life was when he lived there. It was still the place he had the most memories in. They weren’t all bad. It was just that the bad times had a way of removing the joy from the good moments.

The ding sounded, and the doors opened. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself.

He stood half a step behind Bai Tao and let his father lead the way. He didn’t take in the details around him. All his focus was on the door ahead of them.

“There is no need to be nervous.” Bai Tao reassured him.

Bai Li wasn’t nervous. He wanted to know the outcome of the meeting, but the results weren’t crucial to him.

His father was the one who should be nervous. It was in times like this that people’s character became apparent.

He was sure that his father had called ahead to give Lee Shan a heads up. Would he be welcomed in a formal or relaxed manner?

Bai Tao didn’t seem worried. His faith in Lee Shan was unshakable. He used his fingerprint to open the door before coming to a sudden stop.

If he hadn’t put distance between them, he would have walked into his father’s back. He fought against the smile that wanted to form on his lips.

“Why are you waiting at the door?” Bai Tao was incredulous as he laid eyes on Lee Shan.

Bai Li moved forward, adding oil to fire. He tip-toed and peered over his father’s shoulder until his and Lee Shan’s eyes met.

She stepped back with a gasp. She wasn’t careful and bumped into Bai Fang, who was behind her. He cried out. Looking wronged, he ran from behind Lee Shan and straight to Bai Tao. Lee Shan tried to grab him but was a step too late.

“Hi,” Bai Fang said brightly. “You look like me.” His face pulled into a constipated look. “Or do I look like you?” He didn’t stay bothered for long. He jumped out of Bai Tao’s arms and stood in front of Bai Li.


Bai Li looked at his father and Lee Shan. This was a joke. His father didn’t look back. His eyes were focused on Lee Shan. Bai Li could see the moment the bubble popped.

If Lee Shan welcomed him with open arms and a pleasant smile on her lips, things would be different. He would have no choice but to distance himself.

This wasn’t what his father would have expected from Lee Shan, but it suited Bai Li perfectly. If she wasn’t greedy, it meant that he could come to an understanding with this person.

For Bai Tao, this display by Lee Shan meant that she had ambitions. Whether it was for herself or Bai Fang didn’t matter at this point. The perfect image she created in Bai Tao’s mind was cracking.

This was not what Bai Li expected, but it was the best outcome. Lee Shan was not like Ping An. She wasn’t groomed or trained from a young age to mingle with successful and dangerous people.

By the time he tangled with her in his last life, she had already been tempered by his mother’s attacks. Now she was just a greenhorn he didn’t have to guard against.

Without Ping An, making these people’s relationships stronger by attacking, how would things turn out. He learned early in his last life that relationships that constantly faced external opposition were more stable. Both parties had to rely and depend on each other.

They had ten years to develop as a couple in his last life. They didn’t have that time to mature now.

Lee Shan still hadn’t managed to get a hold of her expression. Her arms pulled tight to her chest. Her mouth was open. She looked like she was about to cry.

Dressed in designer from head to toe. She came to put on a show of force but failed. Lee Shan would not have appeared in front of Bai Tao like this if she was smarter and more experienced.

If he were a softer person, he would think he was bullying her. What about this woman attracted Bai Tao? The type of woman he hated most were those with loose tear ducts.

He remembered the straight-faced woman he met outside of Wen Shi. She wasn’t insane like his mother. Instead, she had a calm determination that he had no choice other than to fear and respect. Time was the best teacher, and this woman hadn’t started taking lessons yet.

The softness that was unlike his mother would have attracted his father. Yet, it wouldn’t be enough to hold on to him. There were a million delicate women that needed protection. It was also likely that she started as perfect as Bai Tao thought, but money changed her.


It was impossible for money not to change a person. Also, having Bai Fang would have changed her.

Still, this was a poor showing. She looked like she expected him to attack Bai Fang at any moment.

“Mommy said not to get close to you because you won’t like me.” Bai Fang said. “Why won’t you like me? Aren’t we brothers?”

Bai Li threw his head back and laughed out loud. Did he even need to set a trap for Lee Shan? She dug her grave without him doing anything.

Since Lee Shan didn’t learn the lessons, she didn’t know what to pass on to Bai Fang. Ping An was much better at training her children. Bai Li didn’t remember a time he didn’t know what could and couldn’t be said.

Though, when he looked at Bai Fang, he knew his assessment was correct. She had some skills. At Bai Fang’s age, he didn’t have any defining facial features. Why then did Bai Fang mention that they looked alike?

It would have to be because Lee Shan often told him how much he looked like Bai Tao.

“Yep, we look just like dad.” Bai LI could say this because he knew what Bai Fang looked like in the future.

Bai Fang’s eyes sparkled. “Yep. Mom always says that I look just like dad. I am going to grow up to be just like him and run a company. That was what mom said I was born to do.”

Bai Li heard his father growl and Lee Shan whimper.

Yes, this was just like Bai Fang. How did he forget how straightforward his brother’s personality was? He charged at you straight. Lee Shan probably lost the chance to influence his little brother. Bai Li would be happy if that happened.

Lee Shan should have had a better understanding of her son’s personality before she randomly started saying things.

Squatting down, he rubbed Bai Fang’s head. “Don’t learn bad things from people, and you will be able to do it.” He already planned to support Bai Fang. That was what he planned to propose to Ping Zen. There were a lot of advantages. If done right, his grandfather had no reason to say no.

It was a plus for everyone involved that Bai Fang was a decent child. If he managed to hold on to his resolute and straightforward personality that Bai Li remembered, he would be a decent adult.

Bai Fang pushed his hand away, looking aggrieved. “I am not a kid.”

Bai Li felt so sad, looking at a face that would look similar to his. “Don’t be in a rush to grow up. You don’t appreciate being a kid till you are an adult.”

“Don’t…” Lee Shan started.

“Li!” His father cut in. “Take your brother downstairs and show him your rooms.”

“You get to live by yourself!” Bai Fang turned a bright expression to look at his brother. His voice was full of admiration. “I can’t even close my bedroom door.”

For the first time since being reborn, Bai Li felt like he was healing. He was awkward when dealing with his father. He didn’t know what to experience with Ping Zen. He was terrified of Bai Wei. Bai Mei was a half-sister. Bai Fang was his full brother. This was the first familial relationship that had the chance to be healthy.

Since he wasn’t fighting for Wen Shi, there should be nothing for them to fight over. It was up in the air if Bai Fang even wanted it in his last life. Ping Zen would end up in a pickle if no one wanted the burden of Wen Shi.

Ping Zen better work hard on Bai Wei.

Taking a look at his father’s face, he didn’t see any emotion. What would an argument look like when his father wasn’t drugged and behaving irrationally?

He hoped they worked things out. Wen Shi was about to get busy, and if BAi Tao had to focus on his relationship, he wouldn’t have time to focus on Bai Li’s life. He should have kept the secret of Bai Mei for a rainy day.

“Is the door open?” He asked. After receiving a nod from Bai Ta, he guided Bai Fang out the door. “It is my first time living alone too.”

“That is so cool!” Bai Fang ran ahead and pushed the elevator button. He was bouncing on the spot.

Bai Li was able to take care of the very mellow Bai Wei. How did you deal with a child that had this much energy?

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