《The Life of a Goddess and a Fox in the Cultivation World》Chapter 39 - End of the year competition?


Mortal Realm, Capital Planet of the Hoborg Empire, Main Continent, Cloudmount City, Immortal Pillar Academy. For each main points, Shui went into details with many examples to make sure that everyone understood everything. Although they did not even see one Rune during the entire lesson, they nonetheless understood the overlying principles of Rune Carving, which would help them organize their knowledge more efficiently in the future. After a few decades of being a teacher, the woman knew what worked and what did not when teaching about her subject. It was not foolproof, but it was the best she found. As the she finished her explanation, she declared the lesson over and dismissed the class before leaving the room on her own. As they were going to the same place (the cafeteria), the group of student decided to stay together and resumed their earlier conversation about their daily life, while some were commenting on the two previous classes. As they were talking, the girl who bonked her head [A/N: This shall be her name^^] earlier, said to Guang Yang and her desk mate, while shaking her head, sighing. “My parents wanted me to participate in the end of the year competition for Advanced Blacksmithing and Advanced Rune Carving, but I think they were just delusional... I mean, the amount of things that we have to learn simply for the theory side of the class is huge. And that's not even counting the practical side. Ugh! I'll probably have to wait two or more years to do it.” Hearing her comment, Yang asked. “Competition? What do you mean?” The girl looked surprised at his ignorance and replied. “You didn't know about the end of the year competition?” He said. “Not really. I've only started class yesterday, so I didn't really have time to check everything about the school.” She nodded, understanding. “Oh, I got it! I actually started school a few weeks ago and transferred to the advanced class when I was 'sure' that it was those topic that I wanted to study. Mmhh... So, the competitions...” She started but was interrupted by Guang Yang. “I thought you said competition, as in one competition?” He asked, puzzled. She chuckled at his question and proceeded to answer. “Well, yes and no. It's complicated and simple at the same time. Ugh! Just let me explain it quickly, okay?” He replied, slightly embarrassed. “Sorry, go ahead.” The girl took a deep breath and started her explanation. “So, the end of the year competition. There is technically one competition, because all the different events happen during the same period.” “There is an event for each class of every Level up to Level 6. Since once you reach Level 7, your status become similar to the Core disciples in those sects and families, the rules applied to them are a bit different. Most cultivators capable or reaching that kind of height are usually from outside powers, so they wouldn't stay in the Academy. That's why those that actually stayed would usually become Elders and protectors of the Academy.” She paused for a second before resuming. “But anyway, that's not what you asked me. The competitions! For Level 1 students, there is a competition every year, at the end of the year. So, between June and August. It depends on the specific year. Then for Level 2, it's every two years, and for Level 3, it's every three years.” A few students around their group were also listening to her explanation, as they were probably similar to Guang Yang, in that they were not aware of that event. One of the girls among them asked. “Is there also events for Level 4 to 6 students?” The Bonked her head girl nodded but was a bit dismissive in her answer. “Yeah, but it doesn't really matter to us, anyway. I mean most of us are just Level 1 noobs, so it's better to focus on our Level's competition.” They all nodded in agreement, thinking that her answer was logical. Nonetheless, Guang Yang was still a bit curious about a few things, so he decided to ask her, as she seemed to be very knowledgeable. “When you said that those events are for each class, if someone who wasn't a Level 1 cultivator but was still in an advanced Level 1 crafting class, can he or she still participate in that event?” From is previous day of class, the little fox understood that being different may not be perceived as a good thing by some people, especially when it was about his talent being superior. His parents and teacher already warned him that a lot of people, instead of trying to improve themselves to reach a higher cultivation base, would rather pull down those more talented to their Level or even lower. What scared him the most was some of the stories they shared with him where, in some places, when a talented cultivator arose, he or she was 'offered' to be 'absorbed' into some powerful organization, and if they did not agree, then they would either be crippled or even killed. His teacher said it was because many people in power felt the need to always be in control and those talented cultivators were wild cards that could maybe one day go against them. It was a risk that they would not take. Of course, he knew that not everyone was like that. His three silly friends, for example, did not even flinch when he told them his cultivation Level. But he did not feel that they were the norm, so he would rather not take the risk. After all, the reason he joined the academy was to meet new people and not to make new enemies. [A/N: Oh my dear naive child] “Uncle Nung said that I should experience things to grow. Does it have to be that complicated though? I'd rather be myself instead of being careful with what I say... *Sigh*” He thought, feeling a bit down. While he was lost in his thoughts for a second, Bonked her head girl rolled her eyes at his question, since it was obvious to her as to whom he was talking about. “Look, handsome little brother, you don't have to beat around the bush with your question. I'm pretty sure you're talking about yourself, right?” Despite being phrased as a question, it felt more like a statement to the people around and Yang blushed a little from being seen through so easily by her, coupled with her compliment. “Ye-yes. I meant myself.” His attitude of trying to evade her gaze, coupled with the blush from his embarrassment prompted her to chuckle, which, in return, made him blush even harder. Feeling a bit resentful, Yang stared at her with an expression that, to her, looked like he was pouting. Not wanting to hurt the boy's feeling, she progressively stopped herself from laughing and said. “Hehe, alright, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't look at me like that, okay? I'll answer your question seriously.” Seeing him harrumphed to her answer, she could not help herself from thinking about how adorably cute that younger boy was. Shaking her head from those useless thoughts, she answered his question. “To answer your question, your cultivation Level would not impact your participation in Advanced Crafting related events. It all depends on which classes you're a part of. After all, almost all winner from those events are Level 2 and higher because of the time it takes to master each Crafting Level. At least that's the case for Level 1, since it's not that hard to reach Level 2 or even Level 3. Everyone knows that the big divide starts at Level 4 and that's also why Noble titles are awarded only to Rank 2 and above cultivators.” Guang Yang regained his focus when he heard her and nodded. “Thank you for answering my question.” The girl waved her hand to dismiss his thanks and replied. “Don't worry about it. Everything I talked about were things that anyone could find out about on the Holo-Net anyway, so I lost nothing sharing it with you guys.” Noting that she stopped talking, her desk mate added with some excitement in his voice. “Vania, you forgot to talk about the rewards! That's the most interesting part!” Feeling intrigued, one of the boys listening to them asked. “What are the rewards?” The desk mate boy turned towards him and answered. “Good question! It varies from competition to competition, and from event to event, but they're usually Peak Quality Runic Pills and Peak Quality Runic Items. Of course, if you participate in the Level 1 events, your rewards won't exceed Level 1. But it's still amazing since it's hard to get Peak Quality Runic items and pills. If you can get them, then you'll definitely get a great boost to your cultivation. Maybe even breakthrough to the next Level.” Vania (the Bonked her head girl) nodded and added. “That's true. I heard that there were many high Level cultivators in our Empire who broke through thanks to Peak Quality Runic Pills appearing in Auction houses recently. So, I'm certain that getting those rewards would help us a lot... But I'll definitely fail if I participate next year... Ugh!” Despite her initial enthusiasm, she ended up feeling defeated when she thought about her actual situation. “I guess I'll just participate the year after...” As the shuttle they were in flew towards the cafeteria, they kept talking about the competition and the two desk mates mentioned a few anecdotes about past events, some impressive and some simply funny. Many were about items exploding while being crafted or Pills that had weird effects that were not initially intended. All in all, Guang Yang had a good time while talking to his new acquaintances, even if he did not feel as close to them as the three other musketeers. However, he did not want to overthink too much about it, since he already felt happy being able to meet so many new people. When the flying shuttle they were on landed in the designated area, they stopped their conversation and walked out, bidding each other farewell as Guang Yang left the group to go find the others. It only took a few seconds after he sent a message in their chat groups before her received a message to inform him of their current location. Following their indication, he noticed a shuttle arriving to the mentioned landing area. As soon as the doors opened, he saw the group of three exiting with Angelo waving at him like what Yang's definition of a maniac, not feeling embarrassed in the least, while the two girls started to move slightly to the side away from him, trying to avoid being 'tainted' his shamelessness. When the three arrived to the golden haired boy's side, they could see him grin widely, making it obvious to them as to his current state of mind. As if his smile was infectious, even the two girls, who previously had a neutral expression, could not help themselves from smiling back at him. Norah even had a slight blush on her cheeks that was only noticed by Guang Yang, but immediately dismissed from his thoughts as her being embarrassed by Angelo. “Hey little bro! How was your classes this morning? You had your electives, right? You are really quick to choose. I didn't even pick mine. There are so many choices, that I just can't find the right ones.” Exclaimed Angelo in a loud voice. Lisette, being annoyed by the volume of his speech, said in an exasperated tone, while massaging her temples. “Angelo! Why do you have to yell all the time? Can't you just talk like a normal human being?” Hearing her reprimand, the boy smiled sheepishly and replied in a quieter tone. “Right, sorry. I just can't help myself from being loud when I'm happy. *Cough*” Wanting to help a friend in need, Yang decided to intervene by answering his earlier questions, instead of going on a 'frontal assault' against the cute girl, since he knew that she was right. His teacher always told him that if he could not rely on power to win, then he should use his brain instead. “My Advanced Blacksmithing and Rune Carving classes were pretty interesting. We learned a lot, but from what our teachers told us, the amount of learning material that we have to master is gigantic. Some students were a bit discouraged by that, and I have to admit that even I feel a bit overwhelmed. Especially since I know that this is only the Level 1 advanced classes. And there are, at least, 5 more Level in this academy...” A wistful sigh escaped him when he thought about the amount of time and effort required in the future to pass all the classes successfully. “I feel you, bro. That's one of the reasons why I have trouble choosing my electives.” Angelo replied. Lisette then added. “And you're lazy.” “And I'm la... Wait! No! I'm a very hard working man!” He exclaimed with mock outraged. Norah then added with a teasing smile mirroring the one on the other girl's face. “You're still a boy, though?” The exaggerated expression of defeat on Angelo's face triggered a burst of laughter from Yang, which was followed by the two girls, who, despite trying hard to contain it, finally succumbed to the inevitability. Especially Lisette, who could not help herself from teasing the boy that always try to make them laugh. She did not know why, but she liked the feeling of being around someone who seemed to care about her enough that he did not mind the constant bantering from her. Of course, she also had to account Norah and Yang for that new feeling. “So, that's what having friends feel like... I like it very much.” She thought, while keeping it from showing on her face. While the four were laughing (Angelo joined them quickly) for a bit, they noticed the people seated at the adjacent tables in the cafeteria looking at them weirdly. “*Cough* Let's just eat. What do you say?” Yang asked while blushing a little. As the others felt a bit flustered, they nodded and focused on eating the food in front of them silently until no one was paying attention to them anymore. Noticing the disappearance of the inquisitive eyes that were previously turned towards them, they all sighed in relief and started discussing about mundane things. Norah talked a bit about how she found some old Net-Series and movies that were the adaptation of some even older books that she had read. From what the little fox understood, Norah was an aficionado of retro items, whether it was books, movies, video games, etc. Her words were: “I don't want those treasures to disappear, so I do my best to find what I can to preserve them. Also, I like to watch, read or play them, since I find them more interesting than the new stuff.” Lisette was less vocal about her likes and dislikes, and as all the other three wanted to respect her privacy, they did not insist, so Angelo started to share his. He declared loving movies and Net-Series about space exploration. He said he was not sure about the reason, beside a sort of fascination he had with the virtually infinite expanse of nothingness, with a (relatively) few objects like stars and planets here and there. With 'stars' in his eyes, He said. “I just want to be able to explore and discover new things and that's the 'selfish' reason why I want to increase my cultivation base. I also want to help my mom. But I already told you that before.” They all nodded and the other three then turned towards Yang while Norah asked him. “What about you Yang? Beside for your family, why do you want to increase your cultivation?” When he heard the question, the young fox paused for a moment as he never really took the time to find what he really liked to do. Sure, he enjoyed cultivating, but beside that, he had no real hobby. Even the blacksmithing and rune carving classes were taken to teach him how to create items for his loved ones. It was not a purely 'selfish reason', as Angelo said. “I... I don't know... I never really thought about it.” He mumbled, a bit lost in his thoughts. “Don't you do anything else beside cultivating? Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing. I'm just curious.” Norah asked. He nodded and after hesitating for a second shook his head. “I've started cultivating since I was one year old and since then I rarely took time to do other things. My teacher and my parents always tell me that if I want to be able to do what I want in my life, I need to have the power to match. Otherwise, some ill-intentioned people may use their own superior powers to hurt my or the people closest to me. So I decided to focus on cultivating instead of wasting time on other things.” A bit of pity appeared in the elf girl's eyes, while the other two had a fierce glint in theirs while they related his situation to what happened in their respective lives. Deciding that she had to do something, the earnest girl asked the group. “Why don't we all meet up on Saturday then? That way we can spend the day together doing fun things!” Seeing the interested expressions on the others' faces, she continued. “We could go see a movie, or go play at an arcade center? I'll let you guys choose where you want to go.” Angelo added. “We can take the next few days to think about it. What do you think?” They all nodded, smiling. As they switched the topic of conversation towards something else, the four seemed to be a bit distracted, probably thinking about what they should do on Saturday.

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