《Spaceslime》Day 12 – Watermelon?


The huge metal plate is gone and the orb in my center has grown to a massive extent. I thought that my energy levels rose by large amounts after eating a few screws but this brings everything up to a whole new level, if my previous increases where x2 then this time it is more like x1000.

And now it is time for adventure!

I start heading towards the opening and what should be a “Galley” according to the dream from the long haired person.

Moving through the opening goes very smoothly and I am only slightly deformed to fit trough.

My first impression of the room:

Quite low on lumps and grainy substance, but I can tell from the vision from the lumps (Lumpovision?) that I do encounter that this is a brand new room with some counters and cabinets placed along the walls, a few doors and some sofas and a table in the middle of the room, some sort of moving picture on the opposite wall from the door and on the table in the middle there seems to be some sort of container with a creature moving around inside.

I start my usual routine of sweeping the room clean of food by first following the walls and then start going back and forth from side to side, slowly sweeping the room clean as I have decided to save the new stuff that might be in the cabinets for later.

On my third sweep away from the door I find a new delicious treasure. It is super sticky, and my first thought is: Tastes like Watermelon, but not really.

What the heck is Watermelon?

Anyway, the interesting part was the vision that I received after eating it.

Walking through the corridor towards the galley, the door with the plate smoothly opens when approached, a constant flavor of Watermelon as the mouth is constantly chewing, as I see the back of the sofa I notice it is occupied by somebody that seems to be furiously beating one arm up and down and the person instantly calls out: “I really hope that is a football you are pumping up Buggerbreath”


Buggerbreath: “Football? Anyway what’s with that sarcastic tone Sandra?”

Sandra: ”Just tell me you are not doing what I know you are doing right now pervert!”

Buggerbreath: “Hey! That’s uncalled for I just figured I would help you out, even though this is supposed to be your job”

Sandra: ”You’ve got to be kidding me! My job!?!”

Buggerbreath makes a grunting noise: “Oh shit, could you hand me some tissue or a rag or something please?”

Sandra: “Fuck you Buggerbreath, I have had enough, I quit!”

Sandra is yelling the last parts so loud that spit starts flying and the vision suddenly cuts off at that part.

What an interesting vision.

I continue my sweep of the room, and as I come to the sofa I decide to push under it to sweep up whatever might be under there.

Under the sofa I encounter yet another treasure.

Seems like today, is my lucky day.

It is very different from anything I have ever encountered earlier, if I have to describe it I would say it resembles that liquid I absorbed some time ago, just dry.

There is quite a lot of it and best of all it seems to contain the other half of the conversation from earlier but it seems I received some ?silent conversation? as well:

I am sitting in the sofa furiously pulling on the piston when suddenly I am interrupted by Sandra: “I really hope that is a football you are pumping up Buggerbreath”

Buggerbreath: “Football? Anyway what’s with that sarcastic tone Sandra?”

*Why on earth is she asking me about football? And she seems to be in a really angry by some reason*

Sandra: ”Just tell me you are not doing what I know you are doing right now pervert!”


Buggerbreath: “Hey! That’s uncalled for I just figured I would help you out, even though this is supposed to be your job”

*I am just trying to help out with her job since I have a few minutes available, and why is she suddenly calling me pervert? It’s bad enough that she calls me Buggerbreath*

Sandra: ”You’ve got to be kidding me! My job!?!”

Buggerbreath makes a grunting noise: “Oh shit, could you hand me some tissue or a rag or something please?” *Ah, I cut my hand on that damned cylinder and it is bleeding pretty badly.*

Sandra: “Fuck you Buggerbreath, I have had enough, I quit!”

Sandra storms out the door.

*What the heck is wrong with her today? I am just disassembling a hydraulic cylinder so I can change the seals, OK I know that I should have went to engineering but I had all the tools and parts here and engineering is on the other end of the ship. But I better stop this bleeding and head to medical, I think I need some regen*

Buggerbreath: “Mary Lou! Please disable the C-Bots in the galley until I have refilled them with some stronger cleaning fluid”

Mary Lou: “Affirmative Captain”

Captain Buggerbreath stands up clutching his hand and the vision ends.

Wonder what that was all about?

And when will I find some visions from this Mary Lou?

I better continue my journey.

As I sweep along the floor I start humming: “Mary Lou where are you?” I haven’t really done that funny body vibration trick for a few days now.

I sweep the entire galley floor clean of food but there seems to a very low food content in this room, I decide to investigate the room more closely tomorrow, it is not that my energy level have decreased by much since I woke up this morning but it still seems that I am growing tired.

I better head back home to Ms. Tingleywall so I can feel safe when resting.

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