《Spaceslime》Day 11 – Day trip


A new day and I am buzzing with energy, all my food is dissolved and everything seems normal, the tiny orb in my center have grown slightly yet again, I move to the plate and start pulling out all the screws that I can reach, I notice that I have experienced quite some growth in volume as I can pull out almost all the screws except the top row.

“I guess this means I will explore the ventilation shaft“

Moving towards the ventilation shaft I notice the screws are slowly dissolving and draining my energy in the process, but I can feel that I still have a lot more to go on.

It seems every time I eat metal my energy capacity goes up the following day.

I reach the vent and manage to squeeze my body through it, at one point when I was about halfway I started getting curious about what might have happened if I split my body in two equal pieces?

Would I die?

If not would there be two of me?

If there is two of me then who is the original?

Would one be the parent and the other the offspring?

If I reabsorb the other half would that then be murder?

I decide to end my internal discussion on this topic and rather save it until I accidentally cut myself in two because I am definitely sure that I will never attempt it on purpose.

Also my mind got suddenly distracted when I realized that my body was currently resting on top of a thick fuzzy layer.


I start my feeding frenzy and move slowly through the ventilation shaft making sure that I don’t miss out on a single food fragment, I am sure this will give me the needed size to reach those final screws on that plate in the hallway.


After moving through the ventilation shaft for quite some time, I encounter the first corner, but disappointingly there is no treasures located here, moving in the new direction I soon notice that I have reached an intersection, with one leading straight ahead and the other to one side, I decide to save the detour for later and keep on going straight ahead.

Strange enough there seems to be a cleanish path in the middle of the shaft after the intersection.

After traveling straight for some time the shaft suddenly ends, strange, but perhaps it is actually just going straight up, it is not like I have the reach to check anyway.

I move back to investigate the other part of the intersection.

After moving along in the new shaft for some time I suddenly enter a slightly bigger space, I would call it a dead end as well since there seems to be some kind of death trap in the middle.

I know because after I had done my peripheral sweep of the space I suddenly touched a very low edge that seemed to form a perfect circle in the middle of the room, my curiosity got the better of me and I put a part of myself on top of this place just to feel it instantly disappear.

Luckily I did not approach the edge at full speed or else I suppose all of me would be gone, what a scary thought.

Thankfully the trip in itself seems to have brought huge profit as my body size have grown quite a lot, since I entered the shaft even if I lost a bit of myself on the death trap.

Seeing as there did not seem to be any more interesting things to appear in the ventilation shaft I decide to call it a day and go back home to my Honey.


Being a bit impatient I go up to maximum speed so I can get home a bit faster.


I bounce back a little bit.

Was there not an opening here previously?

I guess I took a wrong turn after exiting the death trap area?

To be sure I go back to the end of the wall.

This is the exit alright.

Seems like my increased size made it a bit harder for me to exit the vent grate.

“Isn’t it a bit crooked now?”

I do a closer inspection of the grate, and sure thing, it seems to be slightly dislocated.

“Would this not make an epic meal if I manage to get this loose?”

Start ramming the grate at full speed, and after 20 impacts at maximum velocity it falls down.

“Hurray eating time!”

That was when I finally noticed an error in my otherwise perfect plan.





“I am way too small to even attempt to eat this thing!”


At least I will not have any trouble returning to the death trap from now on.

“Whop de do”

At least I should finally be big enough to get rid of that plate and screws.

Returning to the plate I undo the last screws only to have the plate fall on top of me squeezing me flat. Seems like I won’t be able to eat this one directly, as I cannot enclose it into my body, if feel my energy is draining at an alarming rate now. I attempt to slip out from under the plate but it seems like it is kind of stuck on me for now, but at least I can still barely move.

After an exhausting and tormenting journey I finally manage to bring myself and the plate back to Ms. Tingleywall.

“Honey I’m home”

It takes me a bit of maneuvering but in the end I manage to orient myself so that I have maximum body contact with Ms.Tingleywall before I doze off to sleep.

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