《Spaceslime》Day 10 – A clean sweep


I shout out “EUREKA!” feeling my body vibrate and do a little victory wriggle,

I did not have any dreams this night but that does not matter as I have to celebrate finding a solution to my problem.

I am feeling even better today than yesterday, all my food have been digested but that tiny orb in my center seems to have grown ever so slightly, what that means remains to be seen.

I decide to put my theory to the test immediately. I push towards the wall with all my might by spinning my internals.

Now it is time for a test run.

I stop the spin and immediately.







I thought that it would be a safe bet to follow my beloved on this speed run, but obviously I did a stupid mistake, I forgot that the Lumponite was in the middle of the test track.

Well, the daymare passed and I was still moving along Ms. Tingleywall at great speed.

After a little while I reached the opposite corner and slammed into the wall.

All in all it was a great success.


And best of all, I am not even close to being as tired as I was previously so practice truly makes perfect.

Now it is time for an adventure, I push towards Ms. Tingleywall to build up maximum internal spin.

I wonder what I will encounter on this journey as I previously gave up after getting stuck.

Time to roll out I guess.

I stop my internal spin and my body starts moving along at high speed.

I soon reach the end of where I have previously been and I start encountering new grainy substance on the floor, luckily it seems that no Lumponite remains after my previous visit here, the grainy substance on the floor are quickly dissolved after being absorbed by me, it doesn’t take long before I meet a few lumps and half-moons which are giving me the visions I remember from my dreams before being digested by me, I feel my body is starting to slow down, apparently eating is slowing down my speed, good to know.


Shouldn’t I have reached the other end by now?

My spinning movement soon grows to a halt and I have to return to my wriggling movement again. I could probably have returned to my high speed movement if I really tried to but then I started thinking: “What if I end up getting stuck due to not being able to stop in time?”

Moving along the wall I notice that all the food I encounter will be dissolved soon after I eat it and that the visions of Mr. Pick and Flick will show up almost instantly after I eat, after traveling for a long time and eating endless amount of lumps and other goodies I come to the conclusion that I actually see where I am in the visions, and I now know that this corridor I am in is actually “L” shaped, and now I should be a bit past 2/3 of the way to the door at the end, I can also deduct that the cracks I can feel on the wall occasionally is actually doors that I am passing by.

I feel that I am still pretty energetic and I am very happy that I am actually able to move this far without even starting to become tired, I guess it is because of the constant dissolving of everything that I eat, it is also pretty neat that I get a vision every now and then to break up the monotony of just moving along the wall eating.

After finally reaching the new corner I am not disappointed, it is the usual treasure trove with lumps, half-moons, string that I now know is actually hair, and a huge cylinder.

The visions are not really that interesting this time, Mr. Pick and Flick and from the hair I just get the vision of walking down this corridor while muttering: “Got to get of this ship before I go insane”

Now back to the cylinder, I believe that I can actually see it in some of the visions but not in all of them, I believe it is the color red.


*Sigh…* I wish that I was able to see normally instead of relying on all these visions to orient myself.

Now well, back to the cylinder, it is kind of the same size as me, but slightly taller.

I push towards the cylinder in an attempt to eat it only for it to tip over and roll away before I can eat it. “Wonder where it went?”

Moving along the new wall that I know from my visions to actually be another door I soon discover a new delicacy, it seems to be a trail of liquid that goes in the direction of Ms. Tingleywall, of course I absorb the liquid and it is delicious, very sweet. The resulting vision is extremely short though, just somebody holding something up to their face while looking at the celling.

Well since the liquid is going back towards Ms. Tingleywall maybe I should do so as well?

Since I am pretty much know where I am going and there does not seem to be any place to get stuck I decide to do the fast speed movement again, pushing against the wall and accelerate my internals.

Have I increased in volume? It also seems also that my internal spin can reach a slightly faster speed. Reaching top speed I launch myself from the wall, this time I am actually following the liquid trail and a thin strip of previously cleaned floor.

It does not take long for the liquid trail to deviate from a straight line towards the un-explored regions of the corridor, but since I am already moving at maximum velocity I am unable to follow.

The return to Ms.Tingleywall takes some time but is pretty uneventful, only difference is that my golden treasures seems to be flat on some occasions. Reaching Ms.Tingleywall, I decide to do a return trip to eat some more, and soon I am sweeping back and forth in this all you can eat corridor buffet, occasionally I encounter the liquid trail, and at one point I actually crashed into what I assume was the red cylinder from earlier sending me of my course and the cylinder disappeared somewhere as well.

My body is rapidly growing now as I am eating in amounts I never before believed was possible.

I continue my eating as there is not much else to do, and soon I have actually cleaned the entire corridor for all its food, I only accidentally ingested the Lumponite 2 times, in the end I traced the entirety of the corridor walls and I actually found the cylinder again, it was actually returned to the corner where I first found it, this time I managed to absorb it with my larger body but it did not dissolve much before I could feel that I started to get sluggish and drained for energy, I did however manage to find a hole on one of the flat sides of the cylinder though and it seemed to contain the delicious fluid that was spilled on the floor previously.

While tracing the walls I found something that I remembered seeing in one of the many visions a ventilation vent.

I will investigate that one more thoroughly after making sure that I have eaten absolutely everything else that I can find in this corridor. But now that my energy level seems to be so low I decide to return home to Ms. Tingleywall for some snuggling.

As I reach home I am pondering why it is that some of my food makes me so drowsy before I finally fall to sleep.

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