《Spaceslime》Day 9 - On a roll


So I had the nightmare again, not that it really was a surprise.

And this time I can feel yet again that there is a lump right next to my body.

Earlier I would have thought that this was a new golden treasure, from good old Mr. Pick and Flick, but now I am older and wiser.

“I name thee Lumponite”

Anyway, I feel really great today, more energetic than ever, the screw I ate yesterday is gone but I can feel that there seems to be a very tiny round ball in my center that is a little strange, it is more solid than the rest of me, but I can tell that it is still a part of me and not something that I can dissolve.

Not much I can do about it anyway, time to experiment with that new thing I learnt yesterday,

I start spinning my internals and sure enough, my body starts moving along the floor.

Cool, this is really going to speed things up.

I decide to try and go another direction so I stop my internal rotation.

Immediately my body returns to its starting point.

Luckily I did not hit that darned Lumponite.

I decide to stick to my old mode of wriggling away to move myself for now.

Not like there is a point in gaining all that speed just so that I will automatically return when I want to go in a different direction.

I back to where I ate the screw yesterday.

The plate is still stuck apparently, but as there still are more screws that I can feel so it is not really surprising, I also remember seeing screws higher up in the dream so I probably need to grow quite a bit before reaching them so I can remove this plate and eat it.


When I think of it, I really need to grow a lot just to be able to eat the plate as it is many times bigger than me.

I can feel the screw hole, from yesterday’s screw and also the screw that is located above it that I can feel but not really grab onto, according to the dream there should be 4 screws located above each other on both ends of the plate and also a row of 8 screws located along the top, giving me a total of 13 screws left to eat before I can even get the plate loose.

I go to the screw on the opposite side of the plate as that is the only one left that I can really grab onto and start the process of pulling it out so I can eat it.

I have a new motto for life: “If I can eat it I am going to eat it” Of course there is an exception with the Lumponite but let us not dwell with that.

I grab onto the screw and do the same thing as yesterday, soon the screw is loose and floating inside me. I am tired but not as tired as yesterday, apparently practice makes perfect or something. I can feel that the screw is actually slowly dissolving inside me but that stops after a short while. I wonder why it is like that.

Hmm, my insides are still spinning like crazy.

I stop the spin fully aware of what is going to happen next.

And sure enough my body accelerates back towards Ms. Tingleywall.

As I slam into the love of my life, I am truly grateful that I did not encounter the Lumponite this time.

My consciousness fades away as I think it would be great if I could figure out how to use that spinning thing to move in a single direction without having a forced return to my point of origin when I want to change direction.

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