《Spaceslime》Day 8 – Powertrip


I only had the nightmare once this time I wonder how I accidentally ate my dropping again.

"Never eating my own droppings ever again!"

I luckily also had a new and interesting dream I believe that it is the same person that brushed its hair earlier as I can see it is hanging in front of the face while the person is muttering some complaints:

“Amazing Buggerbreath actually cut a hole in the bulkhead doors to the galley in an attempt to get the cleaning bots to actually clean up his mess in the hallways”

While doing this the person is also attaching some sort of plate to a door using some screws with a familiar looking pattern.

“Had I know that the situation would get this bad I would never have started calling him Buggerbreath, at least I would not have to worry about these moronic ideas of him and having to look all over the place for clogged up c-bots”

The person is suddenly shuddering “At least I don’t have to unclog them”

Standing up and wiping its face the person drags its hand through its hair and looks at the hair between its fingers

“I have to get of this ship I am starting to grow bald from having to deal with that idiot”

The person flicks its hand to the side and the dream stops.

As I wake up I feel really energetic, my body is tingling all over and I feel ready to conquer the world.

But still I am never eating my own droppings ever again!

Hmm, looks like Mr. Pick and Flick have passed again leaving me another golden treasure.

I instantly devour it.

Oh darn, instantly I get the nightmare again, just this time it is daydream.


Oh, just behind me now there is another golden treasure


“Where did that show up from?”

I eat it

And I instantly have another daymare(?)

“What is going on here?”

Another treasure shows up this time on my side.

“Something funny is going on here”

I decide to leave it alone.

Today’s agenda:

Don’t eat my own dropping again.

That should be enough for today.

I start moving along the wall soon reaching one of the funny round things with the pattern on it.

It is as I expected, that is actually a screw from my dream!

Time to do some experimenting.

I start pulling on it in an attempt to eat it, and soon it starts rotating slowly counter clockwise.




This is taking forever.



“BOORING” I shout out loud and my body to start vibrating.

Strange didn’t the screw rotate slightly faster just now?

I shout out again closely observing the screw this time.

It actually moves faster when I vibrate.

Interesting, let’s do another experiment.

I focus on the screw with all my might and start a spinning motion within my body.

I circulate my internals in the same direction that the screw is rotating while grabbing on to it with all my might.

And slowly but surely the screw is also rotating faster and faster.

I spin my insides faster and faster and faster until I reach what I believe is my maximum spin rate.

“Cool the screw is really moving now”

I feel that I am getting more and more tired now.

Suddenly the screw is all the way out and I pull it into my body.

“Hmm it seems it is just floating there, also this spinning is really draining my energy”

Time to put an end to this spinning business.

I decide that sooner is better than later and just stop my internals in relation to the rest of my body.

Instantly my entire body accelerates along the wall now all of me spinning at once.

I think I am getting dizzy.

Just before I slam into Ms.Tingleywall I feel that I pick up a golden treasure on the way.

My energy all spent, my consciousness fades away.

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