《Spaceslime》Day 7 – Nightmare


Falling asleep I start dreaming again.

Good old Mr. Pick and Flick as usual.


Suddenly a feeling of panic starts growing inside me.

What is this?

What is happening?

I am scared.


I finally wake up.

That sure was a scary dream.

I am never going to eat my own droppings ever again.

Man what a scary dream.

I re-experienced being trapped without being able to move including all the feelings I had at the time, several times before the dream finally ended and it returned to the usual viewing of Mr. Pick and Flick.

"Never eating my own droppings ever again!" I loudly declare feeling my body vibrate yet again.

Right next to me I feel a lump.

Hmm Mr. Pick and Flick must have passed by given me a fresh supply

"Thank you for the meal!"

Now for today's agenda:

1. I will return along Ms. Tingleywall to my original corner to make sure that I haven't missed out on any goodies on my way here.

2. After arriving to my old corner I will start moving in a new pattern to make sure that I will not be too far away from Ms. Tingleywall as I seem to be dependent on her for my digestion.

3. I will not eat my own droppings ever again!

Time to get moving.

I start wriggling my way along my one true love and can feel that I manage to move at quite a good speed.

No goodies so far but I can tell that the side of my body that is facing away from Ms Tingleywall is moving over a small section of floor that contains that grainy substance.

I believe that it is due to me increasing in size and that I previously was moving so tightly against Ms Tingleywall.


The strip of grainy substance that my body is passing over and absorbing seems to be slowly increasing the further I move.


I shout out loud to get my body to start vibrating in that funny way again.

After traveling for quite some time I notice that I am not getting tired or sluggish at all, I wonder if it is due to the fact that I am hardly eating anything at all on this journey.

As I am wriggling my way, feeling quite bored I suddenly bump into the corner.

That was quite fast actually, oh well.

Time to explore this new wall.

As I start moving along this new wall, it does not take long before I encounter another tiny crack that I have learnt by experience will soon be followed by another one.

About halfway to the second crack I notice something new in the wall next to me.

First there was an edge followed by a round hard lump with some sort of pattern in it.

I attempt to absorb these new things but nothing really happens, I can feel that the round lump slowly rotates but it does not seem to do anything else so I choose to move onward in my quest for deliciousness.

I feel a few more round lumps with the same pattern but after attempting to eat a few of them with the only result being that slow rotation I decide to ignore the rest, soon there is another edge going the other way and I continue moving onward.

I encounter the second crack where I pretty much expected to and continue to follow the wall.

Surprisingly enough I encounter a new corner pretty fast and I am overjoyed to notice that it is a treasure trove of deliciousness.


Lumps, half-moons, and a few strands of string.

And last but not least. A square box about half my own size.

I attempt to push the square box and it actually seems to move.

Moving around it I notice that there seems to be a hole pattern on the one side.

I push a small section of myself into the hole pattern and instantly feel a rush.

It is like touching Ms. Tingleywall just a lot better, I can feel my entire body is buzzing.


I cannot help myself.

I am going to eat this Tingleybox.

I have to stretch myself as far as I can finally be able to absorb it.

Wow, that sure was filling.

But it seems I am unable to penetrate the box now.


Oh well, I can feel myself getting rather drowsy.

Time to return home to Ms. Tingleywall.

It sure it hard to move when I am this full.

After exhausting myself I am finally back home, and as I finally reached my loved one I instantly start fading away.


A feeling of panic and dread fills my entire body.

Oh no!

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