《Spaceslime》Day 5 - Stuck


I wake up:

"Strange, no dream this time"

I decide to start my daily routine of exploration.

"What is going on here? I can barely move at all!"

I investigate my own body, and I am shocked. I am still full of food, nothing has been dissolved.

I attempt to move yet again, but I can clearly tell that, I am well and truly stuck, just right where I am, without any kind of possibility to move.

I go into full panic mode and start hyper-fluctuating

"I am going to be stuck here forever".

My body continues hyper-fluctuating, suddenly something, kind of pops out of me, I feel around me and notice that lump that I am pretty sure that I ate yesterday is lying next to my body, I decide, not to comfort eat.

I do a quick inventory check, sure enough, a lump have left my body.

Calming down I attempt to move again, still not possible, but I will attempt expelling a few more lumps to see if that helps.

I manage to move the lumps inside my body and start pushing a few towards the border of my body, I push and push and push, and after what feels like forever, I manage to expel, a few lumps.

I attempt moving again, and I am greatly relieved to notice that I am back in motion.

But what am I going to do now?

I am starting to get tired again, and this worries me greatly:

"What if I am still like this after I wake up next time as well? I was after all able to move until I fell asleep last time, but unable to move today until I expelled some of my food."

I am very afraid.

I want to go home.

I really miss Ms Tingleywall.

Following the wall back to Ms Tingleywall goes oddly fast, maybe it is because I am not constantly eating.

Going full speed, I suddenly smash into her and black out immediately.

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