《Spaceslime》Day 4 – Goodbye Ms. Tingleywall


The usual repeated dream of Mr. Pick and flick returns with the occasional bite and spit action.

But there is also something new:

I am sitting in a chair while brushing my hair, I am looking at the reflection of myself in front of me confirming my hands actions, I am apparently listening to something: *technician please report to the bridge as soon as possible*

The brushing slows down and I hear myself mutter something softly to no one: "I wonder what Buggerbreath broke this time" and the dream ends with this remark.

I awake yet again felling enlightened, I have made a huge discovery of myself: The amount of dreams containing Mr. Pick and flick corresponds with the number of lumps and half-moons I eat, causing me to believe that what he is actually flicking and spitting is actually my very own delicious food.

I am truly curious as to why he is wastefully throwing away all this delicious food, but at the same time I am happy because that means more food for me.

It was also great that the string gave me such a new and interesting kind of dream, I truly hope I will find more interesting food soon.

"I guess this is goodbye Ms. Tingleywall, I will truly miss the way you make my body tingle."

I start moving along the new wall leaving Ms. Tingleywall behind me.

It don't take me long before I suddenly fell a tiny crack in the wall next to me, I pause there for a short while but I am unable to do anything about it so I decide to move on, I feel myself growing sluggish as my body fills up with food, I move past another crack in the wall but it seems to be the same case as the previous one with me unable to do anything about it.

I continue my trek along the wall and grow more and more sluggish.

I fall asleep.

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