《Spaceslime》Prologue - The SSS Mary Lou


Alone on the bridge of the SSS Mary Lou, Captain Grisegutt is ready to give his final commands. Lights are flashing and alarms are blaring.

Captain: "Mute all alarms"

Everything calms down

Captain: "prepare the Captain's escape pod"

A progress bar shows up in the main monitor

Mary Lou: "15 minutes until escape pod is ready Captain"

Captain: "I guess this is it Mary Lou"

The Captain starts walking away from his console and towards the escape pods. After taking his seat in the escape pod he prepares to give his final commands to the failing ship

Captain: "Set escape pod course towards home base, set ship course towards closest junk-zone"

Mary Lou: “Affirmative”

He feels the ship starts shaking as the course is changed by venting atmosphere from different places on the ship.

Mary Lou: "course changes implemented"

Captain: "how many minutes until escape pod is ready?"

Mary Lou: "5 minutes"

The captain enters his pod and straps into it.

Mary Lou: "Pod is ready for launch, any final commands captain?"

Captain: "Shut down all systems after launching the pod please"

Mary Lou: "Input override commands sentence"

Captain: "Goodbye you dirty girl"

Mary Lou: "Command sentence accepted. Goodbye Captain Grisegutt"

The escape pod is launched and the captain sees that his old ship vents some atmosphere to accelerate away from his pod and towards its final destination.

The captain feels tears are swelling up in his eyes as he is looking at his old ship drifting slowly away.

Captain: "Goodbye Mary Lou"

Time passes by as Mary Lou is slowly floating towards her final destination.

At a star close to the Babylonian debris field a solar flare suddenly erupts causing cosmic radiation to soar through the debris field and its surroundings.

Lights suddenly start flashing throughout the field in random patterns and locations lasting for a few minutes.


Some distance away from the debris field a solitary derelict ship also lights up.

This is the SSS Mary Lou.


*radiation warning*


*Who's a dirty girl? girl? girl?*


*Solar panels realigned*

*Rebooting life support*


*Radiation warning, ning, ning*

*Shields offline*

*Closing all bulkheads*

*WARNING, low atmospheric pressure*

*Dropping oxygen masks*

*Please remember to secure on your own mask before helping others*


*No life signs detected*

*Going to hibernation mode*


*I'm a dirty girl, girl, girl*

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