《The Forged Realms: Dwarves and Dungeons Deep of Winter Reach: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure Saga (Land Underworld Series)》Chapter 3 - Collector’s Edition


Chapter 3 - Collector’s Edition

Daydreaming about playing The Forged Realms and entering the world while he stood waiting near the front of the line with his friends, Ryan glanced at his AI watch.

“What about your ‘Portal Gate’ pod, did it get delivered?” Dale asked, “I just got a notification that they delivered mine.”

“The company said they were going to arrive release day,” Ryan said. “They delivered mine today as well. I got the notification. Can’t wait to see what it looks like. They shared little about that. Did you guys see anything?”

“I’m not sure either?” Ella said, “it sparks curiosity of how it’s going to work exactly with the full immersive nature of the game.”

“The Portal Gate’s sync with our house AI,” Dale said, “and license keys, as well as with the TFR servers. There must be some way for our characters to be created, so we will see about that as we enter the game. I can’t wait to find out myself. The realness factor is going to be off the charts. I mean, to think we don’t even remember ourselves here, to believe we are our characters themselves, having their thoughts, experiencing all of their senses, because of how real the new world it sounds crazy, intense, to be honest. Just imagine the games we have played in the past. What if you were truly the in game character? That’s what this is going to be like.”

“So how do we know when to get out of the world or log out for a bite to eat, sleep, or whatever?” Leah asked, looking at the others.

“They said nothing else about it,” Ryan said, “other than initially saying that the time in the game world is outside of our time of reality and moves much faster. A minute in our world could be hours or even days in the game world. The portal gates monitor our health, vitals, as well as our bodily needs. Somehow the portal gates know when to pause the game for us to take care of ourselves as I think our home AIs monitor us and all our health needs somehow.”

“Leah and Will,” Ryan continued, “make sure after you spawn into the game, you all work your way to Winter Reach as soon as you can. The plan is that we will be there waiting for you guys. I am not sure if we will even remember these conversations which we are having now when we are in the game. But I am hoping we remember enough or have the instinct motivations that will lead us to find ourselves together at Winter Reach to connect as a party.”

“Look at those collectors edition’s of the game they are stacking up now!” Ella said. “What all comes with it again?”

“They look amazing!” Ryan replied. “The collector’s edition comes with the LitRPG Fantasy novel of the game actually, the game map, and other loot and merch as well.”

“I have been so excited about the collector’s edition!” Leah said, as she was remembering all she was looking forward to. “Oh yea, and it comes with the Winter Reach and The Forged Realms t-shirts and hoodie as well, and the artwork and maps are so epic!”

“Yea, and the collector’s first edition of the LitRPG game novel is one thing I’m most excited about as well, having it along with the game,” Will said. “I must have that book to add to my LitRPG book collection. I think they are including other stuff in it as well, aren’t they?”


“Well, the box with all the artwork and map is like super sick too.” Ryan said.

“I think there is a copy of the epic trailer for download as well,” Will added, “which is what they are playing up there with the other content right now of The Forged Realms or TFR, and Winter Reach. I have to say, this is one of the coolest game trailers I have ever seen. But I want the game novel as well as all the other goodies.” Will looked around at all the decorations in the store.

“Have you all decided on what you are doing for your starting character builds yet?” Dale asked, looking around at his friends. “I know we have been talking about this for months. We should probably know now so that we can start playing tonight right away.”

“Yes absolutely,” Ryan said. “I know we have made sure that we are doing nothing all weekend except playing TFR. Well, besides eating, and sleeping when we absolutely must or end up passing out. This is going to be an epic week of gaming for sure. Adventure, excitement, and fun. We need to be ready to jump in tonight right away. It’s going to be a crazy experiencing the games full emersion for the first time. Of course, I’m rolling with my Dwarf of Winter Reach and defiantly going with the Fire Bearer class. I will name him Dygon.” Ryan was thinking about how amazing his Dwarf Fire Bearer was going to look, especially when he could build up some good loot along with his fire casting abilities.

“That will be awesome, you can lead the party and guild!” Dale said, “Yes to the Winter Reach Dwarves!” he said in a dwarven ancient with the influence of his Scottish heritage as his friends chuckled. “I’m going role with an old Dwarf of Winter Reach as well, like an old Dwarf ranger and old miner.”

“That’s perfect,” Will said. “It will be good to have in the party for sure! We may seriously need it. The underworld is seriously no joke. I’m not rolling Dwarf of Winter Reach, but I’m going to come join you guys there after initial spawn and such. I’m going to be the green Half-Dragon Ranger bowmen to get that ranged attack in, but I’ll have my little short swords as well. Name will be Tanius Nordal.”

“That sounds awesome,” Leah replied, “I thought I maybe the only one not rolling Dwarf of Winter Reach! I am glad you are Will.” she said with a smile on her face. “I’m going to roll with a Mountain Gnome. Her name will be Tinket Gemseeker.” Everyone laughed in approval of her decision. It was the perfect choice for her personality and an excellent addition to the party.

“She will be an awesome and fun character to be and play with as well,” Ryan said, as the others nodded in agreement.

“I am definitely specializing in her love for gems, jewels, trinkets, and maybe crafting to go with it, not sure yet.” Leah said, “I’m still trying to nail down what the best class will be for her. I’ll decide soon.”

“Yea Leah, that is a perfect perfect for you, and sounds so fun.” Ella said, “I am going to go with a Dwarf of Winter Reach too,” as Ryan and Dale cheered and raise their hands up to both give Ella a high five.

“Yes!” Ryan said. “We needed a female dwarf in the party. Dwarves of Winter Reach! We already have a guild now.” as they gave one another high fives. “That’s great guys. Will and Leah, we will still play with you even though you are deciding to not be the Dwarves of Winter Reach with us.” Ryan gave a slight laugh.


“Haha, yea for my Dwarf name, her name will be Jani Keenstand,” Ella continued, “and she is going to be a Dwarf Fighter, no nonsense she Dwarf, so don’t get on my bad side and make me go all Rage Fury on you!”

“I was going to say,” Will said, “we needed to have a fighter in the party. Good thing, and to be honest guys with full immersion, this is going to be so intense. I heard we will completely believe and think we are our characters, having their thoughts and motivations, desires, and not remembering this reality while we are playing. Like we are going to believe we are actually there. To be honest, I’m not sure I’m ready for it. Sounds awesome, but scary at the same time.”

“That is the way I am feeling too, and didn’t know if I was the only one.” Leah said, as they all heard the nervous tone in her voice. “I mean, to not realize you are in a game, and actually believe you are your character, thinking as the character thinks, not remembering our world here, or who we actually are while playing, believing completely that what is happening around you is actually 100% real. The underworld, the creatures! This is going to take the intensity, and realism, to the maximum level.”

“Hence why TFR has made history and is making history,” Dale said. “It will be amazing! But for all those reasons, lets do what we did in our last classic MMO together, and party up and go at this together.”

“I agree,” Ryan said, “tonight when you all get in the game, find a reason to head to Winter Reach and we will me up there. We can form up our party there with the dwarves. I know some epic adventure or quest will take place from that point in the game. In fact, I’ll form the first guild as soon as we get in the game to nail it down. We will all be a part of the Winter Reach Guild I will form.”

“You better register the guild name like as soon as you get in the game,” Will said. “Others will try that name as well potentially. If we think and believe we are our characters, how will we remember and know to do this, I wonder? Everyone is going to join that guild for sure, and be part of Winter Reach, at least I would think. Who doesn’t want to be in the Winter Reach guild?” Will said.

“Yea, I’ll keep the party and guild to just us for now, at least at first,” Ryan said. Looking up, Ryan realized as they were talking everyone ahead of them had already been helped has his heart almost leapt in his chest to see the employees at the counter beckoning him forward to help him get his copy!

“You guys are next,” the employee said. “Come up to the counter and I’ll get you guys squared away.”

They got to the register it was time. Ryan’s turn with a big grin on his face waiting for the cashier dressed up as a female Dwarf as well turned around to pick up his order after Ryan had handed her his purchase order for the pre ordered collector’s edition and she confirmed his information.

“Here you go! You’re all set!” the female Dwarf dressed employee said as she turned back towards Ryan handing him this epic decked out perfectly plastic sealed box which had amazing dwarven style font within the artwork illustrations and winter snow topped iced mountains and the illustration of Winter Reach. The box read “The Forged Realms Collectors Edition” and “Welcome to Winter Reach”.

“All your loot gear should be in the box,” she said, “also here you go. Here is your collector’s first edition of the fantasy LitRPG game novel!”

Ryans jaw dropped at how epic it looked, he was now finally holding it in his hands. It was finally game time! “Happy gaming in The Forged Realms! Let the adventures begin!” The employee said. “Your good to go, and we have already activated your game’s license key, it will automatically work now with your delivered portal gate at home for you to enter the world!”

“Thanks so much, bye” Ryan said as he walked away to rejoin his friends over on the side.

As the friends all got their collectors editions copies, Ryan and his friends went over into a side area of VR games, cracked open their collector’s editions, put on their t-shirts and hoodies which had designs and illustrations of The Forged Realms and Winter Reach. They skimmed through their collector’s editions and fantasy LitRPG novels of the game, showing each other what they had!

“This is so sweet, the game in LitRPG novel of our Fully Immersive Reality MMO! Look it even shows the first edition on it!” Ella said, “I can’t wait to play my Dwarf fighter now and join you all in Winter Reach soon, and read the novel as well!”

“Yea, this is so awesome!” Will said, holding his first edition collector’s copy of The Forged Realms LitRPG novel along with his collector’s edition package, as they were all geeking out over their new loot!

“What do you say we get out of here!” Ryan said, “Let’s lead home and lets play guys! It’s time!” Ryan couldn’t wait any longer to start their first weekend of gaming together in TFR. “Remember, like we said guys, when you get in and get your characters and builds created, make sure you, Will and Leah, get to Winter Reach ASAP. We will from up our party there. I am not sure what they will be like or what we will know and understand in the game, or how we will know each other’s characters, but try! Just do it, come find us!” “You guys have the map and I think you will have one in the game as well.” Ryan said as he looked at the game world map in the LitRPG fantasy book one. “Check it out, we have it in the book as well here!”

“Maybe the TFR Portal Gates will somehow reach and understand our desires and motivations in the game for our characters to act accordingly somehow. I think I read about that but honestly I don’t know either how it will happen.” Dale added.

“Yea, it’s full consciousness immersion as well.” Ryan added.

“Yea, I was wondering the same thing about that.” Leah said, still sounding nervous and with an anxious look on her face.

“It’s all going to be fine, Leah. We will be good to go! It’s only a game,” Dale said, trying to make Leah feel better.

“I can’t wait to see Winter Reach,” Ella added, “the Great Dwarf King of Winter Reach, the Deep Mines within the mountain, and forges of Gold, precious metals, gems, and jewels. The adventure of the land underworld, and this great dwarven kingdom! All that The Forged Realms offers.” Ella said. “See you guys in there!”

“Okay, see you guys at Winter Reach!” Ryan said, as he hugged his friends bye as they disbanded, heading out of the game store. “Here we go, guys! When I see you again, will we be our characters! We will finally be there, in The Forged Realms!”

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