《The Forged Realms: Dwarves and Dungeons Deep of Winter Reach: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure Saga (Land Underworld Series)》Prologue - The Founding Forge


Prologue - The Founding Forge

The mountain shook with every strike of the Founder's hammer within The Founding Forge at the beginning of the ages, as time itself was forged along with the world. The world rumbled and shook with every blow as it was formed and shaped by fire and molten rock, by the hand and hammer of the Founder, creator of the world, and Forger of The Forged Realms.

With every strike, mountains were brought high and valleys lowered as all things were forged. Wells sprang up from the deep of the world to cool what was molten. The Founder also forged the Great Guardian of the highest mountain, but its heart became proud of its own beauty and splendor. While the realms were forged and formed, the guardian struck a blow to the founding anvil the Founder did not intend.

"What have you done?" The Founder spoke to the Great Guardian of the mountain with an echoing voice of thunder and fire that was heard throughout all The Forged Realms. “You have said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the highest place of Emor; above the stars of the Founder. I will set my throne on the high mountain itself; I will sit on the forging mountain in the far reaches of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Founder himself.’ But I now cast you down to Shaylon, declared the Founder, to the very far reaches of the underworld depths you are exiled.”

“You, once the Great Guardian, were in Emor the great high mountain, as the molten rock gave off its embers and smells of burning sulfur, and molten rock, the very high mountain of the Founder who forged time and the world itself. Every precious stone was your covering there, sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, ruby, and carbuncle; as well as crafted gold, mithril, and adamantine were your settings, and your engravings. On the day that you were forged, they were crafted for you. You were great, and the anointed Guardian of Emor. For I placed you on the mountain; on my great high mountain. Amid the stones of fire, you walked. You were blameless in your ways from the very day you were forged, till evil was found in you and evil found in your ways. Through the bounty of your works you were filled with violence and evil, and you fell; so I cast you as a profane and evil thing from the great high mountain, and I destroyed you, O you once the anointed Great Guardian, from the midst of the molten stones of fire and sulfur. Your heart was proud because of your great beauty and splendor; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor, which then turned to evil and darkness within you. My words spoke against you as I declared; ‘I cast you to the ground and the underworld from the high mountain; I exposed you before the kings of all the realms, to feast their eyes on you as you fell.’”


“Once a Day Star, son of the Dawn,” the Founder said, “I cast you now down from this great mountain to the ground, to the depths of the underworld, you who lay the realms low! Oh, how you have fallen from Emor, once a guardian, now a fallen dragon.”

“I have removed your great name engraved in the mountain, I have removed your anvil from the great high mountain, I have removed you from the very foundations of Emor, and have named you now Mornar, which you shall be known, the fallen dragon, that you may be cursed and cast to the underworld.” The world echoed, rumbled, and vibrated as the Founder spoke these words. The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent of old, deceiver of the realms, now known as Mornar. The one who brings evil upon the realms was cast out of Emor and into the underworld, as his servants were also thrown down with him.

The Founder forged the world, and all The Forged Realms, and all that was good in them. He established the founding kings and lords of the realms. He saw that what he had forged was good, and said to the realms which were formed; “put on the whole armor and oath of Emor and the founding ways, that you may stand against the schemes of the fallen dragon. Be mindful and be watchful, for the dragon prowls around, seeking the ones to devour. Therefore, keep to the oath of the Founder, and resist the great fallen dragon of old. So that you not be outwitted by the dragon; nor ignorant of his evil and crafty designs and schemes.”

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