《Dinosaur Reborn》The Birth/Hatching of a legend


Name of Species: Dominator

Oh man, that sounded ominous.

That actually sounds pretty good.

It sounded like I was gonna be a god or something. I hope!!

Ok, confirm changes.

Darkness, my old friend, you're back!!

Wait, no my eyes were just closed. I opened the scaly eyelids and something warm and wet touched them. It was not even that unpleasant. I could see a faint light, shining through a viscous liquid. There was something blocking the light from reaching me fully. I grasped at it with my wicked looking claws, and I realized I was in an egg! I inhaled some of the liquid in the egg and started freaking out. I was gonna drown! I spasmed and kicked and I broke free of my watery prison.

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