《The Digidream Chronicles》Off to Amazon!


As previously announced, I'm taking down most of book 1 of The Digidream Chronicles (The World Jumper) so that I can publish it on Amazon (and potentially other retailers) in its edited, revised form. Circumstances have changed a bit in the last few weeks so it's dubious that I will include it in the Kindle Unlimited (KU) program, but as I want to keep my option open, I can't leave it up on Royal Road for the time being.

In the future, I may put it up again here, for free, while still keeping the edited and improved ebook out there for sale.

But in any case, stay tuned for new chapters of what will become book 2! And then book 3. And then maybe another LitRPG series. It kind of depends on you all, really. If the books are well received, I will be able to keep writing more.

Thanks to everyone who reviewed and commented! And for those of you who just read the story, I hope you've liked it. There's more to come!

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