《Earthen Journey》The Verix Family
Chapter 13:
“I would like to invite you and your friends to join the Verix family.” Scarson offers us an invitation to his family, but I have already rejected it. I don’t want to lose my freedom, and joining a family would do that. “I am sorry, but I will have to decline a second time, I don’t want to lose my freedom.” Looking a bit sad Scarson looks like he is thinking about something, “Freedom huh? You may have the wrong idea about us. We don’t hold you here, instead we send you out. The people we want in our family are those we think have potential to be great. You can’t make great people by hiding them behind walls, they need challenge, they need space to grow.” He makes it sound grand, but I still have my doubts, “From what I know we have to complete quests for the family. So what do we get by joining your family.” His face brightens when I seem a bit more accepting of the idea, “Joining the family comes with a great many benefits. A house for your group, absorption rooms, and knowledgeable people. The quests are also to your advantage as they will usually be better paying and more exciting. All the family asks in return is that when you grow, you help those that need it.”
What? No allegiance? No blood sacrifice? “This sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?” I may not be too old, but even I know that people aren’t this giving. “Haha, you have got me there. The catch is that we want you to form bonds with others in the family. As I said we gather people with potential, we don’t care about race, element, or wealth. So when people inside our family join groups and get stronger it only helps our family.” There must be something else. Right when I was about to ask another question there was a knock on the door. Scarson seemed surprised, “Come in.” In walks a beautiful woman with blue hair, “Lala whats up?” The woman named Lala speaks, “I would like to introduce my actual self to the traveller and friends.” Hm have we met her? The woman turns to us and gives a slight bow, “Hello my name is Lala, or as you know me Letic. I am a Nix, and have the ability to shapeshift.” Lala changes from the beautiful woman to the arrogant elf before back to the beautiful woman.
“Back to our discussion, have I been able to sway you? Do you or your friends have anymore questions?” Alex raised his hand quickly, “Is there someone who can teach me to become a great warrior?” Scarson chuckles a bit, “You are looking at him, I am the strongest darkness user in the entire city. I can train you to become even stronger than me.” “Boss let’s join!” Alex was bribed by the idea of training, but I am still a bit wary. Next was Robin to raise her hand, “Is there someone to help me in my water element?” Lala takes a step up, “That would be me, I am the best water user in the city.” The flat expression must be a common characteristic among water users. “Good, John let’s join.” Seriously, I can understand Alex, but Robin was swayed so easily also. “Don’t worry traveller, while he is not the strongest earth user in the city, he is only second to the king.” I think I am being over ruled here.
“Ok, ok, we will join your family.” After Robin and Alex started pushing for joining I gave in quickly. “Great, we have much to show you, but we should get you settled in here first. If I am not wrong you are currently living at an inn. Your group will get their own house, and if your group grows all you have to do is tell one of the higher ups in the family and we can get you a new one.” I guess that means we won’t have to pay for housing everyday, that's kind of nice. But, now we will need make food everyday. “Lala do you want to show them to their new place? I have a bit of work to do before they settle in. Oh, also here is your proof that you are part of this family.” Scarson hands each of us a small golden coin, that have a symbol for each element on it. “Say your name then infuse a bit of your element into it and they become something only you can hold.” Doing as he told us, the coin changed from all the elements to just the earth element symbol on my coin. “Well then John, Robin, and Alex welcome to the Verix family. I hope you all will become someone the family can be proud of.” Giving a handshake to each of us, stood up and moved back over to his desk. Lala moved over towards us, “Follow me and I will show you to your new home.” Lala starts moving towards the door, and we follow behind.
After a couple minutes of walking we get outside and it’s dark outside so we must not have slept through the night. I can see a couple of houses, varying from single story to three stories, they all seem pretty nice. Turning around I see the building we came from, and it's a big four story building. “This is the main family building, it contains everything you need besides a place to sleep.” Lala gestures towards the huge building. “We will be heading into the neighborhood, there are parks, and training areas spread throughout.” As we continue walking through the housing area, I see a large rectangular dirt area and next to it an area with grass and benches.
After another twenty minutes of walking, we stop in front of a gated area. Lala opens the gate and ushers us through. Inside is a large sized one story house, it has a big yard with a pond, and different areas that correspond to each element. The house could easily accommodate six people. “Welcome to your new home, you will find your belongings inside. Here are your keys.” Wait this is our house?, “Wait isn’t this house to nice for us, I mean we are the newbies right? Shouldn’t we be getting the small decrepit house in the corner?” “Haha, we would never do that to new members of the family. While this house may seem to nice, compared to what I am expecting from you three this is a small investment.” When did the family head get here? And what does he expect from us? “I hope you aren’t expecting too much from me. Robin and Alex will surely become great, but I am barely able to hold my own versus one opponent.”
“John, stop making fun of others.” Robin places her hand on my shoulder and gives me a disappointed look. “Boss that isn’t nice to belittle others.” “To think the traveller, wants to demoralize others.” Whats with all the disappointed looks? “Am I not wrong that I could only fend off one opponent, while Robin took out four, and Alex took one and held off another?” The family head steps up and places his hand on my other should, “John, you have been here what three weeks? You killed someone who have been working on his element for twelve years. A normal person would be killed in seconds. I am not dismissing the ability of Robin and Alex, but you must come to realize that you are not normal.” I feel like I have heard this already. Ah right with Cef and Emily. Maybe I should stop thinking that I a normal person in this world?
“Anyways, beside you Robin is almost to her first evolution, and from my intel should only have around three years of absorption. Alex while only a goblin has the ability to partially control the gravity aspect of the darkness element. The fact that all three of these talents are together, can only mean good things for this family.” How does he know all this? The only ones that know about Robin and Alex, beside me and her clan is Cef and Emily. It must have been them, I am going to have to get payback for that.
“Well you three have had a long day, and probably want to get some good rest. There is a dining hall in the main building that serves food all day, and what are your plans for the next couple of days?” Haven’t really thought about that, but probably more training, “I think we will spend another week training.” Giving us a big smile the head moves over towards Alex, “Alex, I want to see you bright and early tomorrow at the main building. We will start your training right away.” Yes! Sir Family Head.” You can see the anticipation on Alex’s face. Lala walks over towards Robin, “Same to you.” WIth a head nod from Robin both Scarson and Lala start walking away.
Well guys looks like you two have big days tomorrow let’s get some rest, so we can get up early tomorrow. Coming inside the house, I notice my backpack and all our clothes are already inside the bedrooms. Robin quickly picks up meat from the bed and starts hugging the pig. There are six bedrooms in total with one of them being the master bedroom. I initially offered the room to two, but I got quickly rejected and told that they will sleep in the same room as me. In the end we are all sleeping on the same bed. I can understand Robin, because we have been sleeping like this since we arrived in the city, but Alex also. I mean I have slept in the same tent as other guys, but the same bed is a bit different. Still I put up with it as he seemed kind of mad at the idea of Robin getting to sleep in the same bed, but not him. In the end we all fell fast asleep as it was a long and exhausting day.
I was woken up by both Robin and Alex, they seem to be a little too excited for their training. After locating the bathrooms and doing our morning routine, we all headed towards the main building. Taking the same path as last night we arrived quickly at the main building. A couple of people could be seen going in and out of the building. Stepping into the building I see the maid that was there last night. She spots us and smoothly walks over towards us, “Hello John, Robin, and Alex, I have been tasked with leading you to wherever you need to go.” With a bow, she started leading us to the dining hall. The dining hall wasn’t extremely big, at most could fit a hundred people, but that would be very crowded. We were able to get our food quickly, and much to my glee the meal was a type of bacon and eggs.
After our breakfast Lydia the maid started giving us the tour of the building. Starting off with the elemental rooms, then the training area, next the library, a smithing area, an agricultural room, and finally a gathering hall. At the end of the tour Robin and Alex left to go meet with their respective trainers, and I was told to wait in the elemental rooms area.
After about five minutes of waiting a tan skinned extremely buff man walked in. He has black hair with an equally dark mustache. “You must be the new family member i have been hearing about. Seems they believe that I can help you in your earth element absorption.” Giving me a very firm handshake the muscle man explains that he is my trainer. “Yes hello my name is John, and I hope that I will live up to your expectations.” The muscle man gives me a confused look, “You sure you're a traveller, your kind usually seem a bit more self confident.” Seems like some of my predecessors were a bit more arrogant. “Well it does not matter, my name is Brock, my race is Shaitan. The earth equivalent of an efreet, might help you understand a bit better. Let’s get started right away, I want you to head into the earth elemental room and start your normal absorption process.”
Doing as he said I walk in and lay down. I start pulling the balls of elemental power into my body absorption as much as I can each time. When I was absorbing the elemental power, it was easier to pull it in, the amount I absorbed was almost doubled. It must be the effects of the room. After thirty minutes of doing this I take a break. “The head really picks good recruits. You have talent I have not seen in a long time, but you have no knowledge on how to use that talent. The way you are absorbing your element is terrible.” “You can tell how I am absorbing the element?” Brock gives me a big smile, “Of course, I can feel all of the earth element within a two radius of me.” Brock gives me an even bigger smile when he finishes his sentence. Seems like he is trying to show off, but two miles is insane. I can only feel a bit over five yards, the difference is staggering. “Don’t worry with your talent, and hard work, you will reach my level in no time flat. First let’s change your absorption technique. Instead of balling up the elemental power, and trying to absorb as much as you can. I want you to try and have it flow through you, and as it is passing through you absorb small parts of it. Most earth users sit cross legged with their hands to the ground, but you should do what feels most comfortable.
I laid down again, and just as I was about to start, I thought back to what I was told about the previous traveller, “Isn’t it dangerous for me to control my element inside of my own body?” I look at Brock, hoping he isn’t making me do something that could easily kill me. “By yourself yes, controlling your element inside your body without supervision or know how could be disastrous. But, I am here, and I can make sure you do no harm to yourself.” WIth that reassurance I start, I move the elemental power through my body, but as I am moving it through my control slacks a bit. Part of the elemental power slips out of my control, immediately pain jolts through my body. I let out a loud scream of pain, but it quickly subsides. “Try again, and make sure you don’t loosen your control at all.” Brock doesn’t even give me a second to relax and pushes me to go again.
For the next two hours, I would move the elemental power throughout my body. Sometimes I would mess up and it would result in excruciating pain, but Brock pushed me to continue. After eight tries I finally pass a stream of the power through my body. Unfortunately I was so focused I barely absorbed anything. Brock helps me stand up after my success, “Incredible, for now let’s get some lunch, we will continue afterwards.” A little shaky I follow Brock to the dining hall. Once I reach there I start looking around hoping to find Robin or Alex, unfortunately neither of them are here. “Eat til you're full, I want you to be full of energy.” Brock and I sit down and I see he has two full meals. I guess he needs a lot of nutrients when your muscles are that big.
For the next seven hours I was put through intense training. Instead of me moving the elemental power through my body Brock did it instead. This allowed me to practice absorbing it, but steadily I would take control of the elemental power while keeping the absorption going. Too many times to count did I mess up when trying to control and absorb at the same time, leaving me in unimaginable pain. I am done with this, I didn’t join this family to go through spartan training. “Brock thank you for your time, but I didn’t sign up for this. I am a simple man that just wants to hike the mountains of this world.”
“Oh quitting already? I heard that just before you joined the family you, and your friends, had a near death experience in a fight. I thought that experience would be your motivation, the idea that if your opponent was just a bit stronger, would your friends still be alive?” Brock looks at me disappointed. What does know. We survived right, I was strong enough. But when I remember the fight, I remember seeing Robin like that. The despair I felt when I though Robin had died, when I though Alex was gone. Tears started to form in my eyes, I quickly wipe them away. I could only handle one opponent, what if I needed to take on two, or maybe even more. I am not alone anymore, I need to stop thinking like I used to back on ‘Earth’. Robin said it herself, our journey is not done yet.
“I am sorry Brock, I was being selfish, please continue to be my trainer.” Brock gives me a big smile before placing both his hands on my shoulders. “Good, that's the attitude I want to see. How long did you plan on training?” “I think we decided a week for training.” Brock seemed to be thinking about something, “That won’t do, I am going to train you for the next month. I will tell the others.” I was about to refute, but I reminded myself that I need to be stronger for Robin and Alex, and this man will help me do that. “Understood, I look forward to our time together.” With a handshake we left to get some dinner.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find either Robin or Alex in dining hall again. I tried to eat as much as I could as I will need all the energy I can get. Heading home, I walked alone, sore and in slight pain. When I finally reached home, all the fatigue hit me. I headed straight to the bedroom to find both Robin and Alex asleep, I passed out as soon as I hit the bed.
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