《Edean World Online》Side story 1


Side story 1


Leyla`s POV

It was the swarm season again. I know that it will happened it year but I got nervous as the elders warned us guides about entering dungeons in this season as there are records that dungeons will be powerful enough to block our teleportation magic. Some cases say that if one fairy, pixie, or other mystic race got trap inside a dungeon he or she will never be seen again.

Most of us are scared to accompany our partners but we are required to do so because this will be the final year that we will do one on one guiding because in the following years after the first arrival dozens of descendants will come and we might not able to accommodate all of them. Even though i`m a failure unlike others, I was still grateful that I got pick for this course. Only the high scorers only get this course or the talented ones that are handpicked by the teachers.

I`m not any of those people. I`m just a simple fairy that is far away from her family and only have small circle of friends. Mostly, I do some pranks and tricks to other people but not hurting them, no I don’t do that kind of prank. Even my friends do it with the other guides and it was fun but the elders don`t like it.

However, i`m thankful that I was picked by them even though it should be a punishment for me. Guides will be the partners of different races but I was assign to lost race of clockwork a month ago. However, it was like a blessing also coz I meet a nice person even though he is too cold to me and he is also really not talking except for some occasion.

At first, I thought he would hard to get along but my assumptions were wrong. He was easy to get along after you understand him somehow but there are still things that he didn`t say to me but I won’t bug him about those.

Every week, we are required to report about our experience and our observation. Most guide complain about being abused to overworked or being neglected and treated as an object which is really angering, we are not just someone who can be bossed around and be used and thrown away if not useful.

At least other guides have a companion with them but mine will not be left out, coz i`m his guide.


We are now on a subjugation quest on the treasure mines. It was just a simple hunting mission that he usually get for the past few weeks now. Well, his quest usually not really dangerous but some mishaps happens like that drill worm from the our first quest, then a colossal bears that chased us from our trip on the mountain and even though it was dangerous, he always pull all his crazy stunts and return with minimum damaged which he can repair.


This treasure mine gives me the creeps that something is really scary. Then we saw beetles, spiders and other insects that is as big as wolves but I hate bugs and creepy insects especially now that they are so much bigger than usual. I cling on Raiser`s neck or head, his neck is almost unseen because of how short it is and covered with metal collar.

As we goes down the second floor where we will do the subjugation quest, I can here monsters eating something that is hard and cranky, my bet it was ores and rock that is inside this dungeon. Then as I saw the monsters around us, I feel like all my blood has been sucked out of my body.

Then I saw the one that I hate the most, cockroaches. I hug Raiser and start crying begging him to go up stair but he pulled his hammer and asked me to assist him, how could I do that I hate bugs!

However, I can`t persuade him and just agreed to him then my horror experience starts there.

As Raiser starts to fight the insects, I got even more nervous and stay at his back so I can see what happened to those monsters but there are even insects behind us.

No! Go away you creepy insects! Wuaaahhh I hate you Raiser!!!

I hate to fight for my life while Raiser is like enjoying this place.

Kyaahh!!! T-the cockroaches start flying… Let me get out of here!!!

This forsaken place should be subjugated!

After series of fight and crying, we final able to eliminate all insects that keeps fighting us. Go back to where you came from you—kyaaahhh!! Raiser they are still some insects! Kill them!

I want to get out here now but Raiser still ignores me as he start to dismantle the insects. Gross… I feel like throwing up.

The sounds of flesh and skeletons being crack open is very uncomfortable to hear.

I keep shouting to him that we should get out of here or the insects might come back but he is still ignoring me as he starts walking around and looking for something. This was stressing, I take back what I said to him that he was nice. He is the worst person I ever meet except the elders.

“Errmm… Raiser, I know you’re busy and all but can we get out of here right now please~.”

I got tired of ranting at him coz he is so absorbed in his work that he even start digging a hole out of nowhere. I too tired and scared now I want to eat and take a rest.


“I just hit a magic jewel Leyla so if you could excused me.”

Ma-magic jewels… Magic jewels!!!

At first I didn`t believe but I saw some small pieces in the hole he is digging, he might hit a treasure there. Therefore, I have to behave now or he might not share some to me. If I had magic jewels I will be popular because of the rarity of them and I can even have powerful magic wand and other magic tools that I could use inside the house or for adventure. I can`t wait.

Going back to the town is hard because monsters starts attacking us out of nowhere. You won’t get my precious jewels you creepy insects.

As we arrive at the guild and sell some items or insect parts, which is really disgusting, Raiser wants to meet the guild master, which he really came down with his junior team. I like the human he looked gorgeous. I don`t like Luin, the demon, and troll even though the demon look noble and manly but I can sense a bad vibes about him. A female Harusa and she got bigger weapons than I have.

Master Arth invite us upstairs to discuss about the jewels. WHY YOU LEWD HARE! You dare winked and tease Raiser just because you have those.

“Leyla, why are you acting like that? She just wink at me but no harm done besides I don`t earn feeling so you don`t need to worry”

“w-what are you saying!? I don`t care about you let alone like you and I don`t care I you have feelings or not, Hmp.”

H-how dare he got some guts to ask a lady about that kind of things without any concern. This stupid can can`t read the atmosphere around him.


As this two guys discuss about the jewels and their uses, I keep silent and behave properly so he would noticed that i`m behaving like a lady. Then he should give me some of those jewels for me being lady like but that Harusa is in the way and she is even staring at the jewels and Raiser. Why you…

However, after the business talk of the two that I don`t have any interest in, Raiser looked down to me so I compose myself and behave properly as I looked at him. Please I need to have jewels. I know you won`t say no to me right Raiser.

“Leyla pick some jewels that you like”

Alright, you should have said it earlier. I pick some jewels that look pretty and shiny but I can only pick the small size coz the next one is almost as big as I am besides they can`t fit inside my home if I take them back.

As I place the jewels I liked Raiser starts to scan them and talked again to Master Arth. Then he started to exchange some of the jewels that I like to others that is less shiny but he whisper that it was the best class so I don`t protest. He is now nice again for me.

Raiser and Master Arth do their transaction and we left the guild as Raiser pack the jewels that he decided to keep including mine. After our several shopping and as he deposit his money to the treasurer. We are back at the inn as he said that he will do some experiment.

“Leyla what ever happened to me never panic ok, i`m other worlders so don’t you worry about me.”

w-what? Why would I panic? It was just a small jewel but still, I know when he is serious when is not. I feel unease but I know he think before he said it to me.

“Okay but what will you do with that jewel.”

“Well I’ll try to integrate it with my core to see if something might happened but most likely I will experience pain or feel uncomfortable so take this jewels and go back to your kingdom okay.”

What?! Are you insane? Is that true? Hey don`t pat my head.

“I`m not that worried or anything besides you can repair yourself so do whatever you want. I will enjoy myself with these jewels.”

However, I still feel uncomfortable on what he said earlier. I`ll just hug you before you do something stupid again. Then I grab my small pouch full of jewels then teleport back to Yggdrasil. I hope he will be safe on what ever he will do.



it was kinda hard doing female pov

specially a tsundere but i enjoyed it.

it`s not like i do this for all of you to read and enjoy you know. i just do it

XD i love being tsun tsun sometimes.

please dont tease.

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