《World Jumper》Chapter 31


Jet watched as Yeye fell to the ground. The smell of burnt meat in the air. Ash started to rain down on them as well. Off in the distance, a fire could be heard crackling. That's when Jet realized something. There was a forest fire coming their way. So he looked over to his last obstacle. The man was still holding his side and now was backing away from him.

"Sorry, buddy, I can't let you leave." Jet had no idea what he was going to do. His body barely could move and wouldn't even take another step. 'Maybe I should just let him leave.'

'We can't let him.' Alex started to grow in size as she took more and more of Jet's magic.

Jet fell to his knees as Alex took the magic. Pain ravaged his body, and he could feel a chill through his bones. He looked up to find Alex at half her original height. A low growl vibrated through the air as she started to walk towards the last man.

The man turned around and drew his sword. Alex was already almost upon him and leaped at the man. He cast wind blades and used his sword to block Alex's tail. Alex just scoffed at the man and bit into his shoulder, and sent a large amount of lightning magic through his body. Cooking him just like Yeye. However, after using the spell, she visibly shrank.

Alex walked over to Rachael and chewed her bindings off. Rachael turned to Alex and embraced her. "I thought I was going to die." She cried into Alex's feathers.

"I know, dear, but we don't have time for this." Alex turned to Jet and Relo. "We need to get out of here. Help me get them on my back. I won't be able to hold this form long." She noticed the upkeep on the form used far more magic from Jet. He was currently unconscious from fatigue, so she decided it would be best to move quickly. There was also the fact the forest fire is now visible.

Jet was walking through the snow. He looked up at his mother and knew he was dreaming. Not that he ever minded the dream. Seeing them helped him move on. He just watched as his mom's long blonde hair fluttered in the cool breeze. Her brown eyes and her bright smile. She always had a stupid grin on her face.

Then something happened Jet hadn't seen before. Susan, his mother, looked down at him. "Ford, are you cold, sweetie?" Jet hadn't heard that name for a while. He had started calling himself Jet after their deaths. Jet had changed it to try and start over.

"No, mom, I don't get cold." Ford smiled back up to her.

"Of course not. We're real men." Ford's father, William, looked around his mother. He had short brown hair and green eyes. A muscular build with a strong jawline, with a scar running across his right cheek. Like Ford's mother, he always was grinning.

"I'm sorry, guys, I'm going to head back home." His Uncle Steven announced in a sad voice.

Susan put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't want to eat out without Jean."

"I know we've had these reservations for a month now. But just knowing she's sick at home." Steven's shoulders slumped.

"Well, there's only one thing we can do." William put his arm around his brother's shoulders.


Susan joined in. "Yup, we make dinner instead."

"Thanks, but we've had the restaurant reservations for two months now. You guy's should go ahead without me." Steven told them.

Susan run out in front of them, putting her hands together with a bright smile. "Don't be silly. We're family, so let's go shopping." She said shopping with too much enthusiasm.

Ford didn't mind. He hadn't ever liked eating out. His mother's cooking is far better, in his opinion. Then Ford saw a look on his mother's face he hadn't seen before. Susan had a look of fear as she jumped forward, pushing Ford down. Then a gunshot could be heard, and blood started to stain the front of her dress.

William only looked at Susan for a second, then turned to the shooter and ran straight at him. He took two shots to the chest before reaching the man. However, he still grabbed the man's hand, twisted it up, and shot him through the head. William turned his head when he heard the click of a gun being cocked. Before the man could shoot, Steven grabbed the man and snapped his neck.

"William." Steven run over and grabbed his brother.

"Don't worry about me. Check on Susan and." That's all William got out before Steven's head flew off his shoulders. William watched in horror as his brother slowly fell to the ground.

"No wonder Jet was a monster. If this is his family." The man with the sword said.

"Oh, put him down Greg, we need to kill Jet and go. Aaron won't be far behind." The man looked around with worry in his eyes.

Greg swung his sword down at William. To his utter shock, William twisted, grabbing Greg's wrist, pulling Greg past him, then slammed his knee into Greg's chest. Then somehow used Greg's own sword to slice his neck.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" One of the remaining five men asked.

William staggered on his feet and turned to the remaining people. They took a step back after seeing his glare. Then something happened William wasn't prepared for. A fireball struck him on the shoulder. William wanted to ask who they were, but all he could do was cough blood. He didn't know what was going on. He just knew he had to protect his wife and son. When William started towards the men, fireballs, wind blades, earth spikes, and ice spears all struck him at once.

"Still alive, what tenacity. Dayan, go put him out of his misery." One of the men said.

All William could do is watch as Dayan walked towards him. A sword popped into existence in the man's right hand. Dayan stood right in front of William, pulled his sword back to stab him. Then there was a bang, and Dayan had a small hole in his forehead. William turned to Ford to see Susan's hidden gun in his hands. Ford had shot the man about to kill his father. Then all William could do is watch in horror as all the spells that struck him headed straight for Ford. But before they hit, a blue crystalline wall formed to protect Ford.

"Abbot." The ground shook from the shout. Windows in nearby stores shattered, and the temperature took a plunge. Everyone turned where the shout had originated. Standing in mid-air, looking down at them, was Aaron. His eyes glowed a bright red, and his blue hair fluttered in the wind. He had three purple crystal stars on the left side of his forehead. Aaron's look, however, had caught everyone's eyes. His look was full of rage. Aaron reached over his shoulder, grabbing his sword. When he unsheathed the sword, red lines started forming along the black blade. A couple of inches from the handle had a hole, with red lightning spinning around.


"Crap, Aaron's here. No matter, he is alone. We just need to kill Jet. I'll handle Aaron." Abbot, the man who had been giving orders, stated.

The man closest to Ford suddenly fell in half, from head to groin. Aaron stood directly behind him holding a bloodied blade. Abbot was already there swinging his sword at Aaron. Aaron blocked the blade, and all the snow around them blew away from them.

"Go now. He can't teleport again for a few minutes." Abbot reassured the last two men.

"You're right, but you forgot one thing," Aaron growled at Abbot.

"No, I haven't. We have been watching you a long time." Abbot said through clenched teeth trying to hold Aaron back.

"I'm pissed." Aaron spat as he threw Abbot into a store nearby. Then jumped before a blizzard of icicles hit him. While in mid-air, a fiery inferno chased him through the air. He kicked the air and flew forwards, dodging the spell, with only slight burn marks on his clothes.

Ford got distracted, noticing something moving out of the corner of his eye. When he turned his mother, she was moving. He dropped the gun he had been holding and crawled to his mom. "Mommy." Ford grabbed her hand to hold, tears falling down his face.

Susan's vision had started to get dark around the edges. She felt hot and cold at the same time. Then she felt something warm touching her hand. Opening her eyes, she could make out Ford's face. He was holding her hands, crying. "It'll be ok." She said, then Ford fell forward, protecting her from debris flying their way. There had been a small explosion, and Ford turned to see what happened.

Aaron stood in a small crater with his sword going through Abbot's heart. Pulling the blade out of Abbot's heart, he flicked the blood off the sword and sheathed the blade. Then a rectangular box appeared in front of him. Opening the box, Aaron pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on. His hair had changed to a crystalline look and he had Snow White eyes. But as Aaron turned and started to walk to William, they changed back to there original colors.

Ford just sat and watched Aaron. Then something odd happened, a man popped out of nowhere next to Aaron. Aaron reached out a hand to help the man stay standing. The new man had short dirty blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. He looked to be badly injured holding his side, and in his right hand was a dark metal gun, with the word Fate etched on the side.

"Almark, don't push yourself." Aaron kept him propped up.

"I'll be fine. Graham, on the other hand." Almark stopped to cough.

"Graham, what happened?" Aaron asked.

Almark looked into Aaron's eyes. "He was there."

"Is Graham?" Aaron started to ask.

"Graham lives. However, he destroyed his cultivation to win. It's all my fault if only I could've helped more." Almark clenched his side in anger.

Aaron patted Almark on the shoulder then walked to William. Almark watched as Aaron went to the dead man held up by several spikes. When Aaron got to William, he touched the man's face. "I'm so sorry." Aaron had a tear rolling down his cheek. Then all the spikes vanished, and William's body fell into Aaron's arms.

"Hey, is that boy there who I think it is." Almark looked back and forth between Ford and Aaron.

"Yes, that's." Aaron stopped to look at someone running towards them.

Ford looked in the same direction. A tall, dark-skinned man, Tom, with Graham in his arms running towards them. Tom had on dark metaled armor, covered in cracks. With a large hammer on his back. Alex, just a little shorter than Tom, was running right beside them. Graham was noticeably pale and badly injured.

"Aaron, we need to hurry back and have Sarah heal Graham, or he will be with the rocks soon." Tom stopped and looked at the man in Aaron's arms, then at Ford. While looking at Ford, he had a look of recognition in his eyes.

"Just give me a minute." Aaron walked over to where Susan lay on the ground and put William down next to her. Then crouched down next to Susan. He reached down and cupped her cheek. "I'm so sorry." Tears rolled down Aaron's face, dripping onto Susan's. Her face had barely any warmth left.

Susan looked at Ford then back to Aaron. A small smile formed on her lips. She let Ford's hand go and reached up to rub Aaron's cheek. "You did what had to be done. I forgive you." She whispered in a weak voice.

Aaron reached his hand up, holding Susan's. Her hand was cold to the touch. He felt the hand go limp and start to slide away. So he grasped the hand and gently lay it down on her chest. Ford just sat there in shock, looking down at his now-dead mother.

"Are you ok, sweetie?" Come a gentle voice.

Ford looked up at Aaron and saw a small hand on his shoulder. There were scars around the wrist. Looking up, he saw a young woman with chalk-white hair and a kind face with violet eyes. Aaron reached up and squeezed her hand.

Aaron looked up towards Ford. "I'll be fine. However, we're short on time."

"I've changed all the memories of the adults around and put the kids to sleep." The women explained.

"That just leaves Jetsford here. You need to block his memories." Aaron held Ford's gaze.

"Aaron, I can't. He's too young. This would screw with his emotions. The side effects could be permanent." She had a look of horror on her face.

"Doesn't matter." Aaron reached up, grabbing his sword. When he unsheathed it, the designs started to glow. "Jet, listen carefully." He pointed to a spot on the blade. "This is a rune, a very important rune. This stops World Jumpers from jumping. World Breaker has this rune. The dark sapphire on the handle can be charged. It should be empty once you get these memories. Now there is going to be a World Jumper you can't trust." Aaron got interrupted.

"Police are almost here. Time to go." The women put a finger on Ford's forehead, and the world went black.

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