《World Jumper》Chapter 24


The Monastery was a complete bust, in Jet's opinion. 'Who are those two people. To wipe out all those people without even trying.' Jet sat back, watching Lily cast a water blade.

Jet reached over and grabbed the paper he had handed to Lily. "Well, this didn't work. Now try this one." Then gave her a different paper.

"Ok," Lily said and started trying the new phrase out.

Jet had a suspicion about the magic phrases from this world. He didn't believe the old language was words, more like breathing methods to make spells come more naturally. So after they left the Kingdom of Hope, Jet has had Lily try different phrases that he made up.

A water blade slashed towards a tree, surprising some of the guards walking around the carriage. "Master Jet, it worked," Lily said excitedly. She had been trying his weird phrases for a few days now.

Jet, however, was too busy writing notes in his notebook to notice how excited she was. 'So it isn't a language at all, or that spell shouldn't have worked. The phrases I have Lily using are slightly off what is taught.' Since she had only been taught body-enhancing, it was easier to test his theory with throwing spells.

Jet felt a slap to the back of his head and turned. "Finally got your attention. What did you find out? Also, your grin is freaking some of the guards out." Rick said.

"I'm making some progress." Jet took the paper from Lily and handed it to Rick. The King and Rick knew what he was doing since he told them before they left. The both of them weren't too happy. If it were true, magic would be changed forever. However, Jet didn't tell them that he suspected that it was done on purpose. To keep the lower class citizens at bay and nobility on top.

"I see, don't overwork your disciple. She is still recovering from some of her injuries." Rick gave Lily a quick lookup and down. "Can't believe I missed all the action before we left."

"Like I said, you didn't miss much." Jet had noticed Rick was disappearing a lot lately. Not only that, his magic kept changing. Almost as if Rick was getting more powerful.

Just as Jet was about to bring it up, Rick handed Jet back the paper and rode off on his horse. Jet watched, having left his magic sense on noticed, Rick tried the phrase, and his magic had replied. Rick stopped the spell just before it released. 'So Rick can use water magic now? Well, I won't question the man who saved me. Just glad he found a way around the poison.' Jet was sure Rick would tell people eventually.

Jet turned to Lily to hand her another paper. "Is something wrong, Lily?" He noticed she looked a little down. 'Maybe Lily is tired.' Jet took the paper back that he had just handed her. "If you're tired, we can take a break?"

"No, Master Jet, I'm fine," Lily said with a fake smile.

Jet patted Lily on the shoulder. "You have a few fractured bones. It's ok if you're are tired." He didn't want to push her.

Lily put out her hand and gave Jet a genuine smile. "I'm still good to go, Master Jet."


He sighed and handed Lily the paper. "Just call me Jet."

She cocked her head at Jet. "I am," Lily said, confused.

"No, you call me Master Jet. Just Jet will do."

"I am your disciple, so you are my master."

"I'm only two years older than you. Every time you call me master, I feel old." Jet said.

"Ok, Mast... I mean Jet." Lily corrected herself.

Jet smiled, "thanks for understanding." Then jumped off the carriage seat and walked into the forest.

Nobody thought anything of him walking off. Jet went out to hunt something for all their meals. Of course, Jet also used the time to try different breathing techniques to make his magic flow easier. Then wrote down in old language what sounded like his breathing. 'But I hit a problem. Just because it works for me doesn't mean it will work for others.' As Jet walked and got lost in his thoughts, something made him stop in his tracks. 'What if everyone can use all the elements? Maybe the breathing techniques need to be different for each person. They may just get lucky, and one of the four breathing techniques works. Then they would assume their that element.'

Jet kept walking, sensing a boar nearby. 'Then there is the magma and lightning elements.' Jet had tried mixing earth and fire magic to create magma. However, the two wouldn't mix quite right. He also tried water and wind for lightning with no luck.

Looking towards the boar, Jet walked up to it soundlessly. The boar saw his shadow and looked at him, only seeing a finger pointing its way. That's all the boar saw, a small wind blade flying towards it, killing the boar instantly.

When Jet got back, they had already set up a campsite. The cook took the boar immediately and started preparing it for dinner. Jet looked around for Lily and didn't see her.

"If you're looking for your disciple, she is already asleep." Rick walked up to Jet.

Jet slapped his hand on his forehead. "Damn, overworked Lily again."

Rick laughed. "I worked you way harder than you do, Lily."

"Yeah, but I didn't have damaged bones. I can see the strain on Lily's body watching her magic flow." Jet was now wondering how magic flowed from bone to bone. 'One question after another.'

"No pain, no gain," Rick told Jet.

Jet smirked at Rick's response. "Guess some sayings are universal."

The next few weeks went by quickly. Lily had learned a few water techniques now. However, the cold was starting to get to people. But, this is to be expected since they were on top of a mountain. Jet had asked. "Why couldn't we have done this when it was warmer?" To be told by Rick. "During the cold time of the year, the mountains water is at its lowest. Allowing us to make the trip easier."

Jet turned his head back forward. There was something just on the edge of his magic sense. It looked like there were pools of magic on the ground. Then a thought struck him, and he jumped off the carriage and yelled. "Stop the carriages."

He reached in and grabbed his magic, creating a fireball, and threw it into the pool of magic. When it exploded, it looked like fire was coming out. So Jet used his wind magic to push the flames away from the carriages and guards. However, the wind didn't push the fire away, and the fire splashed on some of the guards in front. Jet quickly used his magic and grabbed water from the nearby stream and dumped water on them.


Jet run over to the guards. "Sorry, guys, thought I could knock the fire away." He took a closer look to realize there was magma on them.

"Well, I'm not sure how you saw through my trap." Came a deep, gravely voice.

Everyone turned to look at a man leaning on a boulder. He was at least two heads taller than Jet. A long scar ran from the top of his head, then down between his eyes and down his cheek. The man had bright yellow eyes and shoulder-length blood-red hair.

Jet noticed a sword symbol on his shirt. The man also carried a great sword on his back. There was a sharp chill going down Jet's spine, and he realized he had started to sweat. Not only that, the man's magic just looked wrong. He turned to Rick to ask if he knew the man. However, when Jet looked at Rick, he was as pale as a ghost.

"Why is the leader of the Crimson Swords here?" Rick croaked out. Everyone could hear the fear in his voice.

"That's right, you should fear us." Some bratty kid pointed and laughed at them.

"Did I tell you to speak, boy?" Lord Crimson shot the kid a look of disgust.

"Sorry, father, won't happen again." The kid backed down in fear.

Without batting an eye, Lord Crimson backhanded his son, sending him face-first into the dirt. "I told you to call me Lord Crimson."

Rick leaned towards Jet and whispered. "I will distract them. You get to the princesses and run." His voice was still shaking in fear.

"I can." Is all Jet got out before Rick stopped him.

"Listen to me, boy, our number one priority is to protect the princesses. These are the Crimson Swords and very dangerous." Rick whispered. Then noticed a spell headed towards them. Jet already had a wall of earth forming to stop the magma fireball. However, Rick grabbed Jet and pushing them out of the way. The magma went right through the wall slamming into the carriage, catching it on fire instantly.

"Go now," Rick yelled, pulling out his sword and running towards Lord Crimson.

Jet wanted to help. However, he saw more of the Crimson Swords already headed towards the other carriages. He grabbed his sword and readied for a fight. Then noticed Relo and Lily both fighting already, and only a few other guards around them. Jet's sixth sense kicked in and dodged what looked like a water whip. The carriage beside Jet had been cut in half.

"Where do you think you're going? I am Yeye, son of the Burning Hand." Yeye said.

"What a stupid name." Jet accidentally said aloud.

Yeye's face went beat red, and he started to attack Jet without another word. Jet ducked dodged, and anything else he could think, the whip cut through everything. He had even tried a wall of earth, and that hadn't even slowed the whip down. Jet tried everything on the kid, fire, earth, wind, and even water. He would just use his water whip and some water shield to stop them. 'So much for opposing element theory.'

The sounds of screaming and dying people rang through the mountainside. They were losing, and Jet could see that most of the guards were dead now. Relo had a dagger sticking out of her shoulder, but she was still fighting. Lily wasn't much help in her state. However, she still was throwing spells while guarding the princesses. 'Rick was right. I need to get them and run.'

Jet struck out at Yeye with hundreds of earth spikes at once. To his horror, Yeye's water spun around him so fast it shattered all the spikes. Jet turned to run towards the princesses and saw they had split up. However, Jet looked in horror again as three spells collided right next to Ileana and Lily. He could feel the rush of air go by him when they detonated. All that remained in that spot was a small crater. 'No, how could this be happening.'

That moment of distraction cost Jet dearly. Two arrows slammed into him, one in his right leg and another in his back. Then the water whip wrapped around him, and Yeye picked him up somehow. Jet felt the air rush by him as he slammed into the ground so hard he left a crack.

He looked up, vision blurry and spinning. Jet saw Relo barely hanging on and the other Crimson swords watching her lose to the one fighting her. Just a little ways off, Jet watched as someone slashed a sword across Rachael's chest, blood raining down from her body. Then to Rick, who didn't look much better. His right arm was hanging beside him, limp and bleeding from several places.

Jet got up, reaching inwards and pulling out more magic than he had ever used before. The ground shook, knocking everyone off balance a little. He took that chance and run over to Rachael and scooped her up. Relo noticed and started to chase after him. The Crimson Swords run after them but got tripped when the ground began to crumble under them.

That hadn't stopped all of them, and Jet was having problems running with an arrow in his leg. Not that it had mattered, they had run right into a cliff edge.

"Jet, what are we going to do, their almost upon us," Relo asked in between ragged breaths.

He looked back to see the Crimson Swords walking casually up to them with a smile. Jet looked down the edge of the cliff. "We have to jump."

"You got a plan?" She asked.

"No," and Jet jumped off the cliff with Relo following after him. As they fell, gaining speed, he reached in and grabbed even more of his magic. He was creating a giant fireball that shot forward, exploding. Jet used wind magic to turn his back to the ground. He was hoping that the explosion would be enough to slow their descent enough to land.

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