《World Jumper》Chapter 23


Jet started to head back to the castle. He thought that getting Jace as a disciple went well. It was more like blackmail but, Jet already got to know him a little. 'Too bad, I only have about three months, or I would teach him how to read.' As he kept walking, he thought he heard someone crying. Taking a quick look around, he found someone hunched over in an alley.

Jet entered the alley, and walked over to the hunched-down person. Sure enough, they were crying. He knelt and removed their hood. It was a malnourished young girl with what looked like buzz-cut hair. She looked up at him with her muddy brown eyes. Then something clicked in his mind. "Number two?"

Jet sat there watching the girl eat some soup and bread. He had to drag her to the bar and force her to eat. The cook suggested a light broth and bread. Then told Jet to make sure she ate it slowly. She was on the brink of starvation.

She looked up at Jet with a tear rolling down her dirty face. "Thank you." She said in a much softer voice than he remembered.

'What in the world is going on. She wasn't a bad fighter. So what had happened to her.' Jet thought to himself. "You're welcome."

As she ate her food, something on her wrist caught Jet's attention. He reached for one of her hands, and she flinched back. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." Jet took her hand gently and rolled up the sleeve. There were bruises and scrapes around her wrists, almost as if she had been shackled recently. Before she could pull her hand away again, Jet went into overdrive. Jet made sure to take in everything before she could pull away. After he went out of overdrive, sure enough, she pulled away.

A rage started burning in Jet now. After a closer inspection, he figured the girl was around fifteen, maybe even fourteen. 'Why when I first fought her did I think she was a young woman. Now I just see a frightened girl.' Jet figured it must have been the way she held herself before. That is why he had mistaken her for being older.

"Can you tell me your name?" Jet tried not to show his anger. He would make the people who hurt the girl pay later.

"I don't have one." Shrinking back in her chair.

"How about a family?" Jet saw her eyes lower at what he said. "You know what, don't worry about it and eat."

Jet got up to talk with the owner of the bar. He noticed the girl watching him. "I will be right over there talking. Just keep eating slowly." He told her before walking off. The bar owner saw him coming and moved to where there was an empty seat for Jet to sit on.

"She is most likely from one of the Monasteries." The man said before Jet asked.

"I see, is there a way to find which one she came from?" Jet asked.

"Sir Jetsford, some things are better left alone. Just walk away." The bar owner said.

"She's just a kid, Tedi." Jet looked back over to her.


"She was most likely abandoned or given to a Monastery at an early age. Judging from her appearance, she could have come from three of them." Tedi said.

"Which three?" Jet asked with no hesitation.

Tedi put his hand on Jet's shoulder. "I get where you are coming from but, you are friends with the royal family and a Knight. Go and talk with them before doing anything foolish."

Jet calmed down. What Tedi had said made sense. Then an idea came to his mind. He set down five coins. "Can you watch her for me? I need to go do something."

Jet got up before Tedi could protest and walked over to the girl. "I need to go do something. Then I will be right back." Jet pointed towards Tedi. "Tedi will watch you till I get back. Shouldn't take me long." He patted the girl on the head, then walked out of the bar and back towards the outer wall guard shack.

When he entered the building, Jace and the guard Captain were talking. 'Good, I don't need to look for him.' Jet thought to himself then walked over to them. "Jace, bad news, my disciple position just got filled. So carry on with your tasks." He patted Jace on the shoulder and left the two of them dumbfounded as he walked right back out. Then headed back to the bar to force the girl into being a disciple instead. Not that he thought it would be hard.

When he got to the bar, he went to sit across from the girl. "You will be my disciple from now on." Giving her a gentle smile. 'And after I get back from this trip. Well, whoever has hurt you will pay.'

The guards looked at him skeptically when he got back to the castle. They were not sure why he had a girl following him around. The guards were warned he might come back with a disciple but, they had heard it would be Jace.

Jet walked right by them and into the castle. When he got in, he realized that he didn't know what to do with the girl. He decided to find Relo and ask. He was sure the girl would need clothes and other stuff.

"Who's this." An old voice said.

Jet smiled and turned around to see the girl flinching away from Grandma. "She is my new disciple, Lily." Jet was tired of calling her girl.

"You get her from an alley?" Grandma wrinkled her nose.

"Actually, yes, I did. Lily also knows water magic and is trained by a Monastery." Jet told her. 'A Monastery I plan to tear down when I get back.'

Grandma frowned when she heard about the Monastery. "I see. Straighten your back, girl stop slouching."

Lily immediately straightened her posture and stood straight. Then she looked at Jet with a scarred face.

Jet walked over to her and gave her a big smile. "Don't worry. She is being nice right now."

"You have things to do, Sir Jet. Let me handle your new disciple." Grandma grinned evilly.

"You know where I keep my money, so go nuts. Be good and listen to Grandma, Lily, or she might come after me." Jet waved and walked off.


Jet didn't know how but, he got drafted to help carry luggage to the carriages. "I'm a Knight. Why am I doing manual labor."

Charten walked up beside Jet and put down some more luggage. "Well, I'm a prince, yet here I am."

"Why are you two complaining? I am a King." Garent said, putting down his stuff.

Milly, one of the servants, walked out and put more stuff in the carriage. She looked at them and smiled. "Thank you guys so much for the help."

"It's no problem." The three of them said at once. Then watched her walk back inside.

"I blame you." Jet pointed at the King.

"Agreed." Charten looked over to his dad.

"How this my fault." Garent threw up his hands.

"All the servants are too pretty to say no to." Jet said.

"All my servants are pretty, you say. I'll make sure to let Grandma know you think she is pretty." Garent winked at Jet while Charten stifled a laugh.

"Thanks, Sir Jet. It has been a long time since someone called me pretty." Grandma walked up behind them.

Jet turned around, wondering how she always snuck up on people. After all, she uses a cane. "Good afternoon Grandma." When he turned back to Garent, he was stiffling a laugh. The King had obviously repeated what Jet said on purpose.

"Quite. Anyways your Majesty, could I borrow you and Sir Jet?" She asked.

Garent's face went serious and nodded to her, and Grandma started walking back to the castle. Jet wanted to ask what was going on. However, something about grandma's expression made him stop. Jet noticed they were heading to the baths in the castle. 'Is something wrong with Lily?' Jet felt the urge to walk past them to check but stopped himself.

When they walked into the room, Lily stood there and was being washed. Jet stopped dead in his tracks, looking at the naked girl. However, that hadn't been the reason he stopped. 'How can she even stand.' Lily's body was covered in bruises and cuts. Grandma nodded to one of the other servants, who then turned the girl around. Jet's heart skipped a beat, her back was full of lash marks.

The room started to vibrate from the magic leaking into the air. The servants looked in horror towards them and started to back up. "Which monastery are you from." Both Garent and Jet said at once, the window glass cracking from their voices.

Grandma walked over to them and put her hands on each of their shoulders. "Calm down, you two. You're scaring the poor girl." Both of them calmed down and let her talk. "She is from Elchoe Monastery."

They both turned and walked out of the room. Grandma looked down at the floor, where the King had been standing. There were cracks on the floor over foot long, and Jet had left two feet long cracks.

After they had walked out and Garent got Todly to round up some guards, they headed out to Elchoe Monastery. When they got there, however, they weren't sure if they had got the wrong Monastery. The place looked like a wreck.

Todly walked over to a red spot on the ground and rubbed his boot on the stain. "Dried blood, your Majesty." he said aloud.

"What happened here?" Jet asked aloud. Rage forgotten.

"Everyone, keep your guards up," Garent said, walking towards the broken doors.

When they walked into the Monastery, it looked even worse on the inside. Walls had cracks on them and bloodstains, but no bodies. So they just kept walking on until they got to the main room. It was destroyed just like the other rooms. Just one difference, an arrow painted with blood pointing towards a door.

The guards were starting to murmur to each other, and some keywords could be heard. Like haunted and they had been cursed, Jet even heard something about a beast getting in the Monastery.

"Your Majesty, please stay here while I check it out." Todly started moving to the door.

The King, however, did not listen and followed, so Jet followed them both into the room. When he entered, there was another line pointing towards a broken wall. However, when they walked up to the broken wall, a foul stench comes from the entrance.

"You three." Todly pointed towards the guards. "Will follow behind us, and the rest of you split up and search the other rooms. Be on guard for anything."

"Not going to ask me to stay up here?" Garent asked, grinning."

"At this point, no, much rather have you at my back." Todly turned and started down the stairs. So they all followed him down.

What they found at the bottom of the stairs, Jet would describe as a torture chamber. Shackles lined the walls with people attached, and there were also cells, which had people in them too. Directly in the center of the room is a shackled man. That looked to be tortured. There were bruises, cuts, and lashes on his body.

Todly walked over and grabbed a piece of parchment tied around his neck. "This man is the leader of the Elchoe Monastery. He has tortured young kids for failing to do what they are told. If they failed their task completely, he would torture them and send them out to the streets to die. I have given him the same treatment showed to those kids, with one exception. I have stripped him of his magic." Todly finished reading the parchment.

Garent walked over to a cell that had a conscious person. "You, tell me what happened here," Garent ordered the man.

The man was rocking back and forth, mumbling to himself, then turned to the King. "They were monsters. One man had dirty blonde hair. He would just disappear and reappear. None of us could even touch this man. So the leader went after the girl with him. Thinking she would be an easier target. He was wrong, she was even more of a monster." The man started rocking back and forth again, mumbling something about red lightning.

Garent looked over to Todly and Jet and saw the same confusion on their faces. So he turned back to the crazy man. "What did the girl look like?"

The man stopped rocking and looked at the King. "Long blue hair and bright glowing red eyes."

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