《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Translucent Woods


The walker continued through the dense undergrowth until it finally conked out. First a piece of its legs burst free, then several electrical failures and fires broke out on the legs and rear of the cockpit until the walker came to a complete stop, bending its legs until it touched the ground. Both Allisa and Ion gave a collective sigh of relief.

“Is there any place in this world I won’t get shot at?” Allisa asked out loud before letting go of Ion’s hands that were still clutching the control sticks.

“Hopefully with the bridge destroyed, they won’t come after us.” Ion said as Allisa sank to the metal floor of the walker.

“After the ruckus we made they’ll probably send something after us,” Berken said, floating to the edge of the walker. “I recommend we go deeper into the woods before the search party comes to find us and kills us. Especially you,” He pointed at Allisa, who scowled back.

Lacking the energy to snap back, Allisa got back to her feet and jumped off the lowered walker. Now that she was no longer being chased she finally got a good look at the woods. It was very dense with a maze of foliage, differing greatly from the tall trunks of Sterland Forest in Avalon. The ground was as uneven as it had been in the Crag, which meant the trunks of the trees grew in uneven manners pulling over the gaps like stitches to a wound. Even here, metal spires and ancient machines were jutting from the earth, overgrown with a thick layer of moss.

Allisa had hoped this would be a more present venture than her previous voyage into an unknown forest, but the sight of yet more alien monsters and plants that were moving meant there was yet more fighting left for her.

“So this is the Translucent woods?” Allisa ended up saying out loud. While there was the distinct otherworldly quality to the forest that was simply not found in Avalon, it was hard to see where the translucent name came from. She approached close to the edge and looked down. Below was the same mist she saw, covering what she imagined was a massive drop to the plate.

“Once we’ve passed through here, we should be within sight of the peaks,” Ion said, joining Allisa.

“I’d recommend we leave now before those ravengers decide to follow us,” Berken said, hovering out in front of Allisa. “Leave the trailblazing to me,” He hovered a few feet ahead before turning around. “And the fighting to the spy,”

“What he said…” Allisa sighed, turning to Ion. Ion simply giggled before they set off.


Berken leads the girls down a ledge to a rock walkway. Allisa was next down with Ion above, moving slower than Allisa. Allisa assisted her down the final part.

After Ion made it onto solid ground did they move on. Moving down the long rocky path, stopping only when engaged by the hostile wildlife, bat-like creatures (zorge), and some monkey creatures (thesd). Luckily for Allisa, the monsters were not too taxing, especially after her ordeal with the ravengers. The local warframes, giant beetles (gatherers), and monkeys (climbers) paid no heed to the trespassers in their forest.

“How come they don’t attack?” Allisa ended up asking as they passed a pack of climbers who simply stared back.

“Not all warframes are hostile.” Ion replied. To prove her point she walked up to a gatherer clinging to the rock wall and gently ran a finger along its body. The machine didn’t respond. “Many were created to maintain the ecological balance of the world. While there are certainly hostile ones, many won’t bat an eye unless provoked.”


With a nod of her head, Ion beckoned Allisa over. She followed the star singer's lead and tapped on the machine’s wing. The gatherer then flew off.

“…. They’re machines right. So who made them?”

“Sora,” Ion replied cheerfully.

“Sora? As in… the world?”

“They’re very similar to the enforcers. The difference is that the enforcers protect Sora’s shell while the warframes maintain the world instead.”

“Oookay, I think I get it,” Truthfully Allisa was still trying to wrap her head around the notion. Everything Ion had said made Sora sound less of a world and more of a living entity she was inside of. The thought made her shudder a little.

The group continued downwards, using the long roots as makeshift bridges as they moved deeper down. As they went further on, the hostility from the wildlife only grew with Allisa having to once again be the only one who can fight. One group was the bat-like zorge where Allisa spent a good minute swinging her sword in the air until it finally make contact, another was a pack of thesd that pounced on them from above, leaping all over the battlefield forcing Allisa to teleport to catch them. While everything that bared their path was negligible compared to Allisa’s power, the constant fighting was beginning to get to her. Her movements became more sluggish and her muscles began to ace. Even the act of lifting Excalibur- a blade that weighed nothing- was beginning to become taxing.

The deeper they went, keeping to the vine path as much as they could, the more exhausted Allisa was becoming.

“Whew…” She let out a sigh after fighting off a pack of plant-like creatures that resembled a leaf with a crocodile jaw (Torks), trying hard to catch her breath.

“A-Are you okay?” Ion asked out of concern.

“Y-Yeah… Just gimmie a sec,” Allisa let out a few deep breaths. “Okay… lead the way,”

“Let’s see….” Berken floated a few feet in the air, examining the paths split before them.

“M-maybe we should stop,” Ion whispered to Berken, looking back at Allisa. “I’m concerned about her, she has been fighting continually-”

“She’s fine,” Berken dismissed. “Besides, if the Ravengers are pursuing us we need to put as much distance as possible. Then we can consider resting.” Berken flew ahead.


“Don’t worry. I can keep going,” Allisa said as she walked past, giving Ion a weary thumbs up.

“.... Alright,” Ion rushed to catch up as they reached the next layer.

“Wait!” Berken suddenly stopped. “.... Oh no,”

“Oh no, what?” Allisa asked. Her answer came from a hum above her. “Oh no…”

Hovering directly above her was a skiff that was flying low through the valley. At its prow was a reg with a sniper, backed by a large contingent of ravengers. By the armor, they were with the group Allisa had dealt with back at the bridge. At the sight, Allisa dragged Ion into a small cavern nearby, keeping an eye on the aircraft as it hung low in the air.

“Are they looking for us?” Allisa asked, keeping her eye on the sniper in the front. She guessed he was the leader as his armor differed from the others; with light cloth, a few bone plates, and a hood that covered a skull helm with the left eye socket containing four lenses.

“Who else?” Berken said, hovering close to Allisa’s head. “Guess they’re more pissed about you destroying their bridge,”

The sniper looked in their direction. Allisa ducked out of sight, pushing Ion gently into the darkness. There was a hiss from the sniper and then the skiff moved upwards.


“Are they gone?” Allisa was the first to poke her head out, and to her good fortune saw the ship pulling upwards.

“We need to keep going.” Ion followed after her. “Berken!”

“R-Right, let’s see…” Berken flew ahead, hovering over a branch in the road before stopping at a root that went into a cavern. “It’s through here.”

Her inspiration

The tunnel the party took was mercifully short given how precarious the tightrope felt. Coming out into a large bramble of twisting vines, the scenery once more began to change as Berken led them deeper and deeper down. The canopy above them got thicker, nearly drowning out all light from the artificial sun above. However, the plant life only grew in density lit up by strange blue lights emanating from the machine parts that jutted from the earth, spewing a blue mist. Allisa was initially reminded of the depths of Sterland Forest in Avalon, where the mythril served as the only light source. The comparisons ended there as the plant’s deeper in looked very odd, a mixture of organic life and machines etched into the branches and flowers.

“This is where the Translucent woods get their name,” Ion explained, sensing Allisa’s bewilderment.

“Okay, we should be deep enough for the Ravengers not to chase us,” Berken said. “Maybe,”

Allisa wanted to rebuttal the last remark but she was too exhausted by the track and continually mesmerized by the sights of Sora. It made her forget the entire world was trying to kill her. Taking a deep breath, Allisa put one leg in front of the other and nearly tripped.

“I-I’m okay…” She said after catching herself. With another deep breath, she moved forwards to catch up to Berken who was already trailblazing through the twisting branches.

“Um… I’m tired,” Ion suddenly declared, pointing at a nearby cave. “So let’s rest in there.”

Confused, Allisa and Berken started at each other.

“You look fine to me…” Allisa said with a nod from Berken.

“And the ravengers are coming after us, remember. I recomend we move a bit further before-”

“No!” Ion interrupted Berken. “I’m tired and I’m not taking another step until we rest!”

While it seemed childish, Allisa could see through Ion’s tantrum. Ion was worried about her and wanted the break so Allisa could get some strength back.

“… Alright. Let’s take a breather.” The moment Allisa let out a defeated sigh, Ion rushed to her and pulled her to the cave.

“I-I’m not sure if this is a safe place-” Berken began.

“Well, we have you to watch out for us, don’t we?” Ion winked.

“My sensors aren't that effective this close to the plates! Uh, she’s not listening,”


It was only after sitting down that Allisa realized how exhausted she was. Every muscle of her body was aching to the extent that any motivation to stand had gone. She hadn’t realized how much she had pushed herself today.

“You are exhausted,” Berken said, floating close to Allisa. “You’d better get a hold of yourself, spy. If you collapse that means Ion will be in great peril from the beasts, warframes, and ravengers that’ll come after her.”

Allisa frowned at him. “Thanks. Your concern for my well-being makes me feel so much better,” She retorted, trying to adjust herself against the wall.

“Why would I be concerned for your well-being?”

“Good point,”

“Wow, it’s so pretty.” Ion was at the mouth of the cave, looking at the environment with the eyes of a child. She didn’t seem even remotely out of breath. “I’ve seen the images freelancers had taken of the Translucent woods, but nothing compares to seeing it in person.”

“You’ve never been here before?” Allisa asked as she leaned her back against the wall.

“Of course not.” Berken huffed. “The Translucent woods is extremely dangerous for the Star Singer to be. The only reason why anyone would be here is if they have no choice but to cut through here.”

“Like us.”


Rather than snapping back at Berken, Allisa glanced back out to the cavern’s entrance at the scenery of the depths of the woods. “What’s with this place anyway? A lot of the plants here look like machines.”

“It’s because we’re close to the inner plate.” Ion began. “Eather leaks from below and assimilates organic material close by. What you’re seeing is the world slowly absorbing organic material to recreate it elsewhere.”

“Assimilate….?” Allisa felt a chill run down her spine. “That’s not gonna happen to us, right?” She nervously looked at the blue glowing cracks in the cavern, spying a shimmering mist seeping from several orifices close by her.

“No no. It takes years for that to happen.” Ion couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as Allisa moved away from some of the mist. “We’ll only be here for a few hours at best.”


“Trust me, spy. You got bigger things to worry about.” Berken said.

“Yeah… like that party after us,” Allisa said, running a hand through her hair.

“Not just them. If those ravengers built a bridge into the translucent forest, they’ll likely have some structures built in the depths. A lot of em’ worship Sora and consider places like this sacred. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill us on the spot for even being here.”

“Like they were holding back before…” Allisa huffed nonchalantly. Even so, the thought about the ravengers pursuing them was certainly worrying. Allisa had no shortage of experience dealing with bandits back in Avalon. Her very first trip to that world saw her fighting the Rats where she began to use Excalibar and Celtic hoard on her second expedition. While certainly threatening, they were still people. Display overwhelming power, defeat the leaders, or destroy their equipment and the lack of discipline among them did the rest.

Her short bouts on the plain and the base showed Allisa that the Ravengers were the complete opposite. They were utterly vicious and relentless even in the face of their demise. This line of thought opened up Allisa’s curiosity about Sora once more.

“Say, Ion, what are the ravengers? Are they like… warframes?”

“Oh no. But I suppose they are similar in a sense.” Ion walked to the rock Allisa was sitting on and sat beside her. “They’re one of the sentient races of Sora. However, unlike the other races who have learned to co-operate together, the ravengers are fiercely independent and despise the other races as much as they are despised. Broken up into various clans that are scattered across Sora, they are renowned and feared for their enginuity. You have no doubt seen it yourself; the war machines and tamed warframes. Some of the larger clans have the capacity to rival or surpass Altosk, or any member of the trinity.”

Allisa once again thought back to her experience earlier that day, with her torn bloodied sleeve as a reminder not to underestimate them.

“Luckily for them and us, the ravengers spend more time fighting themselves. It’s only the odd clan that do raids into other settlements.” Berken said.

“The settlement we rested in yesterday was likely abandoned because of the ravenger raids.” Ion added

“They kinda sound like high-tech bandits,” Allisa said.

“In a way they are. But many clans struggle to survive. Some smaller clans are mercilessly whipped out by Altosk or other factions, and some are driven to raiding just to acquire what they need to keep their birthing units alive, or to make sure their young can live.”

“What do you mean.”

Ion let out a sigh before standing up and walking to the edge of the cave. “You asked if they were warframes because of the mechanical parts you’ve seen on their bodies, yes. While that is not true, it isn’t wholly untrue either.

“Biologically, the ravengers are very weak. Their high birth rates are matched only by their equally high infant mortality. For their young to even survive their bodies need to be immediately infused with machine parts hours after birth.”

“Th-they operated on at birth?”

Ion nodded. “But even then, about four in ten do not survive the procedure.”

Allisa felt a little stunned and almost felt bad for cutting down so many. Almost. Yet Ion’s sadness in describing their plight was so genuine as though it were her people. “You kinda sound like you feel sorry for them,”

“I understand the plight of the clans and the suffering they endured at not only their weaknesses but the often unprovoked and brutal force applied to them by us,” Ion bowed her head. “But at the same time, I would never condone the actions of some of the clans. Some of the more militant clans have committed atrocities that cannot be easily forgiven and have behaved in a manner even worse than our people.”

Ion turned back to Allisa with a serious expression. “But as Star Singer, I feel it is my duty to look at all sides. I will maintain my own views and not let them be swayed by anyone. But peace, true peace can only come when you respect or try to understand what the other side has to say.”

“Whoa…” Allisa let out a small chuckle. “Kinda sounds like a speech.”

Ion chuckled sweetly. “Well, it’s not my words. It came from one of my predecessors; a ravenger.”

Allisa blinked, unsure if she heard Ion right. “Wha- a ravenger?”

Ion nodded.

“There were ravenger star singers?!” Allisa blurted before remembering Ion had mentioned it before. Even so, given her recent experience with the ravengers, it was very difficult to see someone like Ion among them.

“I understand your disbelief,” Ion said sensing Allisa’s confusion. “There’s only three recorded Ravenger star singers. There may have been more but those likely died in childbirth.

“Not that they’re remembered as Star Singers,” Berken added hovering close to Ion. “As far as the public’s concerned, the star singer is a hune, bunika, borgo, or an answer.”

“H-How come?” Allisa asked. Although she guessed as to why.

“Cause people hate ravengers, obviously,” Berken huffed, confirming Allisa’s suspicious. “To allot’a you, the thought of a ravenger being the Star singer, both past and future is blasphemy or something.”

“Oh… right,” coiled her left leg into her as she changed her posture. “But… there’s been three?”

Ion nodded as she leaned against the cave wall. “The first two though… many wish to forget.” She went on, resting her hands together as her eyes drifted into the forest. “The first, about seven centuries ago, was a krell; Star Singer Y’stezzen of Clan Shaketh.

Unlike most Star Singers before her, she believed herself as Sora’s chosen to purge it of all races and assert Ravenger dominance. Many clans clocked to her side to join her crusade. Those who refused were destroyed by her songs as examples to her people.”

“That’s awful…”

“It was. The war of Shaketh remains the worst conflict in Sora’s history, nearly destroying everything. It only ended when Y’stezzen was killed by a sniper.”

“You can imagine why people won’t want to accept another Ravenger as a star singer.” Berken continued. “After that war, the trinity and the next star singer enacted a policy to kill the star singer if she’s reincarnated as a Ravenger.”

Allisa gulped. “A-And that’s what happened to the next one?”

“No. Although it did influence what would happen.” Ion continued. “Five centuries ago there was a period where Sora had no Star Singer for over a century. The trinity searched high and low but found no trace of her. That period is known as the dark century. Many were starting to believe that the cycle of reincarnation was broken, and worse, Sora had abandoned them. Unchecked, a war broke out between Ter’figmar and Dobomas, a war that saw the creation of weapons that could blast a hole through Sora’s shell.

“However, during the battle of the Peaks, a downed ship struck a powerful barrier around one of the islands; a barrier that had been weaved by a song. The trinity had believed they had finally found the next Star singer. A temporary ceasefire was declared while a team was sent to investigate this possible lead. Whiten the barrier they found a small ravenger clan that had been hiding. What was worse, they found the matriarch; a young Skar.

“Star Singer Ha’zeth of Clan Golphi.”

Ion bowed her head. “The news certainly came as a shock, especially with the shadow of Y’stezzen looming over them. They acted fast, assembling another team to purge the clan. Only, when they arrived they found the clan had gone. However, they found the Star Singer with a spear implanted in her chest and a note written beside her. In it, Ha’zeth explained that she had hidden herself and her clan after the song had manifested, knowing that if her existence came to light her clan would be exterminated like the Saketh. So she used her power to hide her clan for over a century. When they were discovered, she let the clan free, wrote her confession to the trinity. Then… she took her own life.”

“She… she killed herself?!”

Ion slowly nodded, looking back towards Allisa.

“It was sobering for all sides. Not only was that the missing Star singer was another ravenger, but she was so terrified of what would happen to her and her clan that she hid herself away. The war ended with her death, yet the fear of another ravenger Star Singer only grew.”

Ion walked to the cavern’s entrance. “In a way that’s still true. The activities of the ravengers are closely monitored after the death of the Star singer to make sure nothing like what happened with Y’stezzen or Ha’zeth happens again.”

“But… there was one more?”

“Yep.” Ion turned with a big smile, sounding more upbeat. “Only seven generations ago there was another lengthy gap where there was no Star Singer. The trinity was beginning to fear another Star Singer was born a Ravenger.

“Before they could act, they got a transmission from someone claiming to be the Star Singer and asked to meet the trinity in person. While suspicious, the heads of the trinity agreed. When they were all gathered they were greeted with a shock at the arrival of two ravengers; a krell and a Mature Skar.”

Ion walked towards Allisa, as though mimicking her own story. “The skar walked up to the leaders and introduced herself as Star Singer Vezpa of Clan Char.”

“…. And she just waltzed in like that? With no guards or nothing?”

Ion nodded. “Only her guardian, a krell called To’zep accompanied her.”

“Didn’t they try to kill her?”

“Of course. The guards attempted to fire, but the moment they did, Vezpa sang to prove her identity, blocking every shot from those who fired. However, Vezpa dropped the barrier and told her guardian not to retaliate. She stood before the trinity and told them she’d only loyalty is to Sora and refused to pledge allegiance to any power. Despite the weapons directed at her, she said she serves the people of Sora regardless of Race and pledged her allegiance to the world. Her only request is that Clan char be left in peace, promising they would not attack anyone.

“The dictator of Sigmundus refused to believe her.” Ion lifted a hand to the air as though she had a weapon in her hand. “With his weapon in hand, he brought it to within an inch of Vezpa. Snarling he reminded Vezpa of her predecessors, on the devastation wrought by Y’stezzen. But once again, Vezpa did nothing to defend herself. Looking into the Borgo’s eyes, she said:

‘I am not Y’stezzen of Shaketh. I am not Ha’zeth of Golphi. Nor am I Celo of Sigmundus, Fitha of Marina or Melinda of Altosk. I am not any one of my predecessors. I am Vezpa of Clan Char. It is my wish, my will to serve the world that has become our home. Yet I have done nothing to prove any actions and only ask that you allow me the opportunity. If you cannot accept it then I will not resist my fate. You, Director of Sigmundus, have the power in your hand. If you cannot accept my words, then you may take my life.’

“…. Not even the dictator could move, stunned by the wisdom and bravery of this lone ravenger. No one said a single word after. And so Vezpa and her guardian left.”

Ion finally stopped as she looked back at Allisa, letting out a small chuckle. Allisa realized she was literally at the edge of her seat. Feeling her cheeks go red, Allisa slumped back.

“Sorry. I got carried away again,” Ion said as she took her seat next to Allisa. “I just find that story so inspirational.”

“No kidding,” Allisa smiled. “This Vezpa sounded like a real badass,”

“I-I suppose,” Ion chuckled again. She leaned back and gazed blankly at the ceiling. “To even have the courage to just speak your mind in that situation, stick to your beliefs even in the face of rejection.” Ion sounded melancholy as she continued. “And she stuck with them, dedicating herself to Sora.

“Everyone thought she would favor her race, but we’re quickly proven wrong. While she would publicly condemn unprovoked attacks against Ravengers, she would be the first to speak out against any clan conducting unprovoked raids against settlements and other clans. It took years but eventually, the people of Sora embraced Vezpa wholeheartedly. Some even go as far as calling her the very embodiment of Strelizia herself.”

“You really admire her, don’t you?” Allisa asked. Ion gave her a small nod, a sad smile creeping on her lips.

“Technically Vezpa was me from another time and in another body but… yes. Both her and my predecessor, Iola are my inspirations. Who I inspire to be… at least to begin with…” Ion cast her gaze to her feet before continuing in almost a whisper. “I wonder…. If I possessed even half the courage of Vezpa…. If things would be different.”

“Ion…” Allisa wanted to give her some words of encouragement but nothing came to mind. Her story inadvertently served as a reminder that Allisa still knew nothing about the world or what position Ion was in. Yet the way she spoke of Vezpa, Allisa could sense in her not only her admiration but also jealousy.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the hum of nearby engines and the sound of something breaking through the canopy. Berken was the first to the cave entrance to look around.

“I’m sure the spy is very fascinated by the history of friendly ravengers she should already know as a spy,” Allisa frowned at Berken again, “but we have very unfriendly ravengers perusing us. I recomend we keep moving before they find us and kill us.”

“But Allisa still needs more time to rest!” Ion said shooting to her feet.

“I’ll be fine,” Allisa said as she got up. It proved more taxing than she realized, her muscles feeling very stiff from a day and a half of constant fighting. Truthfully, she needed more rest but it was a luxury Allisa knew they didn’t have.

“See. Now let’s go,” Berken was about to fly out when Ion suddenly grabbed ahold of Allisa.


“Stand very still,” She instructed.

“I-Ion?! You can’t-!” Berken’s complaints were immediately shut down by a sharp glare from Ion. The rabbit hovered in place, not moving a single bolt.


“Focus on me,” Ion put her hands together, then began to sing in her strange, synthetic alien voice. Light began to simmer around her as she did, small pyres of light that began to move. They slowly made their way to Allisa, who stood still, barely moving an inch as she felt entranced by the display of light. The pyres moved into Allisa, seeping through her clothes and leaving small motes of light on the places of contact. The song only lasted for a moment when the light began to die out and Ion stopped singing.

“How do you feel?”

“Uh… fine,” Allisa began to move her body. “Wh-whoa… actually, I feel great,” It was as though every ounce of her fatigue had gone. She had never felt this refreshed in her life. “Man, that song magic of yours is something,”

Ion smiled. “Glad I can put it to use,”

“Y-Yes…” Berken finally said. “J-Just don’t rely on it too much spy! Her songs aren't there for your convenience,”

“I know. You said that last time.” Allisa huffed as she moved past Berken to the cavern entrance. The cost, fortunately, seemed clear with no signs of enemies about. “Let’s hope we can get outta here without going through hell.”

Berken looked back to Ion and gave him a small nod. “We’re in your hands, Berken.”

Berken didn’t say anything as he flew out of the cave. Allisa followed after him. Ion took a step forwards before stopping to clutch her chest, getting in a few deep breaths.

“Ion?” Allisa called to her.

“C-Coming.” With one final deep breath, Ion rushed after her.


The ravengers huddled around the charred remains of Volkrex. As the thralls set to work repairing the damage wrought by the hunes, the technomancer Ko’thek examined the wound, running one of her fingers through the melted hole in the center of the krells armor.

The skar had seen the power of eather users of the outsiders, as did many ravengers who had lived as long as she had. Yet from what was witnessed by the ghost and the survivors, there was something different about this hune and the weapon she carried. Ko’thek was nowhere near the fighting but saw what transpired from afar, watching in awe as the hune destroyed a large section of the base with one attack.

Just as Ko’thek raised herself something brushed along her side. It was Jarg, the large beast warframe. If he was here then she was as well. Ko’thek turned and bowed as Matriarch Thakreck loomed over her. To her left was Volkrall, the brood brother of Volkrex.

“Who did this?” The matriarch asked, looking up at the large rent of destruction that was torn through the base.

“A pair of hune females.” The technomancer said. “They breached the defenses and infiltrated the forest, destroying the great bridge to hinder our pursuit.”

The matriarch moved towards the edge of the destroyed bridge. The entire thing had been split clean in two, with the center of impact near the forest side. From her helmet’s vision, she saw the edge where the force that had destroyed it hit. Like with Volkrex, it was destroyed by an attack that was hot enough to melt the metal on impact.

“Damn Altosk and their barbarity!” Volkrall hissed. “One of their warriors no doubt! They must suffer for this transgression!”

“I do not believe they are of Altosk,” Ko’thek said as she approached Thakreck. “Altosk does not hide their association. Whomever this was, it was a hune with power to rival even the Star Singer’s guardian.”

“….. Show me,” Thakreck ordered. With a flick of her wrist, Ko’thek summoned her ghost- a special proxy the ravengers could summon- and floated it towards the matriarch. The small droid settled in her hand, communicating with her helmet. There she saw the hune female battling against her warriors, the ability used to destroy a section of the base and the bridge. She saw one of the wardens commandeered by another hune female with a machine pet; one who bore a striking resemblance too…

“Matriarch,” Ko’thek bowed to Thakreck, accompanied by Volkrall and a handful of the defenders. “The forest hunters stand ready. Chika will find these hunes and kill them before they desecrate the ancient forest.”

“No.” Thakreck released the ghost. “Order them to capture the hune’s alive and brought to the arena.”

A handful of hisses and clicks followed, anticipating with excitement what the matriarch had in mind. Jarg brushed alongside her left front leg, whining for attention.

“One such as her comes once in a full cycle.” Thakreck ran a finger across the metal head. “Perfect for the hunt.”

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